Chapter 18

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"It's gonna be okay Peanut, it's gonna be okay," Leonard reassured the badly injured chihuahua as he carried his friend out of the apartment and back to his home. Pepe followed behind with Peanut's damaged camera. Nearby, Ozone and Chloe were gathering all of the animals that were wounded over by the kitchen. Buddy, Mel and Sweetpea brought over ones who couldn't walk. Norman helped Pops and Myron up with fixing up everyone. Nearby, some of the gang were talking.

"Now you see? He's a danger to all of us," Duke growled, his face wearing a deep scowl. The mutt was glaring at Max venomously, who had his head bowed. So far, he hadn't said anything. Gidget sat beside her boyfriend, her head on his shoulder. Baring her teeth at the much larger dog, the Pomeranian snarled, "That wasn't him. I don't know who it was but it wasn't Tiberius." Biting his lip, Snowball glanced away. Seeing that, Gidget mumbled, "Snowball, you seriously don't think that-"

"I don't want to but... there's just too much evidence against him," Snowball murmured apologetically, "And we all saw him not too long ago. I'm sorry but it has to be him." The white rabbit bowed his head and closed his eyes while he turned his back towards the group. His ears, usually standing straight up, were flattened against his head. Shocked by what she just heard and saw, Gidget asked, "Does everyone else believe that too?! No! No they do not!"

"Gidget, I was talking to Pops and Sweetpea earlier. Sweetpea says that Buddy and Mel believe that it is Tiberius while Pops and Myron think so too," Duke pointed out. Sighing, he added, "It's just you, Max and Norman." Her ears pinned back, Gidget snapped, "How could you guys?! Tiberius is our friend and he's in trouble! Yet you just stand around and do nothing but accuse!" Before she could continue on with her rant, she felt a small tap on her shoulder. Seeing that it was Max, she kept quiet as the terrier spoke quietly, "I think we're gonna have some more problems here." Following his pointing paw, she saw what he was talking about.

Just a few meters away from the windows of Pops' apartment was Tiberius. Seeming to have some trouble flying, he was coming towards the place to land. She could also see on the ground marching towards the apartment building was a squad of dogs and cats, Benedict leading the way. Heart plummeting, the Pomeranian dashed over towards the window just as Tiberius landed, half crashing against the windowsill. His shoulder bleeding with a flower pot shard imbedded in it, the hawk stammered, "I... I know you said... go to Brooklyn for a bit but-" He didn't get to finish when someone threw a vase at him while just barely missing Gidget. The red tail screeched in pain, blood streaming down from where the pieces had gotten him in the face.

"Leave him alone!" Gidget barked angrily at the golden retriever who had thrown the vase. For extra measure, she gave him a good punch to the nose, breaking it with ease. Watching the dog run off, she turned her attention back to Tiberius. Max was there helping the old hawk pull out the shard in his shoulder. Padding over, the Pomeranian gently hugged her friend. After a bit, she looked up into a pair of watery light brown eyes. "Tiberius, you need to get back to the apartment now. You're not safe here," Gidget whispered, adding a promise, "We'll be over as soon as we can." Nodding his head, Max concluded, "Go to my apartment. We'll fix you up there."

Too frightened to even protest, Tiberius nodded his head and dashed out the window, taking to the air just as Benedict and their group arrived. Seeing that the dart guns were already being aimed at her best friend, Gidget snarled and quickly threw punches before racing down the fire escape, leaving Max and the others to follow while the squad laid in a dazed heap.

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