Chapter Eighteen: Not-so-imaginary dreams

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"Chloe!" Wendy called as she and the twins jogged through the city.

"Wendy we can't keep this up!" Devon huffed as they tried to keep up with her.

"People are giving us weird looks." Angela said.

"Fine." Wendy said stopping abruptly so Devon ran into her. "you two go back to the inn and I'll keep looking." she started walking again

"Something tells me you're not just looking for Chloe and our good luck." Angela said as the caught up to her.

"Who was that guy with her?" Devon asked.

"James." Wendy sighed. "He's Chloe's brother."

"you like him." Wendy turned on them so fast it wasn't funny.

In a hushed tone she pulled them off the sidewalk and into an alley. "No one is to know about this. James is in more trouble than he realizes. He remembers everything. whoever is the mastermind of this is going to want to take him out. James is not stupid; he can figure out puzzle s that even Sherlock Holmes couldn't piece together. He knows how to work his power but despite that he can't do this alone."


James was walking down another street. He ignored the liter and homeless people as he stomped down the road trying to blow off some steam. A black SUV turned down the back road and cautiously caught up to him. James baerly gave it a glance.

Then it exploded.

"Sh*t!" James yelled diving for cover. he slammed onto the ground while flaming pieces of the car landed tantalizingly close to him. his ears were ringing but he still had enough sense to get up and go. People were running frantically around probably screaming. he had to shove a couple out of his way. he didn't need to look back to know he was being followed. he broke into a run.

he knew the back alleys better than anyone... they couldn't catch him back here could they?

Before he could complete that thought he turned the corner and came face to face with three men in black. James stumbled back but two more figures blocked his escape.

'James what did you get yourself into?' James thought.

On a silent mark all of the figures surged forward everything went black.


I woke with a start. I don't even remember falling asleep. I wiped drool from my face and got up from the window sill. what on earth was I dreaming? I was still in he tree house but the sun was high in the sky it was probably some time around noon.

"Morning sunshine. "

"YIKES!!!" I yelled jumping up. "What-what are you two doing, in here, right now?"

Molly and Quinn shared a look and burst into laughter. "I had a vision that you were here so Molly and I snuck away to go find you."

"uh... why?" I asked "No offense but I really don't want to talk to either of you."

"you might not want to talk but we do." Molly said crossing her arms.

"About what? I didn't take the twins stupid pixie dust." I said slightly annoyed.

"Oh that we know. You have a lot of good luck already." Quinn said.

"Like what?"

"Well you found the inn right off the bat. You stopped Chris from freezing the entire block, said the one thing that got Ivy and Chase back together. appearently it was something about rent and heartbreaks...?" Quinn shrugged. "Anyway we wanted to know why you hit Chase with a handful of fire."

Suddenly the trapped door to the tree house was flung open and Van's head popped through. "Do you guys have any clue-oh hi Chloe." he said pulling himself through the hole. "You okay?"

"More or less." I said "Look I'm sorry for last night-"

"About that what even happened? Chase doesn't remember a thing."

So I told them what I had been doing all night leaving off at the part where James went to answer the door. I figured he already knew from there. I mean he and Wendy are pretty close. I felt a twinge of jealousy. Van is really good looking...

"That's funny," Van said running his hand through his dirty blonde hair. "Wendy never came back from your house. and I haven't seen the twins lately."

I remembered my dream with the twins and Wendy and James. That couldn't be real, could it? Before I could say anything an explosion rocked the entire block.

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