Boys are always trouble

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It was Saturday morning. My lesson was cancelled for some reason so I decided I'm finally going to be a normal girl and spend my morning with Kat. Kat's parents are all into family weekend without work or skating and I only have practice about mid afternoon so it worked out. 

Drake dropped me off in front of Kat's house. After saying bye and I'll text him when to pick me up, I walked up to Kat's Dutch styled house. It was fairly large not as large as mine but I like her house. It had a homey feel. 

A few minutes after ringing the door bell Mrs. Standlen opened the door.

"Why hello Chesa!" Mrs. Standlen smiled while opening a door more allowing me to enter, "How are you?" 

"Good, thanks and you?" I asked back politely. I never understood why people asked that. It's not like they actually care. 

"Good. Kat should be..." There was sound of someone running and then Kat came into view. 

"You're here!" Kat exclaimed as she rammed into me giving me a huge bear hug. She had to stop ramming into me though, "You never get to hang out. This is going to be so much fun! Come on lets not waste time." She rambled as she pulled me up the stairs to her room.

"Kat tell me if you guys want snacks or want to go out." Her my mom yelled as we scurried off, "I'll be out on the pool deck!"  

"Yes mom!" Kat yelled as we entered her room. She plopped me down on her white bed. She had a very colorful room: blue walls, paint splattered cupboards, pink fuzzy carpet match with a fuzzy bing bag, and of course her tech corner with her laptop and deck for her school that was all purple. One thing I can say is this girl loves color. 

I noticed new posters. She had posters on her ceiling. First of all how she gets the posters to stay, I have to clue. Second, it's kind of strange thing to do but I am probably strange in some ways so I'm not going to question it. 

"Who are they?" I motioned the the poster with some teenage boys on it. Kat looked up from what she was searching for in her drawer. 

"Only the best boy band on earth!" Kat stated enthusiastically. She looked at the poster dreamily, "Aren't they gorgeous?" 

I gave my friend a weird look. When did she start liking "boy bands"? Or boys in general? 

"You like boy bands?" I probably sounded shocked. I mean I've known this girl since forever and we always agree guys were gross and a waste of time. 

"Well, ya. What so wrong with that?" She asked looking confused.

"Nothing, I guess. I just thought you didn't really care that much about guys." I was totally confused. Where was the Kat I knew? One trip to the Brazil can't change someone so much. Can it?

"Ya well I can change my mind can't I? I mean all teenagers start noticing the other gender sometime." Kat babbled continuing to search for something.

"I just don't see the big deal." I said in more of a mumble. Guys. Males. Men. The opposite species of female who take liking in picking noses, hitting each other and watching other guys on tv fighting. I really don't see the appeal. 

"Well you're different Chesa. But once you get your first crush, see how sweet they can be and when you feel their soft lips against yours..." Kat stared off dreamily. 

Chesa couldn't believe her ears, "Wait. You actually KISSED someone??" 

"Ya..." Kat mumbled while fiddling with her stuffed animal. Chesa sat there is shock. Her best friend kissed someone. A guy most probably.

"It's not as bad as you think Chesa." Kat said 

"Ok" was all I managed to get out. 

Kat and I spent the rest of the day catching up with each other some more though the "boy" subject didn't come up again and I couldn't get it out of my mind. Did boys really invade my friend's mind now? They couldn't influence her that much could they? Even if it did change her mind I know it wouldn't let boy change my mind. Ever.

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