Chapter Nine: How I blew up the neighborhood

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1:23PM MONDAY                                          4 DAYS TILL THE WORLD ENDS

I was sitting on our roof again, looking over the neighborhood and the lives that went on like they weren't effected at all. Stupid people. How come they could live their lives and when mine pretty much just went up in flames? Hmmmmm....up in flames. that's a weird saying....

"Chloe!" I looked over the edge of the roof. Jazzy was waving up at me in her designer shorts and tank top. "Wanna go to the mall?"

Truthfully no. I don't want to leave my house but whatever. I clambered back into my room and grabbed my sunglasses before heading downstairs. "Mom I'm going out." I called

"Good, it might be nice for you to get a breath of fresh air."Mom called after me. I gave a short laugh.

"Whatever." I said closing our front door. Jazzy smiled at me. She's a prime example of how the news didn't effect her life. Even if it had been Friday we would still be going to the mall. We walked along; the mall was only like a block or two from my house. I had my hands in my pockets, sort of slouching as I walked frowning. Jazzy was the complete opposite. She chattered smiling bright with her optimistic personality almost literally shining down the block.

"Did you here what Mac did last night?" She bubbled on "Denis said Mac blew him off last night to going to the movies with Tanya! Denis is totally pissed at him!"

"No offense Jazzy," I sighed "but I'm not really in the mood to hear about other peoples relationships."

"Oh..." She looked down for a minute, but almost instantly she brighten up again. "So I heard James just won his last achievement on Total Blood Island. He is really good at X-box!"

"Whoa, whoa, wait. How would you know that? I didn't even know it!" I asked. Jazzy turned a lovely shade of red and mumbled something. "What was that?"

"I'm his friend on x-box." She said guilty. "I'm RedHot346."

"Oh. Is that all?" I truthfully wasn't surprised at all. "Here I thought you were camping outside his window."

"Every Tuesday and Thursday night." She laughed and I laughed with her. I forgot for a moment that the world was going to end and it felt good. And then that moment ended abruptly.

"Chloe, whats wrong?" Jazzy asked almost comically. I brushed off her question.

"Nothing Jazzy."  I remember walking by the front of a little Inn and restaurant called The End Of the World.

"Come on Chloe!" Jazzy pryed. "You can tell me-"

"I said it's nothing!" I snapped. Jazzy looked frazzled at me as I stomped past her. That's probably how she knew something had gone really bad. I don't snap. She was probably thinking it wasn't the best idea to ask me to come. "Are we going to the mall or not?"

"Yes....yes we are." Jazzy said catching up to me.

We didn't even make it to the corner.

"Hey your the kid of that scientist, Charles Dooley aren't  you?" Some weirdo on the street said.

"For all their brains and smarts they can't stop the end of the world, some scientists." the guy next to him said. I brushed past him. "Whoa little missy! Where you heading so roughly?"

"The Mall, get out of our way." Jazzy said setting her jaw.

"Aww, you little princesses are gonna get torn to shreads in there." The first guy joked. "Maybe that's just what those scientists need." A creep smile appeared on the guys face as he pulled out a switchblade.

"Jazzy...." I said unable to tear my eyes from the cold metal.Whatever happened to Don't kill the messager?!

"All those scientists just need a little motivation." The guy stepped towards me.

"RUN!!!" I screamed. Both of us took off like rockets down the street. And above my panicy short breaths I could hear the presuit of the two guys. Jazzy turned the corner and i skidded to follow and we would have been ok had neither of us run in to the mob of people assembled outside of HWEG. Suddenly we were in the center of everything.

"It's Charles Dooley daughter!Get her!" Somebody yelled. Everyone everywhere surged forward.  That was that. My life flashed before my eyes. Most of it was Jazzy and me at school. Why the Hell did it have to be me? Why am I the one at the center of all of this mess? I'm nothing! I'm not ever going to be somebody because were all going to die in four days! Anger boiled around me, in me; as if it was more than just a feeling. It hurt more than any punch, insult, or broken bone could ever have.  And just when I thought I couldn't take anymore....I checked my watch.

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