Chapter Ten: My other brother

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7:31 AM TUESDAY                                      3 DAYS TILL THE WORLD ENDS

It took me two whole minutes to put the apron on. Two fricken minutes that could have changed the outcome of the world.

"It's not that hard Chloe." Van said laughing as I fumbled with the adjustments.

"Easy for you to say! You've done this before. That Zach charater's apron is like a size too big on me." I moaned. Van laughed again. "Whatever screw this." I Folded the top in half and wore it like a skirt.

"Hmmm....that suits you." Van said handing me two plates of eggs and pancakes. "Just take this to  table four. All the tables are numbered round like a clock. Wendy can help if you start to get confused."

I bit my tongue. Wendy was getting on my nerves. She runs EVERYTHING. She's a born leader but I don't like how she keeping me in the dark about something.

It was Wendy and me serving orders the twin running the desk, or ruining it; It really doesn't matter, Van was cooking  and Chris sat at the table playing solitaire with himself. Chris was too small to help out with the tables and Wendy didn't like the idea of him being with the twins.

I walked out of the kitchen and served the couple who was waiting for their order. They both thanked me and didn't give me another glance. I really was protected here. I shrugged and went back to the kitchen.

Every time I took an order out i expected someone to shout "Hey! Your Charles Dooley kid!The kid with fire!"  But nothing happened. Everybody was oblivious to me.

"Wow!" Van said sitting down as I came in about half an hour later. "My arms hurt!I'm going to go stretch outside for a minute. Wendy's in the bathroom. Think you can handle it?" He didn't wait for my reply which was going to be no. "Great, see you in a couple." He walked out.

I was in a moment of shock. Really? I looked at Chris who reshuffled the deck of cards, making no impression that he was aware of what just happened. I rolled my eyes and went to the stove. I had an order for crispy bacon and waffles. Come on, everyone knows bacon goes with pancakes, not waffles!

"You know bacon goes with everything." I jumped not expecting to hear someone else's voice in the room. I turned but there was just me and Chris.

"What?" I asked

"Bacon." He said looking up at me blinking. "It goes with every food."

"I thought you didn't talk." I said trying my best not to be rude.

"Well, not normally. Especially not to Wendy, but sometimes I'll say things to Van." Chris said thoughtfully. "He promises not to say anything to anybody. Can I trust you?"

The question threw me for a loop. "I don't know." I said cautiously "Your the one who burst out crying when you saw me. And everyone else keeps acting like they know me..."

"Chloe Ester Dooley.Your favorite food is watermelon, favorite color is red, you use to play third base for the softball team the Jaguars, your favorite subject is history, specifically the civil war, and you have the highest grade in Mr.Bibbs English class." Chris rattled off things he knew about me as I stared uncomprehending at him. He leaned forward and looked at me. I saw something in his eyes. "Chloe, I'm your brother."

"......What?" I whispered. Confusioin rung in my ears. 

"That's not all." He gulped. "I can do more than ice stuff. When I look at people in a certain way I can see animal representation off who they really are."

"OK you've lost me." I said running my hands through my hair. My brother? Chris? How is this even possible?

"Like the Twins? I can see them as monkeys. Silly and prankful. Van, he's a silk worm...blindly following whatever's in front of him. Your a lioness." He said proudly. "Queen of the Savannah."

"Yeah right." I scoffed. "I'm no more a lioness than you are a stick of butter."

"why not?"

"Because I don't lead people. I don't rule anything." I spat. "I'm nothing more than a kid who dreams of becoming a softball pro. That's it. Are you sure it shows what people are and not what people aren't?" I scooped a couple pieces bacon on to three plates each with a waffle and started out the door.

"Well it was right about Wendy being a snake."

"What?" I stopped and turned.

"It doesn't matter, you don't believe me anyhow." He said looking down at his hands. "I know your emotions better than you do, Chloe." This entire conversation was puzzling. Not the fact that it was about superpowers, but about the fact that it was possibly true. I walked through the door and almost into Wendy.

"Wendy!" I said surprised.

"Sorry, Do you know where Van is?" She asked.

"Uh he stepped outside to stretch." I said sliding by her

"Oh, ok." She looked like she already knew that.

I turned to serve table 12. It was a booth farthest from the kitchen in a very remote corner. There were three people sitting at it. A kid my age and two kids maybe a year or two younger.

"Sorry for the delay." I apologized. "There was an unexpected hold-up in the kitchen." I did my best to dispose of any confusion that was still on my face from EVERYTHING THAT'S HAPPENED THIS MORNING. Normal people don't need to know anything is up, do they?

"Hey, not a problem." The kid my age said. "Why don't you sit down and tell us a bit about you predicament?"

"Sorry can't." I said "Got my shift to work." And that's when he grabbed my arm.

You see if I hadn't spent two whole minutes trying to figure out Zach's apron, Wendy would have been there to tell me that every person sits at the exact same place, orders the exact same thing, and talks about the same exact stuff 

And that no one has ever sat at table 12 before. 

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