Chapter Fourteen: The Secret

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6:24PM TUESDAY                                          3 DAYS TILL THE WORLD ENDS

"Are you serious?" I asked

"Do I look like I joke about that stuff?" Chris said. "Come on, it'll be fun!"  I highly doubted it. But I got down on my hands and knees and crawled through the hole. It was dimly lit with an occasional candle. Chris followed behind pointing out directions. The AC unit slid back into place after us.

"One of these connects to each room." Chris explained. "I know just about everything that goes on around here." 

"How?" I asked avoiding catching my hair on fire with a candle.

"Well there are certain spots that you can stop and listen to whatever room your at." Chris said stopping to show me a spot. It was black with red dashes all around it. Written on a a piece of masking tape above the spot was a faded 'Room 32' "You just put your ear up to the spot. and you can hear everything going on in the room."

"What if more than one person wants to listen?"

"Then you turn up the volume." He said. "There all off right now but when you want to listen you turn this dial." He turned the red dashes and part of a conversation came through.

"Are you kidding Me? You can't make me come-!" Chris turned it off before whoever the drama queen was could finish.

"Wait," I said as we continued crawling where ever we were going. "If these connect to every room then wouldn't Wendy have blocked it?"

"Uhhh...' Chris mumbled. "She doesn't know about these. and neither does Van. just the three of us."


"It's not who you would think..."

"My Gawd! you guys take forever to crawl!"  He was leaning back against the wall blocking our way. It was kind of creepy the way that Devon's black hair and dark eyes blended in with the walling.

I looked back at Chris. "Really?"

He nodded.

"Surprised?" Devon asked. "Don't worry. When Chris tumbled out of my air-conditioner, I was too." He grin making it almost impossible not to at least smile back.

"How in the world did that happen?"

"Well Mr. Smart here went adventuring and got himself trapped in here." Devon said. "And when Wendy couldn't find the poor kid, she asked Angela and me to do something. So i borrowed from our supply of Good Luck and found myself in my own room. Then I went over to my Air conditioner and pressed on a pipe that was sticking out and all of a suddenly Chris falls on me!"

"It was an accident..." Chris muttered his face glowing pink in the candle light.

"So when I learned Chris could actually talk I promised not to tell anyone about the stupid passages. Not even Angela. And after we made up some lame excuse to went we went exploring." Devon finished.

"Speaking of Angela," Chris said. "What did Quinn want you guys for?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." Devon laughed.

"While I'm not that confused, You mentioned a Good Luck supply?" I asked.

Devon's eyes went wide. "Oh well I guess I did. promise not to tell anyone?"

"Promise." I said nodding with Chris.

"Well the truth is both Angela and I have Bad Luck powers. That's why we don't normally do helpful things. Everyday our small tube of Good Luck get's refilled. See?" Devon pulled a necklace from underneath his shirt. It was a basic chain with a small tube on it. It was half way empty of the glittering green dust that sparkled in the bottom.

"Whoa." Chris whispered. It was beautiful.

"Yeah, It's pretty. I get it." Devon snapped quickly shoved the dust away. "Angela is obsessed with using her power. I get the whole "Devon its the prettiest thing ever!" or "Come on! Devon use your power, it's awesome!" everyday."

"Uhh didn't we come here to eavesdrop?" I asked changing the subject to advoid the touchy subject we had stubbled across.

"Oh yeah." Chris said, pointing to the black spot directly across from us. It was labeled 'Van's Room 24'. Devon turned the dial on. And we all leaned back to listen.


"Please tell me you told her." Chase said

"No. We didn't Chase! And if you want to go tell her be me guest!" Van snapped

"Why can't we just not tell her?" I'm gonna guess that was Molly.

"It's not that easy." Van said. "When she does find out she might take it out on us. Or worse herself."

"it's not like we can keep the secret forever either." Chase said. "She's already starting to piece together it in her mind."

"You read her mind?" Molly asked.

"No, I can see it in her eyes." Chase sighed. "She can tell there's a secret. And she's gotten hints from everybody."

"Why don't we all just go out and tell her?" Molly asked. "We can keep Chris nearby incase she flames up..."

"Oh yeah that'll go real well." Van snapped. "Oh, Hi Chloe! Sorry we've been keeping you in the dark. Just thought we'd tell you, we think your the reason everybody got earased. Here, want a sandwhich?"

Chris, Devon, and I shared a look. Me? They think I did something to everyone's memories? That's impossible! I don't even know any of these people. Suddenly I couldn't breath.My head was spinning and my breaths were coming out so ragged I could barely hear what happened next.

"Shut up all of you." Wendy's voice came on strong. "We're not going to tell her anything."


"We are going to simply sit back and let her find out for herself. And then maybe she can find a way to restore our lives." Wendy said leaving no room for discussion. "No powers. No hints. Nothing let her do it herself."

"I'm talking to You, Chase. No powers what so ever." Wendy finished before she walked across then room and exited. They waited listening to Wendy's padding fade as she walked down the hall.

"Van we can't just sit here-" Chase started

"OUT." Van said. They sat there for a moment before Chase's and Molly's footsteps could be heard walking across the carpet and out the door.


Devon quietly turned off the listening thing.

We sat there in a little bit of shock. I looked at the two boys. I could feel red hot tears swelling in my eyes as they stared back at me.

"I didn't do it." I said barely more than a whisper. Devon nodded and Chris put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

I don't quite remember going back to Chris's room but I do remember laying on his Hotel bed looking up at the ceiling wondering how they could think I did it.

"Hey Chloe?" Chris said. "Wendy's going to check on me in a little while and if she see us together she might get suspicious. Want me to show you back to your room?"

I numbly followed him to my room which looked exactly like everyone else. It was  number 34. It looked like I had left it this morning. Then I kinda collapsed on the bed and drifted off into sleep...


P.S. This Chapter is dedicated to GreenMystery for being a supportive reader! Thanks!

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