Friends and Foes

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I woke up the next morning at five to get ready for skating. Half my closet is skating clothes. I have a variety of skating pants, jackets, dresses and sports tops. Most of them designer. This morning I choose to wear a pretty much normal black skating dress. The back was low cut but criss-crossed in the back but there was only a piece of material that went across the back. I wore it with tan tights, over the boot of corse, and a black jacket with SD lego (Skating Design). I quickly make my brown hair into ponytail but french braided on the side of my head into the ponytail.

I go downstairs and make a smoothie for myself. I sit a drink it finished and still have ten minutes to spare. I pick up the lunch box Marco, our chef, made for me and go out the back door to wait for Drake, my driver, to come pick me up. I know I'm 16 and should have licenses but I can't find the time to study and take the test and mom would rather a "professional" driver drive me around. Which is cool. I mean I like Drake. He use to be a professional car racer. He won serval grand Prix but now he's retired. He one time took me on the race track and drove me around. Fast. It was fun.

He pulls up in a (what car). Put my bag in the back and jump in. 

"Hey Drake." I greet my driver. 

"Hello (princess Chesa or miss Chesa)" He smiled back. I don't like that formal names so Drake came up with that instead. Oh well I don't mind. 

I looked at my schedule for today:

6:00-6:30 warm up

6:30-7:00 warm up on ice

7:00-8:00 lesson

8:00-9:00 practice

9:00-10:00 off ice gyming/stretching

10:00-10:30 second breakfast/break

10:30-12:00 practice on ice

12:00- 1:00 ballet

1:00- 4:00 tutor/lunch

4:00- 5:00 practice on ice/warm up for lesson

5:00-6:00 lesson

6:00-8:30 go home, have diner and do homework

I sigh. Just a normal day, I think to myself. That's pretty much my life accept of a few changes here and there like swapping ballet for yoga or drama once of twice a week. 

I get to the rink and greet a few people on my way in. I'm not a very social person. I try to be nice to people but it's hard to have friends when your as busy as me. I have a few close friend though but the thing about being friends with competitive figure skaters is that a lot of times you only see them a few month at a time because they are traveling for training and competitions. And even when they are here you are both so busy you hardly see each other. And it's hard trying to be a friend with non figure skater when your whole life is at the rink. 

I warm up and get on ice to warm up for my lesson. There is several skaters on the ice but not to busy by the looks of it. I smile as I skate passed a few girls. Some of the smile back some don't. I doesn't bother me at all. Some people think figure skaters are mean. I think that's just a stereotype. Yes some are but some aren't. I think it's just because when skater are skating they need to focus and they can't always smile at you and look happy. It's kind of like a runner or swimmer smiling while they practice. So don't always be offended when a skater doesn't smile or acknowledge you. They probably just focusing. 

But there can be some that aren't just focusing... Like this one time with Alice Michel. My very talented competitor. So I was setting up for a double Lutz. I was focusing. I was straight backward focusing my eyes in front if me and I was going over in my head everything my coach told me to remember. I pull my toe back ready to jump and I hear my shout just I come in contact with another body. I quickly turn around just in time to see Alice hit the ice. I felt bad. I offered her an arm up but refused and got up by herself. 

"Sorry!" I apologized. She just sent me a glare and skated off. 

Ya so there are those kind of skaters.

After two and half hours of skating which basically was falling on my triple salcow and getting yelled out by my coach I tiredly trudged to the change room to take off my skates. There were about three other girls change room. I knew two of them: Savannah and Jessie. The other must either be from somewhere else or just starting skating. Usually everyone one knows everyone in the skating world. Especially in your own rink.    

"Ug I heard Jeremy was caught making out with Linda in the change room." Savannah tells in a fake shocking voice to Jessie.

"I thought he was gay!" Jessie exclaims back to Savannah.

"I've heard he goes both ways." Savannah 'whispered' to Jessie even though the rest of us could clearly understand unless the other girl doesn't speak english. 

I just rolled my eyes putting my skates out to dry after wiping them off. The usual rink gossip. I don't like to get involved. I really could care less. Unfortunately this is a brutal sport and you get gossiped about wether you like it or not. The mom's are usual worse. Fortunately my mom is too busy spending all the dad's money on shopping and plastic surgery that she doesn't have time to get involved. 

I made my way to the off-ice lesson. I don't mind of-ice that much. Our off-ice teacher, Conny, is nice but tough on us and she usually makes it fun by making it a competition against me and the other off-ice attendees. 

"Welcome Chesa." Conny greeted me. I smiled back. 

About half way through the lesson me and the other off ice students were 'dead' on the floor.

"Come on! Up girls!" Conny yelled. We all groaned. 

"Are you trying to kill me, Conny? I do have a lesson later with Nicole and I hardly come out of that alive." Danny said between breaths. We all laughed or tried but because we were all out of breathe it came out more like a wease.  

"Hey I'm just doing my job. And you know what I say if you complain." Conny said smiling.

"Work until you pass out then you don't have to doing it anymore." We all quoted. 

"Yep and I won't take less then your best." Conny answered, "Now wall sit competition." 

I heard several groans. I myself wanted to groan but I knew it wouldn't help me at all. I got up and moved my already sore muscles to the wall.  My best record is ten minutes but i had a feeling with my already tired muscles I would barely make five. 

"And I want you guy to do arm pull ins also." Conny told us, "Go!"

