Chapter 16

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The moment the bedroom door was shut, the meeting began.

"Alright, so I noticed that we seem to be sinking up to our necks in this situation," Snowball commented quietly. Sitting down on the floor, he went on, "Cuz not only are we dealing with a bird of prey that kills for the heck of it but we also have the animal version of the FBI."

"I say we just turn him in," Chloe piped up before Snowball could say anymore. Duke and Ozone murmured in agreement while Sweetpea chirped and whistled. Leonard and Pepe couldn't meet anyone's eyes as they nodded their heads. Jaw dropping, Snowball couldn't even fathom anything to say. His mind went completely went blank. Max's fur bristled as he growled at his brother. Other than that, he had no idea what to say or do. Nobody did. In fact, the only one who did anything was Norman as he picked up a balled up piece of paper and threw it. It struck Ozone right in the eye. Shocked, everyone glanced down at the guinea pig. His arms crossed, Norman mumbled, "How dare you."

"Well, I guess the youngster spoke his mind," Pops commented.

"I don't think any of you are getting the picture here," Duke grumbled, "But we are dealing with something that is beyond us. We are putting everyone we know and love in danger!" Before Max could say anything to his brother, Gidget swiftly got to her paws. Acting quickly, she rushed over and punched the Newfoundland mix right in the nose. Everyone moved away while the mutt covered his possibly broken nose, a little blood dripping down his muzzle. Breathing hard, Gidget barked, "How about you watch what you say next time? Tiberius is our friend! He's not a danger to any of us, except maybe Ozone."

"I'm right here-" Ozone started to say but was interrupted by the sounds of screaming animals on the other side of the door.

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