Chapter 29

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Her white fur bristling in pure anger, Gidget whipped around and was about to launch herself at Benedict. Fortunately for the German shepherd, Max and Snowball had grabbed a hold of her before she could do anything stupid. Her teeth bared and her sky blue eyes glowing furiously while her boyfriend and the white rabbit held her back, the Pomeranian snarled, "This is all your fault!"

"Our fault, little doggie?" Benedict asked, chuckling softly. He motioned for two of his teammates to collect the chunk of flesh and the tracker for evidence. Gazing down at the group that were all staring at him with a large mixture of emotions, specifically hatred and horror, he met Gidget's eyes. Lowering himself to his stomach so he could be eye to eye with the fluffy white Pomeranian that was growling in his face, the German shepherd tilted his head to the side as he questioned her, "And how is this my fault?"

"You guys freaking took our friend away! Tiberius has been scared out of his mind for weeks and then you guys show up and made things even worse!" Gidget barked, little bits of spit actually flying from her mouth as she ratted Benedict out. Unmoved by her rant, the German shepherd wiped some drops of spit off his muzzle. Looking her in the eye, he flicked his ear and commented, "That is a pretty good point. But I am not to blame. You all are."

"And how are we to blame for all of this?" Duke demanded, the rest of the gang standing beside him.

"All of you had blindly placed your trust into a wild animal," Benedict explained. Gesturing to some hideous scars he had hidden under fur on his shoulder, he went on, "This is what happens when you try making a wild animal your friend." Mel and Buddy cringed when they saw the scars, Leonard and Sweetpea fainted and a large majority of the group grew pale. Her ears pinned back against her head, Gidget snapped, "Tiberius isn't like that! He's different! And he's our friend!" Raising one eyebrow, Benedict stood up and towered over her. He quietly commented, "Friend huh? Okay, what if he was innocent this whole time like you claim? How do you think he feels after you all handed him to me? Some friends you all are." That blow caught Gidget right in the heart as she crumbled to the ground speechless and hurting on the inside, tears coming to her eyes.

How did Tiberius think of all of this?

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