Chapter 28

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"How the heck did he manage to pull this off?!" Buddy exclaimed, his fur bristling in terror. Mel clung to his best friend fearfully. Somewhere in the distance, both Sweetpea and Leonard were losing their lunches while Duke looked like he was ready to lose his as he mumbled, "Snowball, I think he remembered you telling us about the trackers you put in all of us..." Pops turned very pale, Ozone fainted and Snowball was just staring at the flesh and tracker with a look of shock written on his face. Chloe was doing her best to calm down a sobbing Norman while Gidget buried her face into Max's chest as she cried sorrowfully, "What have we done?!"

"Don't worry, he's gonna be okay. It's Tiberius, he survives everything apparently," Max reassured Gidget, running his paw through her fur as he tried to calm her down. Looking up from where he was examining the bloody flesh, Snowball murmured quietly, "Uh... I wouldn't say that Tiny Dog."

"And why not?"

"Eagle Eye had just ripped out a chunk of flesh from himself just so he couldn't be tracked by anyone. One of the first signs of fear. He's no doubt bleeding all over the place and there is a good chance he's gonna pass out from all that blood loss and he is at very serious high risk of infection. Not too mention the blood could bring unwanted danger and attention to himself," Pops answered, adding, "Which is why we need to find him as soon as possible now before he ends up killing himself from this."

"He could also die from hunger, thirst, disease, end up as roadkill, the random meteor shower..." Snowball listed off but Chloe put her tail in his mouth and interrupted, "I think we get the picture."

"But how are we gonna find him now?! We're all looking at his tracker right now! As far as we know, he's flown all the way to Staten Island by now!" Duke exclaimed, finally able to stomach down his breakfast and lunch from earlier that day. Scratching himself behind the ear, Mel mumbled, "We'll never be able to find him by now."

"We have the cameras. That should help," Leonard pointed out as he and Sweetpea came back over after emptying their stomachs. Sweetpea still wasn't looking too good. Shaking his head after he had regained consciousness, Ozone meowed, "That's not gonna be enough this time Leonard. Plus, Benedict and his stupid WACAU team already have a bunch of cameras all over the place."

"Indeed we do. Thank you for noting that," Benedict remarked smoothly as he and his search team entered the alley.

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