Entry 27 (Thursday, Late Afternoon/Evening)

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~The pages have multiple wet spots and many stray marks~

Dear Diary,

I'm crying in a hospital waiting room, curled up in a chair. I already called Byron, but had to leave a message. I told him I was at the hospital, but nothing else.

I guess I'll tell you why I'm here...

I went out this morning after Byron went for filming. I just wanted to enjoy the day, you know? Unfortunately, this drunk brute on the street was walking the opposite way. I guess he thought I looked nice and grabbed my arm as I passed. At first, I was well mannered and polite, but he pulled me into him and tightened his grip, his other hand landing between my waist and my hip. I tried and tried to push him away, screaming for help.

Apparently, nobody around wanted to get messed up in my affairs, until I felt a strong body pull me from the drunkard's grip. Another person caught me while the first stepped between me and the man. I was frozen, but someone helped me back onto my feet and steadied me. I slowly regained myself as the man behind me asked if I was alright. I nodded, but watched in horror as Malachi stood up to the drunk man alone. The man who was helping me walked past me and went to help Malachi.

It was too late...

Malachi was beat upon without a second thought from the man. I screamed for them to stop, horrors as I watched Malachi being beaten to near death. The other man couldn't do anything about it, as he wasn't strong enough.

When the drunk man was finally satisfied, Malachi was bleeding and unconscious, I think. The drunk walked away, while the man who helped me earlier went to call an ambulance. I stayed beside Malachi, who was breathing, but hurt badly. I held him gently in my arms and protected him from anybody walking by. I admired him and his features. He had dark hair and soft features. He was handsome, even with the blood. I guess I was so focused on Byron and the past that... I couldn't see the person who cared for me most...

Sorry, I'm crying again... Don't mind the wet pages...

Anyways, we took Malachi to the hospital, where I am now. I found out the other man was his brother, James. James is the older one, although they're only a year or two apart, I believe. He rode with Malachi in the ambulance, while I went by taxi. When I got to the hospital, James pulled me aside and blamed me for what happened to Malachi. In my state, I couldn't defend myself. I still can't.

I feel so broken. Why?

This is my fault, isn't it? I've taken Malachi for granted, and if I'd just seen him earlier, things would be different.

It's all my fault. James was right. He and Malachi have a right to hate me now, just like Byron did.

But Byron doesn't anymore. Maybe...

No, I'm being stupid. They're going to hate me forever. The doctor said the injuries were serious when he came out. Only kin was allowed in, so James is with Malachi now. I don't know if he's conscious or not.

That was stupid, Malachi! You should've kept walking like everybody else!

I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I'm having a breakdown. I can't take this... I can't take the guilt. It's drowning me. I can't breathe, Diary. 

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