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It was the basketball game and people were kinda breaking the bleachers from being excited. They were screaming and kept on cheering for their representatives. The first teams that were on the court was the third and fourth years. It would be tough game just because both teams are too competitive.

Despite having so much players, Chan has his eyes on someone who was being such an ace in the court. It wasn't a surprise that Jiro's playing so well. Everyone would basically say 'the basketball player' if you ask them about Park Jiro. It wasn't also a surprise that he gets a lot of attention which made him cheeky. Chan was sick of hearing the man having so much ego but Jiro's just like that.

For fun, Jiro and Jeffrey would bet on who will have the most score between both of them. Jeffrey was kinda an aggressive player so he really gets it. Either one of them would be an MVP this season.

The fourth quarter has ended and both teams have tied. Everyone went to their benches to have a short break. Chan watched the third year team went to sit down. He still has his eyes on Jiro who grabbed a water bottle and a towel. He drank some before he literally poured water on his head.

Now, if that wasn't hot, then he doesn't know what else.

"Hey, who are you drooling for?"

Chan snapped out of his thoughts and looked beside him to see who interrupted him. Yanna smiled at him and chuckled at how surprised the boy was. She should be in her post but seemed like everyone was enjoying the game too much that they forgot they have rules. Chan just hummed and shook his head.

"Was I?" Chan asked, trying to get out of the tension.

Yanna nodded, "Yeah. You were spacing out."

"I-I was just thinking about things for tomorrow."

"Things are ready so don't worry about them. All we have to do is to enjoy."

This girl is just too smart for him.

They watched and some people screaming for a player's name. They were surprised to hear a girl screaming for Jeffrey's name. Both of them saw Jeffrey looking at the crowd and simply showed off with a cocky grin which made the crowd crazy. Yanna furrowed her eyebrows and huffed. She wanted to throw a water bottle at his big brother.

"That freaking show off," Yanna uttered, "He hasn't even won and now he's being cheeky."

Chan chuckled, "Looks like they'll win."

"I hope they will but I just hate it when he's being proud at nothing," she said.

"I guess he just loves the attention."

Then they heard another scream. Some were screaming Jiro's name to get noticed but failed. Jiro was simply ignoring the cheers for him. He was just there stretching before the game starts. Well, it's just his personality. He has a high ego and is a snob. Chan pouted and lowkey wanted to see Jiro with a cocky grin.

"What do you think about Jiro?" Chan suddenly asked. He got the idea of asking Yanna about his best friend just to know something in particular. He wasn't hoping for something, it was for research.

Yanna hummed, "Jiro? Well, he is older than me but I refuse to call him oppa just because he reminds me of my brother."

"He reminds you...of Jeffrey?"

The girl nodded, "Yeah, but Jiro's much sweeter than my brother. I was surprised at how friendly he was when I saw him."

The boy hummed and nodded his head, "Well, it's not everyday you see Jiro like that so make the most of it."

"Hm, yeah. He is way different to other people," Yanna said.

"Like I said, he treats you like that because he likes--"

Suddenly, everyone screamed stood from their bleachers when Jiro shoots for three points. The man looked like it was nothing for him but he gave high fives and got his hair ruffled by Jeffrey. They were talking too much that they didn't notice that the game was tight and tied for the nth time. Yanna was distracted as well before she went back and sat down.

"Anyway, what were you saying?" Yanna asked.

Chan shook his head, "Nothing. Jiro's kind if you're kind to him."

The girl nodded, "I agree."

They sat there with Chan's head occupied at the idea that Yanna's getting warmed up around Jiro. The man was doing his best anyway. Chan won't deny that. If Jiro's going to court Yanna, then no doubt that she'll be Jiro's girlfriend in no time. Chan sighed upon thinking about it. It definitely made him feel so weak.

Chan watched and couldn't even celebrate that Jiro shoots another three points which made the crowd go wild again. Everyone was off of their seats and screamed for the win. The boy still has eyes on the man and he wasn't expecting that Jiro could find among the crowd.

Jiro smirked and saluted at him. Chan was taken aback and blushed. He looked at Yanna who looked excited about the game. He heard other girls squealing that Jiro smiled at him as Chan refused to believe that that smirk was for him.

"Did--Did you see that?" Chan asked her.

Yanna raised an eyebrow, "See what, Chan?"

"Eh? Jiro didn't smile at you?"

"Oh, he did?"

Chan couldn't believe this fuckery. Maybe Jiro was mocking him but that smirk literally made his heart dropped. Was he dreaming? Hopefully, he is because he doesn't want to hope anymore. This Jiro was making him feel so confused.

Chan just sat there with his arms crossed as the final seconds were already being counted down. In the end, the third year won the first game. Everyone was happy and was a sport. He and Yanna just sat there, too scare to go and get squished by the crowd. They just watch from afar and saw Twenty going towards Jeffrey. They literally kissed infront of everyone.

"Have you had your first kiss, Chan?" Yanna asked when she saw his brother with his boyfriend.

Chan shook his head, "I don't have anyone. How 'bout you?"

"I don't know. I want it to be my first and last."

Oh, geez, Chan shouldn't be thinking about this.

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