Chapter 14

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"Gentlemen, lady. I'm gonna have to ask you to step away from the hawk. Now," one of the eight animals, a German shepherd, ordered sternly. One could see that he was a dog of business and not the kind one would want to mess around with. His seven companions were the same way. None of them looked like they had a sense of humor. Not even a little. And the dart guns they held did put a chill up one's spine. However, Gidget wasn't intimidated one bit as she growled, "And what happens if we don't?"

"Who the heck are you guys?" Max asked, his fur bristling in fear. The Jack Russell terrier was not looking for a fight so he decided to take the path to hopefully a peaceful resolution. His amber eyes moving from Gidget over to Max, the German shepherd spoke again, "My name is Benedict and I'm in charge of the Wild Animal Control Agency Unit, WACAU for short. And we're taking that hawk in." With that last part, he gestured his dart gun towards Tiberius. The old red tailed hawk was still blacked out, the tranquilizer darts doing their job without failure. Baring her teeth, Gidget snarled, "Lay one paw on him and you're gonna wish you weren't born."

"He is a threat to everyone in the city, animal or human. I have to take him in," Benedict replied curtly, a serious look on his face. Stepping closer with his team mates following suit, he went on with a slight growl in his voice, "Now, I order you again. Step aside." Standing her ground while meeting the German shepherd's gaze evenly, Gidget noticed that Max and Snowball stepped closer to her. Limping heavily, Mel also came over with help from Buddy and Pops. Norman was right next to Tiberius's head, his tiny little paws hugging the old hawk. Seeing how they were surrounding the red tail in a protective manner, the fluffy white Pomeranian smirked and stated, "I'd like to see you try."

His eyes narrowing, Benedict glanced over at his compadres. Looking back at Gidget, the German shepherd sighed heavily and flicked his tail. Reluctant at first, his team mates quietly headed back into the bushes without making a sound. Getting ready to join them, he looked back at the group. Flicking his ear, he muttered, "If he so much as steps over the line, contact us immediately." As he was saying this, he grabbed a small card from his collar and tossed it towards the gang. Snowball caught it easily and looked at it to find a phone number and email address.

Walking through the bushes after his team while the gang watched him, Benedict called over his shoulder, "That is your only warning."

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