Chapter Eight: Luck, Leaves, and Speed

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7:20 AM TUESDAY                                        3 DAYS TILL THE WORLD ENDS

Even from the top off the stairs I could see the damage. The front desk was literally broken in half, glass shards of what must have been a pitcher were scattered all over the floor and the girl at the desk was soaked. The waiter looked more than irritated as the two kids who had nearly run me over earlier laughed at him. In a flash the waiter guy leaped at them and they both lunged away. The Boy taunted the waiter.

"Come on Zach!" He said "Your speeds a joke! I can out run you!" the waiter whipped off his roller-skates and dived for the kid. But some how, some way his legs twisted up and he fell face first into the ground. Meanwhile The girl at the desk and the little girl were trading insults when the girl from the desk reached out and the decorative plant next to the little girl grabbed the pest.

Instead of screaming the girl just laughed and suddenly the plant turned a dead, unhealthy brown. She fell back to the ground as the leaves crumpled to dust.

"Violet!" The desk girl cried gently caressing the dead leaves. "You little BRAT!!"

"Looks like you have some VERY bad luck." The boy yelled. And the twins went into a fit of laughter. I was having a hard time understanding what just happened.

"That's ENOUGH!!" Wendy yelled. Her voice echoing down the staircase. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. The waiter guy got up and started ranting.

"That it Wendy I've had enough of your "Super adorable, harmless buddies". I'm Leaving and I'm not comin-" He stopped mid-sentence and did a double take at me. All of them looked at me.

"CHLOE?" They all said at once.

"OK I'm gonna ask this once. Why does everyone know me name?" I asked. That thing had really been bugging me all this time.

Wendy shrugged. "Why don't you come down here and meet everyone." She added something under her breath but I couldn't here it.

"What was that?" I asked.

"What? Nothing." She said. I was getting annoyed with her by then. I really didn't like the way the twins were grinning either though. It was an innocent smile until you saw exactly what they could do... I hopped on the banister and slid down that way.

"What? Not fair! You have to take the steps!" The little girl whined

"Not when they're glowing like that." I said. That made the desk girl snort.

"Outsmarted." She giggled. She reminded me of Jazzy when she did that. I felt a twinge sadness in my heart.

"Chloe, you'd probably like to meet Zach "Spaz", Ivy, Angela "Angel", And Devon the Devil" Wendy said. I nodded an acknowledgement to them.

the boy looked at me thoughtfully. "Didn't I nearly run you over earlier?" He asked

"Yep." I said feeling like there was more I should add to it. Wendy looked like there was something she was going to say but then she took a deep breath. she had that look on her face that suggests that they've been acting out lately. Van and Chris appeared at the top of the stairs. Van was carrying Chris like he was a toddler.

"What did we miss and how long will it take me to fix?" Van asked not even looking at the disaster.

"um...Zach wanted to leave." Ivy said pulled her soaked drawing out from the mess. "I need to change and those two need to be grounded....literally."

"Oh the usual." Van sighed.

"Zach are you still going to leave?" Wendy asked him. He didn't respond. He was looking at me as if he was reliving something great. "Zach?"

Suddenly he shook his head which came out as a blur. "Sorry what was that? Oh leaving...Well maybe I could find a reason to stick around." He tore his eyes from me. "But I'm am totally going to take the rest of the day off." He shot a glare at the twins who smiled innocently back at him. Then Zach grabbed he skates and hopped up the stairs two at a time. Ivy didn't wait for permission she just followed him.

Wendy turned to the twins. "You two." She barked "Your mess." They pouted for a minute or so then they complained then the started picking up the pieces of broken glass and soggy wood splinters.

"Hey Chloe." Van said looking at me. "How'd you feel being a waitress for maybe and hour or so?"

"Uhhh...Is it safe?" I asked. "I mean someone's probably bound to have watched the news and seen my face..."

"Sure it's safe." Van assured me. "These people can't see what right in front of them anyway otherwise they would have noticed this whole big incident." I shrugged.

"I don't know Van. i've never done this type of thing before." I said

"Nonsense. Its easy and only for an hour." he gave me a smile and put Chris down. "What could go wrong?"

Um....hello basically Everything.

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