Chapter 13

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The group, led by Buddy, raced through the bushes that Mel had gone through just moments before. Arriving on the other side, Gidget gasped in horror at what she saw. Whimpering and howling in pain, Mel was trying to tug his left forepaw free from a fox trap. Buddy and Norman were right next to the pug, trying to calm him down. Pops and Snowball were trying to figure out how to get the trap off while Max was already trying to dig it up. Bounding forward, Gidget helped her boyfriend. However, they soon realized that the trap was very deep into the ground. "Okay, does anyone have a stick? I need a stick or-" Snowball began asking when Tiberius stepped forward and grabbed the trap in his talons, pulling it apart. Once Mel got his paw out, the hawk released his hold, allowing the trap to shut again.

"Easy Squash Face, it's okay," Pops reassured Mel, examining the damage done to his paw. The pug whimpered in agony, tears running down his face. Crying as well, Buddy was hugging his best friend like he was afraid to let him go. Noticing how much blood there was and catching a glimpse of bone, Max had moved Norman away from the scene before the young guinea pig could become traumatized. Having his phone out, Snowball was already dialing Tattoo to come pick them up and take them to some place where they could properly fix up Mel. Trying to calm down from all of the unwanted excitement, Gidget looked over at Tiberius and remarked, "Good job."

"Thanks-" Tiberius was starting to reply when he stopped. Sniffing the air, his expression turned from exhaustion to horror in a split second. His talons dug into the ground, his eyes widened and his feathers bristled. He was also shaking badly. Confused, Gidget sniffed the air as well. She was welcomed by the smell of gunpowder. Realizing they weren't alone in the area, the fluffy white Pomeranian barked, "Tiberius, you need to get out of here. NOW!" Not wasting a second, the old hawk opened his wings and took to the air. However, he didn't get far enough when two tranquilizer darts struck him in the neck and shoulder. Shrieking, he crashed back down.

"Tiberius!" Gidget yelped, her fur standing on end. Max and Snowball by her side, she rushed over to the fallen hawk. Approaching his face, she could see that the tranquilizer darts were already doing their job well. His eyes droopy, the old red tailed hawk glanced up at her before blinking them shut and falling asleep. Hearing a twig snap, the fluffy white Pomeranian spun around and growled. Standing to her left, Max bared his teeth and his hackles rose threateningly. Snowball put up his fists, ready for a fight. Nearby, Buddy hugged Mel and Pops held onto Norman for dear life as the bushes rustled.

A second later, eight animals armed with dart guns stepped out into the open, surrounding the group of friends.

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