Chapter Fifteen: My early morning adventure

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2:47 AM WEDNESDAY                                    2 DAYS TILL THE WORLD ENDS

The only reason I remember what time it was is because when I rolled over and fell off my borrowed bed the thud made the alarm clock fall off the stand and hit my head.

I sat up angerily rubbing the spot on my head where it hit. As if that wasn't enough I was also starving because I hadn't eaten yesterday. At all, now that I think of it.

So of course I got up. No use trying to sleep on an empty stomach. I was feeling really complex emotions as I crept silently down the halls. Was I really the reason everyone had been earsed? Was I being framed? Why weren't they going to tell me?

Suddenly a loud thumping came from down the hall towards the stairs. Without thinking I jumped behind a convient desk that decorated the hall. I steadied my breath as two people walked by. And it wasn't any two people. It was Molly and Quinn.

"-Just heard someone walking around!" Molly said clearly scared out of her mind. "We shouldn't be doing this, Quinn!"  She stopped walking inches from my poor hiding spot. I struggled to keep calm. thank goodness in was dark

"Relax Molly!" Quinn said. "Wendy and Van are too busy with there own stuff to care."

"Do you think they ever sleep?" molly whispered.

"No I obliviously think they're vampires." I pretty sure Quinn rolled his eyes. "Come on! Chase's room is right here."

"How can you see the numbers?"

"It's hard to not see the number 27."

"Oh." With that Molly finally walked by and together they opened the door to Chase's room that temporarily spilled light into the hall. It shut firmly behind them.

I let out a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

Chase was in room 27. Why did I feel like i was going to need that later?

Silently I crept towards the light at the end of the hallway leading to the lobby. Every footstep sounded like a wrecking ball breaking into a building. Finally I got to the top of the stairs. I cautiously walked down them. Mind you, I was trying to make it the kitchen without anyone noticing. I don't know why, but I was. Anyway it didn't help that the third stair squeaked and the fifth croaked.

there wasn't anyone at the desk and the lamps gave the lobby an eerie glow. My stomach growled. I wish it hadn't done that. I quickly made it too the dinning area. By then I could hear the faint 'ting' of plates and glasses as someone moved them around in the kitchen. I felt sick. All i wanted was a fricking sandwich and some peace to figure out what exactly was going on. Is that too much to ask?

Precious light streamed from underneath the swining door. Voices flowed from inside.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I am."




"He has got a point though-"


It didn't take a lot to know exactly who was talking and what it was about.

"Sorry." Ivy said setting down a plate on the counter. "I don't care about the two kids. In fact I'm glad he cared but what I can't forgive him for is not telling me he was okay."

"Chase has always had strange priorities compared to the fellow man." Van said in an almost poetic way. "But you guys have something. It was meant to be."


More silence

"Ivy he loves you more than life. He proved it to you too."

If I hadn't sidestepped immediately Ivy would have slammed the door into my face as she rushed out of the room crying for the second recorded time today. I ducked back into the shadows. I heard Van sigh.

"This is what I get for trying to help." He said. I heard him scoot back in one of the chairs and listened as the footsteps danced to the door pausing only a moment for the -


The lights went out. Van walked out the dinning area though his well memorized path without even knowing I was there silently screaming in the total blackness. Shoot, I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. Could this get any worse? Wait-don't answer that.

I got the chills up my arms and back even though it was a startling seventy-five degrees. I'm a thirteen year old girl who can create fire with her hands and yet I'm still scared out of my wit's at the unknown darkness.

I took a controled breath. Light all I need is a little light. Shakily I held out my hand and thought 'Fire'

A small puff of flame appeared. I grinned at how successful that was. Quickly the grin melted away. I wasn't hungry anymore all I wanted to do is go back to my bed. No not the temporary bed I've been lended by Wendy. I wanted my real bed at home on Widows street. The bed in the room on the right corner who's window is always open and has the cute turquoise shutters.

 Slowly and shakily I stood up. The orange glow eluminated a little in front of me. The leg of a table, the edge of the carpet, the seat of a chair. Slowly, ever so slowly I made  my way across the room again. As I reached the stairs something dropped in the kitchen. Like some sort of pot or pan fell on the floor creating the overall creepiest sound ever. I was in my room before the sound faded.

I was breathing heavily. I turned slowly and slid down to a sitting position with my back reassuringly against the door. I have no idea what bothered me so much about the absolute darkness. It was just....unnerving.

I guess my mind wandered a bit. From everything that's happened. I'm quite surprised at how well my own mind is coping with all this. It makes no sense in all respects. Time warps? Super powers? World Endings? Sounds like something from a sci-fi show. Next thing you know an alien is going to burst though the window. And then the whole thing that I'm responsible for everyone's memories...All I can think is, am I?

No that's rediculous. I would remember that.

But I didn't even remember Chris, my own brother! I still don't!

But I can't do anything with minds. It's all fire.

So Everyone thinks it!

Then why don't I just go ask Chase? He could help me!

But Wendy said-

Screw Wendy!

Oh... alright.

Suddenly I found myself by the Air conditioner unit. What did Chris do press Freeze? I pressed the button but it didn't do anything. Wait, Devon said he pressed a tube or something. I pressed everything in the back of the machine still nothing.

"This is stupid." I muttered to myself. Chris's came on when he pressed his power. Freeze. Devon came on when he used his power. What if mine came on when I pressed mine? I tapped the Heat button. Silently the AC unit slid over revealing the dim passage lit with the never ending candles. I smiled. And crawled in.

What room was Chase in tonight? 27 like Quinn had said.

The candles were the only light in the dark passages but even so I could make out the faded numbers as I went. It only took me two minuets to figure out why the numbers were getting smaller. When i finally got to Chases room I cautiously turned the dial of the listening thing.

"Alright you two." Chase was saying. "It really is late. Or early. You guys need to go back to sleep before someone freaks and suspects you guys were doing something criminal."

"Aw but Chase-" Quinn groaned as Molly stifled a yawn.

"No buts. Butts are for sitting. Now be quiet and go!" Chase said a little forcefully. They both pouted but soon I heard the door open and they both padded out. It was quiet after the door shut. I reached to pull the lever that Chris had showed  me opened the doors.

Suddenly I realized I didn't want to open the door. I didn't want to talk to Chase. I didn't want to be here. And I couldn't figure out why I was here in the first place.

Suddenly the door slid open on its own and I fell forward losing my balance. I looked up panickly. Chase was smiling at me. And it wasn't a friendly, I'm-glad-we're-friends smile.

"Why wouldn't you want to be here?" He asked getting a evil glint in his eyes. "Alright Chloe," there was nothing favorable about the way he said my name and it sent shivers down my spine. "Let's talk."

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