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"Earth to Lee Chan."

Chan shook his head and looked at the man he's with. The boy scratched his nape and sighed. He groaned and covered his head in despair. Jeffrey suddenly felt worried about the boy, and it was just the second day of the foundation celebration. Chan looked stress out and sleepless.

"Hey, are you alright? You could always excuse yourself," Jeffrey said before sipping on his apple juice.

"No, I'm fine," Chan uttered, "...Actually, no, I'm not fine, Jeff."

The man's eyes widened, "What? Is your head fine? Are you feeling anything bad? I can bring you to the cli--"

"No, not that kind of 'I'm not fine.' I'm...worried about something else..."

"What? What is it? You know we can talk about it," Jeffrey asked worriedly.

Chan bit his lower lip and cursed that he shouldn't tell Jeffrey about this. Jeffrey might panic, or worse, he might tease Chan for it. He wanted to keep it first. Jeffrey might tell it to Twenty which will be the reason why the news will spread like wildfire. He wants to keep his dignity, also Jiro wouldn't want everyone to know that they kissed, especially Yanna.

"W-Well...I'm just worried about the game later. Y-Y'know, I want our year to win and beat up your asses," Chan nervously laughed.

The man sighed, "I thought it was something bad."

"What's bad?"

Chan stiffened on his seat when he heard the familiar voice. Jeffrey smiled at Jiro and tapped the space beside him to let Jiro sit. The boy tried hard to not get too awkward around the man. He didn't want Jiro to get guilty about it. Chan wanted it but not in this kind of way.

"Chan's just nervous because he wanted the second year to win to kick our asses tomorrow," Jeffrey said.

Jiro shrugged, "I guess they can give us a good fight tomorrow."

"Oh, of course, they will. I have trust in them," Chan said as he crossed his arms.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be helping the student council?" Jiro asked, looking straight at Chan. It looked like he wasn't bothered, but in reality, Jiro thought about it all night. He got worried about Chan. Of course, he didn't want the boy to regret or get upset about it.

The boy hummed, "I got tired--"

"Are they giving you too much work?" Jiro furrowed his eyebrows and frowned.

"No! No! I'm just taking my time to rest, don't worry."

Jeffrey hummed, "You can always call us if you need help. But I bet Jiro's busy with Yanna--"

"No," Jiro crossed his arms, "If Chan needs help, he can call me instead."

"What? What happened to being with my sister?"

The man looked at the boy infront of him. Chan looked back at him. He was waiting for an answer, wanting to know about it. As a response, Jiro shrugged.

"I tried to offer help but she told me she can do it by herself," Jiro answered.

Jeffrey nodded, "Hm, it's something she would've say."

Chan nodded as well, but didn't say a word. He just sat there as he tried to forget that he was expecting something more from the man. Maybe something that would make them think if it's still Jiro who is talking. He just mentally sighed.

"The game's about to start. Let's go together," Jeffrey said and stood from the chair. He already has his phone in hand, maybe going to text Twenty that they'll be there.

Jiro stood as well and looked at Chan who looked upset. He went up and held the boy's wrist, which made Chan to snap out and looked at him.

"Are you okay?"

Chan nodded and stood up, "Y-Yeah...Let's go?"

The three of them went to the basketball and took their seats on the bleachers. Chan sitting in between two men are intimidating. People will think Chan have two suitors if they don't know Jeffrey has a boyfriend. But Chan kinda made some space between him and Jiro. Jiro didn't take as a nice gesture so he had a frown with his arms crossed.

The cheerleaders performed on the center while they wait for the players. Chan clapped at how Twenty looked cool with the stunts, Jiro mentally cooed at the boy beside him. Jeffrey, on the other hand, was recording his boyfriend's performance. After that, Twenty grabbed a bottle of water from their coach before he skipped his way up to sit beside Jeffrey.

"Hey," Twenty greeted.

Jeffrey smiled at him as the boy sat down, "Hey, baby."

Chan heard and thought they really looked cute together. Not until they kissed and Jeffrey not allowing Twenty to pull away.

"Get a room," Jiro uttered.

Jeffrey chuckled, "Why don't you guys just move a bit so Twenty can sit down properly."

Jiro moved a little more to the side so Chan can move but the boy didn't move much. There was a gap between them and he didn't like it. He thought that maybe Chan was bothered about the kiss. The man just rolled his eyes before he suddenly wrapped his arm around Chan's shoulders and pulled him closer.

Chan tensed at the action. He repeatedly cursed in his mind and wanted run out of the place. He felt his face heating up and he didn't want Jiro to see it, neither to Jeffrey and Twenty. His hand immediately went to cover up half of his face and looked away a bit from Jiro.

"Chan, tell me the truth," Jiro whispered, not wanting to disturb anyone from the game.

Chan furrowed his eyebrows, "What truth?"

"About the kiss."

The boy sighed, "Jiro--"

The said man suddenly leaned his forehead against the boy's head. Chan took a deep breath and breathed out to relax his heart. It was beating too fast and hopefully Jiro wouldn't notice it.

"I don't want you being distant with me just because of that."

Chan became worried and guilty about what he was doing, "Ji--"

"I don't want to lose whatever we have."

The boy nodded, "I just didn't want you to feel awkward with me so I decided to take a step back a little."

Then they stopped when they heard someone calling their names. Their eyes went to a girl who was waving her hand at him. The boy waved back at her. Chan forgot about Yanna. What would she think if she'll know about their kiss? They would be in big trouble. For their sake, no one has to know.

"Chan," Jiro called.

The boy looked back at him.

"Ifwe win, I promise I'll confess tomorrow."

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