Monster of the sea?! A Great Army Rises!?

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"Last time on friends lost in mine craft Charlie and friends decided to sail through the ocean of the lands of minecraftia! He's found a new friend a turtle and is currently trying to create a conduit will he succeed today?! Find out now!"

"Swims back up getting on the ship""Charlie says breathing on the ship"

Are u alright Charlie ? "Rot asks"

Yeah....I'm fine man we need to set sail asap "pulls out a compass he found in one of the chests down there"

Hmm...."flips it over and finds a name on it" .....The.....Truth seeker? ...."Charlie ponders as he tries to figure out who names a compass the truth seeker"

"Charlie opens the compass and it spins for a second before pointing northwest towards a small island nearby with ruins of ancient buildings"

"Time skip"

I don't know it just pointed here park the ship rot I'm gonna check it out "hops off the ship swimming to the small island"

"Gets up on the island following the compass where it points that leads him down underground"

Woah....this is a temple island this was once a temple maybe even a city ...."ancient writing on the walls and glyphs with a boy and friends fighting herobrine and slaying him"

"Charlies eyes open in shock" this is ....about did they?...know we'd end up here ....

"The glyphs show Charlie fighting entity303 and troy is dying on the ground"

"Charlie grabs his head shaking it rapidly as if he's seeing the future"

"Everyone's dead he's the only one who remains he's crying over his best friends body troy"

No...I can't let that happen this can't be how it ends...I won't let it end that way I wont...."Charlie comes back to his surroundings breathing heavily"

Is that my future ?....please no please God no...."hyperventilating"

"Charlie Gets up shaking" what's this ? "He sees a small level that's rusted"

"He pulls it much to his own judgment a large stone door opens with dust spreading everywhere"

*holding up his torch he ventures inside it leading him deeper into the ruins"

"Time skip" that a fucking...kraken?...."Charlie whispers looking down in the ruins to a large squid or octopus he can't tell due to how dark it is the creature is sleeping and is half submerged in water"

I wonder "looks down at a ring" what's this ? "Looks it over he remembered  seeing him wearing this ring in the glyphs"

"Puts it on and immediately the beast awakens"

Oh god....please be friendly "holds up sword shaking a bit from how large it is"

"The large beast lays it's head in front of Charlie"

Okay.... "Charlie ponders curiously and points at a boulder and he says destroy"

"Immediately the creature lays it's tentacles on it and crushes the boulder to bits"

Awesome!!!! "Yells Charlie in glee" "he raises his fist in excitement"

This is gonna be awesome heheeh!!! "Charlie giggles like a child"

"The large creature tilts it's head at its master in curiosity as if wondering why he is acting like this"

Sorry...just I've never has a creature like u under my command surely ...your not all I have right ? "Charlie asks it"

"The creature dives under water at that"

No way it understands me why did I ever say that "Charlie says to himself"

"Immediately it resurfaces leaning over its master with water dripping off it it making it shower all over the place"

"In one tentacle it drops a trident in front of Charlie"

"Charlie picks it up and hears various voices calling to him"

"Master ....lead us all!!!"

Master ? "Charlie asks confused"

"The large beast lowers it's head and talks"

"Master lead us your army of the sea...we will fight we...will...die for u....are leader the king of the sea"

"I'm a leader ?...."Charlie says with a smile"

"Then I guess it's time to raise hell then!!" "Charlie says with a smirk"

"Drowned rise from the depths in front of Charlie in armour squid like humanoids arise as well with 2 swords in hand others with flags and many other creatures of the depths including healers and various different fighters of the sea even other squid humanoids with bows and arrows"

"This time victory will be ours!!!!"

"Charlie raises the trident and all the creatures roar in applause for there master"

==============================================================================================='s short but Troljynx   your always wanting more so I finally continued and frankly I got a lot planned at least for now.... better go write it down ehh... I bet if I read this chapter I'll remember but just in case I'll make a note of it and thank u for real Troljynx  u always love this story and it just blows me away how many views I got on the 1.57k....just wow....thank u for so much everyone who reads this your awesome!!!!

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