Chapter Seventeen: James

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3:57 AM WEDNESDAY                                     2 DAYS TILL THE WORLD ENDS

It was more than a slap to my face. Why was everything falling to pieces around me?

"Chloe, who are these kids?" James demanded "Tell them to get out of our house!" Devon whipped around and suddenly James tripped and hit his head on a decorative desk Mom insisted go right next to the door, adding to his pain. Wendy made some sort of freaking out noise as she tried to help James up. He shoved her off. Way to go James!

"That was unnessary." He he knew what had happened.

"Whatcha going to do about it?" Devon challenged.

"Both of you knock it off!" Wendy said. "We just came for the dust. once Chloe gives it back we'll all be fine." She was trying way too hard to calm everyone down.

"One problem, Windy," I spit. "I don't have your freaking pixie dust!" Suddenly the pizza in my hand exploded into ash. I hadn't realized how high my temperature was getting.

"What did you do with my good luck?!" Angela demanded.

"Nothing!" I shouted leaping up from my chair

"Liar!" Devon yelled.

"She isn't lying!" James said sticking up for me. "Get out of my house before I call the cops!"

Funny thing is he didn't have to. At that moment The police burst through the door knocking James into the corner of the desk. This time James didn't get back up.

"James!" I screamed in horror. Behind me our glass doors which lead to our back yard broke but my eyes and thoughts were on James. There are millions of ways to die, but being shoved into the corner of a desk is not one of them.

All of a suddenly I was aware that people were sraying me with fire existgishers. It was freezing. I was freezing. I didn't have enough energy to stop the cold. I just fell over.

"Stop!" Wendy yelled over the noise. "You'll kill her!" Despite the white spray I could see Wendy's horrified face as she struggled against a policeman. The coldness didn't stop. Slowly it got to the point where I could barely breathe. Suddenly the extinguishers all stopped, but not by the police's control.

Devon and Angela's bad luck shot from one policeman to the other as one turned the torwards another trying to figure what was wrong and accidetnally shot him full force. Devon and Anglea were laughing hysterically as the guy flew backwards and into the others. One slipped on the broken glass and hit his head on the table.

'"Devon!" I croaked. only I could see it as man knocked his club into Devon side throwing the kid into his sister and both of them on to the ground.

I was too cold to do anything. It was getting harder to breath. Wendy was yelling something about human rights. After Quinn's story I'd thought she's be enjoying this. "They're just kids! You have no right to be operating in this manner, officer! I demand that you release me and provide the approriate forms to break and enter this house!"

"Sorry Miss, you have no jurisdiction over this household as you are not part of the Doodley family but are still responable for harboring a known criminal." The officer struggled to calm Wendy down.

Suddenly the lights went out. I was terrified. The sun hadn't really risen yet and it was still dark outside. I didn't have enough energy to light up or even sit up.

"Chloe," I let out a confused breath as James's voice filled the room over any police officers talking. "Remember how I was trying to tell you something earlier? Right before We were rudely interrupted by your...Friends?

"I guess now is as good as a time to tell you....or rather show you." I could hear the smirk in his voice. Suddenly the room filled with a flash of green light, like lightning. Through the legs of the table and the chair I could see a green mass forming in the shape of a human. My brother's figure was eletrically green.

All the cops were stunned, literally. James flashes of lightning stuck out and everyone was hit but Wendy, me and the twins. Not that I had any time to ponder it because James rushed to me side grabbed my arm and....

To Wendy and the twins it was like the light went out and then suddenly the the house's lights all came back on. But when they cautiously crept to were I had been helplessly laying we both were gone.

I've got to say, that is the coolest power ever.


I awoke sometime later when the sun was fully up and my head was pounding. I could move and it was comfortably warm. it took me a minute to figure out where I was.

I was makeshift pillow bed in the middle of our tree house. I hadn't been up here in ages and hose year had not been kind. the summer heat had made the air sticky and the occasional flooding that we got whenever it rained had weathered the wood until it was barely holding together. James glanced at me from his stack of old X-men comics, as I sat up.

"how long was I out?" I asked James.

"A little more than four hours." he answered casually.

"how, how did you-?"

"call it magic." it was obvious he didn't want to talk about it. but I pushed on anyway.

"so I'm fire, Chris is ice and you're freaking eletricity!" I marveled "how long have you known? does it hurt? did you know about the-"

James sat up real quickly his face an unusal angry red. "Chloe, I found out when you did! it seems you know more about all this than I do so just shut up!"

It was worse than if Wendy had said it. he was really fired up over this.

"James whats wrong?"

"Other than the fact the the world is ending in aproximittly fourty hours?" he asked sarcastically. "Really Chloe? Did you just ask that?"

"Yes I did. I need to know why your so angry at me." I said as calmly as I could. "you didn't have to-"

"Of course I had to!" James snapped. "You're my little sister! And you ruin everything!"


"Evertime!" Now I was getting mad at him at him for cutting me off. "Remember my tenth birthday? when you scrapped your knee at the zoo and we spent the entire day in the first aid place?"

"sort of..." I said wondering how that was related.

"Remember when I got straight A's all sixth grade?And mom took me out to get any toy from the store but you just had to have the one freaking toy I wanted? Or when I got my tonsels out but you got the ice cream? Or when I invite my friends over-"

"Hang on, you had friends?" I asked getting an idea where this was going.

"yeah I did before you walked in and demanded to have the Tv while we were using it and turned on my little pony." anger radiated off him. "then I finally got one girl to hang out with me and she finally kissed me! then you show up-!" He was too angry at me to even finish. I was too shocked to speak.

"Everytime something looks like it will end ok you show up and ruin it!" James said getting up. "I'm sick of always getting the short end, Chloe. We may be siblings but I don't want any part of whatever game you and your friends are playing!"

With that James Alexander Doodley glared at me one last time before he jumped down the old trap door. I sat there speechlessly stunned looking at the last place I saw my brother. Cautiously I crept to the worn out window. As I watched the receding form of James I only had two thoughts.

'What game was I playing?'  And then:

'I watched my little pony?'

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