What now

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After a non-skating weekend, unusual for me, monday morning I walk into the rink. There was some commotion going on with parents and skaters surrounding the front desk. I recognize most of the people hovered around the desk. I go up to find out whats going on. Luckily Johane, one of the pre-novice skaters, noticed I was confused.

"Chesa! Did you hear?" she asked with enthusiasm. 

"Hear what?" I asked very confused. 

"A pipe was loose on Friday and they were going to get someone to look at it today but it burst last night and no one was here so the water flooded then froze because of the temperature. Now they are seeing how much damage was done but it looks like it's gunna be a hefty fix." Johane explained.

My eyes widened, "A hefty fix?"

"Ya they are saying 3-6 weeks depending on the damage."

"3-6 weeks?" I asked more like stated. 

"Ya and I guess Dave was all mad..." I zoned out as she chattered on and on. 6 weeks? Sectionals was in 3 weeks! How was I going to skate? How about training with my coach? There were people in neon yellow vest starting to evacuate people I knew this was not going to be fixed soon so I did you only thing that I could do in a dire situation.  

I called my dad. 

He of course got all upset and threatened to sue the rink. Poor Dave with the rink under construction, the parents and skaters angry, and the cost of fixing the rink, my dad sueing wouldn't help him. My dad eventually calmed down and said he was going make a plan and I should just do off-ice and more school. 

Sigh... I never get a break. One positive thing is that's the most my dad spoke to me all year. 

Having another touture lesson with Conny and finishing up my school with my tutor I was still tired from my day. I actually got time to myself and I decided to go on social media and feel like a normal teenager. 

I am not a total outcast. I do have Facebook. It's not like I post that much but hey I'm still involved in the world.  I went onto some of my friends' pages. 

Ha! Her life looks much better on social media than in real life. 

What body part is that? 

When did she get a boyfriend? Or Boobs?? 

That's her middle name... Weird.

These are the thoughts that went through my head when I was looking at my friend facebooks pages. I just closed my laptop and shook my head wondering why people put so much of themselves out on social media. Oh well... 

Knock Knock

I open the door and find Chelsea standing there.

"Miss your father sent a message saying you need to be up by four and ready for skating at 4:30 for Drake to drive you." Chelsea informs me. 

Wow he made arrangements quickly. 

"Thank you Chelsea. Did he say where I shall be skating? Or if my coaches will be there?"  I asked unsatisfied with the limited information I was given. 

"No miss." Chelsea answered. I nodded my head and dismissed her. Oh well I guess I'll just have to wait a find out. And my potential night of Dance Moms down the drain. I quickly stretch and get into my bed thinking of the new discoveries tomorrow holds.  

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