Chapter Thirteen: Chris the know-it-all

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6:18PM TUESDAY                                        3 DAYS TILL THE WORLD ENDS

"She was doing What?!?" Ivy cried in distress.Quinn just looked at her. I bit my lip. Smiling? At someone's death? Ok I found her smile cheesy, her control freak attitude annoying but smiling at someone's death? That's not right. I wasn't sure I believed him.

"Quinn, what about the rest of the story?" I asked sensing something foul. "What happened afterward?"

"Well..." He thought for a second. "Everything went crazy. The police arrived.-"

"This story isn't real is it?" I cut him off. He looked at me solemnly.

"Yes it is! I'm telling you Wendy's not what she seems!" He hissed. "When the police arrived the by-standers were still beating the mob and someone fell back into a vendor selling fresh pretzels. the machine tipped over and sparks flew out. And Wendy stood up on the bars blew all the wind around catching the sparks on everything and everyone. Then while everyone was busy trying to put out the fire Van and Wendy made a get away."

"Why make the fire?" I asked.

"See I'm telling you she's not who she seems." Quinn said. "Shes evil! She liked the sound of the screaming people! Just to sum it up: there was a fire, i was scare, Molly ran into to me, she helped me out, we became friends, then i had another vision about Chase wondering about and i followed it. Of course Molly followed me and Chase took us in."

"Wait!" Ivy yelled scaring me with the amount of anger in her voice. "My Boyfriend  didn't come back here until now because some twerps found him wondering around?!"

Quinn looked appalled at being called a twerp. "He's the reason my mother died!"

"How come Molly is here?" I butted in before they could go any farther.

"Now comes the tricky part." Quinn said. "Molly Chase and I were on our way here when the time warp happened. When I cried out in pain, she grabbed my hand and fell through the warp with me instantly ceasing to exist."

I pondered this. "So what I'm getting from this is that Wendy's a sadist control freak and you can predict the future?"

 "Why did Wendy lie to you guys?" Quinn asked.

"SHE DIDN'T LIE!" Ivy cried. "She-she wouldn't! She couldn't!" Ivy rushed out the room tears splashing the floor as she ran almost into Angela and Devon.

They gave us a What-was-that? look

"Hey I was looking for you guys!"  Quinn suddenly said. "I need a favor."

"Dude, it's gonna cost you." Devon said.

"Yeah we don't do miracles for nothing." Angela said

"Oh I think you'd do this one for free..." Quinn said suspicously leading them back out of the kitchen. Suddnely I was all alone and with more questions than ever before

"You look like you need some answers." Chris appeared through the kitchen door. I sighed.

"I thought you weren't talking to me."

"Do you want answers or not?" He looked at me funny. I nodded eagerly. he motioned for me to follow him. I jumped up and he led me out of the kitchen, past the oblivious people chatting and having a good old time, and up the stairs next to the desk that the twins had miraculously fixed. I followed him sown the hall until he stopped out side the door to his room numbered 39. Chris gingerly opened the door and beckoned me inside.

Earlier I couldn't see all that much of the room but now inside of it, I could Chris entire personality displayed on the walls. Posters of the Avengers and various drawlings caovered the blue walls and clothes discard all over the floor.

"Welcome to Chris land." He said with a smile. Chris closed the door. He slung himself onto the bed and I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room. "You can sit down." He said like it was obvious, which I guess it was. "So where do you want to start?"

"Why don't you explain the whole superpower thing, Bro." I said the last part quizzically as I sat on the bed.

"Still not believing me?" He said hurt. "Never mind. I guess you should know everyone's superpower then. I made little nicknames for each of them. Windy, Van-pire, Spaz, Ivy, Angel and Devil, Chase was Hyptno but we didn't use it before. Quinn is a foreseer and Molly's normal. I have yet to find a nickname for you and myself." He shrugged and continued.

"I think the only power that instant obvious is angel and Devil's. They basically control good luck/bad luck. stuff. Like when Ivy tried to strangle Angela with her plant and Angela's bad luck kicked in and gave it a virus?" Now that was making sense. "Everyone's convinced that Devon controls bad luck and Angela controls good luck, but bad things happen when Angela's around and good things when Devon's around.

"OK now to the back stories." Chris smiled. "Who's first?"

I thought. Chase was an interesting mystery, I wouldn't mind peeking into Wendy's life and seeing what her problem is, Ivy and Zach seemed to always be having fights with each other or against...

"You know what?" I said. "What's your story?"

"Mine?" He looked pleasantly surprised. "Well um OK...

"James, you and I all hung out together. We were like the most connected family ever. Never had any problems, ever. We made jokes about each other but it was all just for fun. Then Friday rolled around and the stupid end of the world and Dad didn't come home. I fell asleep early on Friday hoping against hope I'd wake up

"But I woke up Saturday and went downstairs for breakfast and all of you guys looked at me like I had two heads. Mom and Dad asked who I was and- well long story short I stopped existing. And you called me some names before Mom slapped you. And it hurt. We were a connected family. So i ran  and eventually found Van." He wiped away the tears streaming down his face. My heart wrenched. Without meaning to I leaned over and I guess hugged my brother.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. "I don't remember." He sniffed and to my surprised laughed.

"You are a sucky sister." I laughed because I was a really bad sister.

"OK now you have to swear." He said pulling away. "Swear that no matter what you will not tell anyone what happened up here."

"Why?" I asked.

"I haven't told anyone you are my sister." Chris said. "not even Van. And i had specific instructions not to tell you anything going on here. Please don't tell anyone."

"I, Chloe Ester Dooley, Swear I will not tell anyone Chris is my brother and he told me everything." I said rolling my eyes. "Does that work?"

"Yes. Now that in mind-" He said suspiciously. He lept up and walked over to the AC unit.

"What are you doing? It's already freezing in here!" I said. He ignored me and pressed down on a button labeled 'Freeze'. Suddenly the unit slid over revealing a small opening big enough for both me and Chris to fit into together. It led into darkness. Chris smiled mischievously.

"Chloe, would you like to eavesdrop on Wendy, Van, Molly and Chase's conversation about you?"

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