Chapter 17

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"Okay, obviously screaming animals at a party can mean two things at the moment. It could mean that either the killing hawk is here or Justin Timberlake is here," Buddy remarked. When he got a bunch of glares from the others in the bedroom, the dachshund quickly added on, "Pray it's just Justin Timberlake?"

"We have to save them!" Snowball cried. Hopping over to the bedroom door, he tried to open it. However, it wouldn't. Looking back at the rest of the gang, the white rabbit declared, "It's jammed!" Shrugging her shoulders, Chloe meowed, "Maybe that's a good thing. We're in here safe and sound while our supposed 'friend' is out there attacking others. If you ask me, we should just stay in-" The tabby cat didn't get a chance to finish her statement when Max suddenly whirled around and punched her right in the nose. Shaking his paw, he muttered, "Maybe you should shut up."

"I taught him that," Snowball pointed out.

"Look, I don't care if it's Tiberius, another hawk or Justin Timberlake out there attacking the others. We have to save them!" Duke barked. Heading towards the window, he turned around and faced the bedroom door. Everyone else quickly scattered to the sides as the Newfoundland mix charged. Lowering his head down to protect his eyes, he crashed right through, busting the door of its hinges. And he continued running until he crashed into the kitchen wall. The rest of the gang scrambled out of the bedroom while a bunch of the party animals ran inside. They were welcomed by a gruesome sight.

The apartment was a mess. Food, drinks, trash, broken vases, the TV, fur, feathers and blood. It was all over the place. There was even a bloody leg belonging to an unfortunate wolfhound on the floor. There were at least ten dead bodies laying around too. One of the windows was shattered completely and the animals who were partying were quickly finding hiding places. In the middle of the living room was Peanut, bleeding heavily from scratches on his chest. His camera was not too far away from him.

And towering over him was a very large red tailed hawk.

Seeing the hawk, Gidget couldn't believe what she saw. It looked exactly like Tiberius, though much healthier than what the old hawk had been looking like for the past month. But the similarities were so close to each other that one would think that it was Tiberius. Sensing the presence of others in the room, the red tailed hawk looked up from where he was about to give Peanut the killing blow. When his eyes landed on her, Gidget shuddered as she whispered under her breath, "Tiberius?" His smile cold and vicious, the hawk spun around and flew towards the window, leaving just as quickly as he came.

He left nothing but a bloody mess for the others to clean up and stare at in horror.

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