"Why didn't do something that uses less muscles like chess." Danny commented while sitting next to me during the wall sit. I grunted in response. Some of us started to weaken and had hard time holding up.

"Come on! Were half way there!" Conney screamed at the ones giving up, "Keep it! I don't wanna see you quit!" 

After the 5 minutes we all collapsed against the wall breathing heavily from all the effort. 

"Can this be considered child abuse?" Danny said to me between breaths.

I laughed, "Not when our parents are paying for it." 

She laughed. I think we could become good friends, Danny and I but there is always the time to actual have time for them. And I didn't have time. 

Conney demised us from class. While the rest of my class left I went to get my lunch.

I sat down at the table outside the rink eating my veggy wrap and fruit salad Marco packed for me. I was finishing up my lunch when I heard a scream. I turned my head towards the sounds and saw a tall girl rushing towards me. It took me a moment to realize who it was. My spirits lifted immediately. Kat! I got up just as she ran into me and suffocating me in a huge bear hug. 

Kat was one of my closest friends when she was around that is. after she finished hugging me i took a good look at her. She was tanned from the Brazilian sun and had an exotic scarf on which was probably for the Amazon. 

"How was Brazil? and the Caribbean?" I asked half to be polite and half because I was interested.  I was actually quite jealous of her though I would never show it. Her and her family would always go on these vacations. Not that she was mean about it. She is always really nice and so is her mother and father it's just I wish I could have a little more relationship with my parents like she has with hers and who wouldn't want to see the world. 

"It was awesome Chesa! It was beautiful! The amazon is so colorful and beautiful forest! It was so humid though..." She talked some more about the Amazon and her experiences for a while longer, ".... and the monkey came right up to me! It was half scary and half  the most exciting thing of my life. Oh! I almost forgot I brought something back for you." 

She searched in her bag and took out a plastic bag. She handed it to me excitedly. I opened it and on top of some fabric was a colorful bracelet.

"I got us matching ones!" she said holding up her wrist with the colorful hand strung bracelet matching my one, "I thought it could be friendship bracelets."

"Exotic Brazilian Bracelets." I said.

"Exactly! Now open the rest!" She said more excited than I was. I just had to smile at enthusiasm.

I pulled out a a very bright and colorful shirt that said Brazil on it. 

"Do you like it? I wanted to get you something that had Brazil on it and I know its cleshe but it was colorful and different and I knew I liked so I though if I like it why would Chesa..." She babbled. 

"I like it! Thank you Kat." I smiled brightly at her. I did like it. I don't know if I would like it on me since bright and colorful isn't my thing unlike Kat who loves to stand out. But the smile on Kat's face told me I would wear it even if it was just once to make her happy. 

"I'm glad!" Kat smiled brightly.

"I should probably warm up for my lesson." I stated a bit sad cause I wouldn't get more time with my friend.

"Oh how I missed old responsible Chesa." She laughed.

"Hey! I am not that much older than you!" I defended myself.

"But your still older." She argued, "Come on. I'll warm up with you." That made my mood a brighten up. 

We warmed up and put our boots on. I got on the ice and skated over to put my stuff in the hockey box. I felt Kat come skate up next to me doing the same.

She turned to me, "Wanna race around?"

I hesited, "I have to warm up for lesson with Coach Sasha." 

She skated around me while whining, "Come on Chesa! Have a little fun!" 

I thought for a moment while looking at Kat's pouchy face, "Fine." 

"Yay!" Kat cheered. 

Me and Kat lined up at the blue hockey line at the end of to rink. 

"Ok around all the dots and cheating. Ready?" She truned to me and I nodded, "Ok then on three. One...Two... Three!" And we were off! 

Kat was in the lead but not by much. I was neck in neck with her around the corner I slowed a little so I wouldn't bump into her but when I straighten out I put all my effort in not even taking a breath. I crossed the blue line first! I put my arms up in victory while Kat had her hands on her knees.

"I am really...out of shape." Kat said while still trying to catch her breathe where as my breathe was almost back to normal. 

"Hahaha well while you where vacationing I was training so better luck next time." I winked at Kat and skated away to got warm up for my lesson. I was busy warming up my edges and every time Kat passed me or I passed her she would make faces at me.  I just had to smile. I loved the friendship we shared. 

I did cross overs in a circle then prepared and step forward and did waltz jump, waltz jump, waltz jump. Now for three Axels. I skated cross overs checking for available space  when Kat skated pass me. 

"I wonder how rusty I am." She smirked at me. Was that a challenge? I smiled and skated faster. I saw her do three beautiful Axels and the last one with her arms straight up for a higher value Axel. I accepted the challenge. I prepared and step forward.. Jump! First Axel was easy. Step forward and jumped. Second Axel with arms up also clean. I landed the second one push for more speed and prepared and jumped! Double Axel! I felt it was a little cricked in the air but was able to hold on to it. 

I gave Kat a beat that look. She just trough her shoulders up and gave me a look saying thats easy. I knew she was faking it though because Double Axel wasn't her easiest jump and with two and half weeks not on the ice was defiantly working to her advantage. 

Kat prepared going a bit slower than she did for the single Axel. I could tell she was thinking a lot. She stepped forward and jumped. As she was rotating in the it wasn't enough she came out landing forward and not fully rotating it. She quickly turn backwards and cot her balance before falling. 

I skated passed her, "Nice save." I murmured.  She just sent me a glare and I just laughed to my self. But know it was time to get down to business. I finished warming up and practiced while preparing for my lesson which was border line child abuse. 

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