New friends made new places to explore

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Sorry for being lazy these weeks I don't have a excuse I just become lazy when schools out for my highschool so I barely update cause I'm trying to beat my games and laze around but let's get on with this shall we? Last time was a short chapter I'll try to make this one a lot longer than the other so here we go also I have looked along time for that song lol so enjoy it with this story chapter

Disclaimer: that was weeks and months again when I wrote that I'm continuing off from there alright I've finally decided I'm gonna try to continue this story alright and this is dedicated to my man Troljynx who's always wanting a new update to this story <3  this was last updated july 3rd this is being continued now for my friends who read this but especially Troljynx who's always excited when I update and I'll be trying a few new writing styles hope u like it ^^ 2 chapters in one on this one btw


Today starts the day of war frankly I'm bothered by this since well.... every time I think of war I remember they died for us...... there not coming back..... there dead and gone.... there's no way to bring them back.... even if we had a soulstone it's far to late the soul stone only can resurrect those who have died recently like 2 hrs ago.... it's sad ....*sigh*..... they were my best friends .... I can't keep acting like this is gonna be OK in the end it won't ..... and if troy.... dies....I dint know what I'm gonna do.... he and David and austin are my best friends in the world if they die..... I don't think.... I can keep this up..... that's why we trained so why we can win this but even now looking at this I can tell some things gonna happen someone's gonna die..... it might even be me.... and if it is I'm bringing that bastard to hell with me no matter the cost I won't die alone I'll make sure of that *closes journal* locks*

No one can ever know I've wrote that no matter what *thinking* I suppose  I could just burn this but .... what's the point .... they will find out eventually*tucks under arm* I guess I'll put it up for now *puts in chest*

*lays against the wall* *sword sheathed* *sighs* I feel so old I feel like I've become a man in such a short time is almost scary to think that at one time I played this game casually in my world *puts my hand on my face shaking my head* this is still a shock even now there's gotta be things to do we have a few weeks to prepare I might as well explore this world a little more maybe there something else to this than just surviving *leaves my room*

*walks outside seeing troy training against wilokai*

Is that all u got troy?! *she staggers him and raises her sword to deliver a finishing blow*

*troy ducks allowing her to hit his armoured helmet and break it and he hits her with a multiple strikes of his dual blades kicking her flying into a wall*

Risky...troy...but it pays off it seems hmm....*walks around passing some of the mob leaders and princesses ignoring them as they try to talk to me*

*andr teleports in front of me stopping me from continuing on*

Out of my way not get in my way *I say coldly*

Charlie...your still healing from your injuries and u left arm is still wrapped in bandages u shouldn't be walking around u need to be in bed and as your lover I will use force if I have to "she states"

*sigh* andr....last warning I will not say it again get out of my way I need to do something I feel as if someone or something is asking for me I need to go now!

"she sighs" Charlie if u don't back down I will hurt u

"Sigh" your gonna regret this andr even if I'm injured don't think I'm weaker ! "Rushes andr grabbing her face with my right arm slamming her into the ground" I told u to back off why don't u ever listen to me?!

"She's in a state of shock by how much stronger I am than she is"

"Let's her go rushing out the gates to the base"

"Keeps running till I reach the beach" I'm here this is what I shall last night in my dreams this beach "puts hand on my head remembering the dream" I wonder if that dream was a vision ....of something ...

"Something jumps out the water and back in swimming around"

Is that a dolphin? I this world isn't without to amazing ...."looks closer and sees multiple fish swimming around even a puffer fish" that's amazing and is that a "looks by my feet to see a baby turtle crawling towards me" cute *picks it up petting it gently on the head with one finger" this is amazing.... to think I missed all this and so much more "sets the baby turtle down but it keeps coming back to me" huh? Why don't u go out to sea? "it rubs it's small head on my leg nuzzling me" you wanna be my friend I guess huh? Are u sure ? Wherever I go it's always war and fighting

"The turtle looks up at me and nods"

Alright little guy or girl I'm not sure really

"The turtle moves in the sand writing a b"

Oh your a boy hehe alright well let's see can I get us something to eat then ?

"Puts the turtle down and dives into the water swimming down"

"Thoughts" in my world turtles eat sea grass well some do not all them do but still maybe if I get some it was eat it?" "Picks up clumps of sea grass and surfaces breathing and swims back to the beach and puts the sea grass in front of the baby turtle he eats it all"

Hungry little guy arent cha? "Notices he just grew instantly"

Woah....I forgot things in this world can grow up so fast if u feed them enough ...."notices a small green thing fell off the turtle 5 in total" what's this ? "Looks it over" dropped from u but what is it .... hmm...can I craft something with this ? "Looks at the turtle as it nods"

Alright  let's see...what I can craft with this then "slashes a tree down and makes a crafting table"

"puts them in the shape of a helmet" woah...that cool...seems to have more armour than my iron helmet to huh...neat "takes iron helmet off putting it on the turtle which is seems to approve" alright then let's get a few of my men to join us on this adventure alright little guy?

"Time skip vindicators and evokers"

So let me get this straight boss u think there may be treasure or even new foes out at sea? "Asks one of the vindicator"

Yes....besides look on the bright side u guys get to accompany me and show me what u guys can do

"Talking around to one another they agree"

Alright so first we need a ship can u guys get the wood?

"The vindicator's run off axes raised into the forest"

Okay evokers I need u guys to get me a ton of rope's and I need some of the villagers like the carpenter and smith to help out can u get them for me?

"Time skip everyone's building the hull of the ship"

Alright this is gonna be awesome also uh...I don't know your name but can I ask u something ?

"The librarian villager looks at me" my name is josh

Alright josh I was wondering can u come with us with your knowledge  of this world maybe u can be are navigator ?

"Josh declines the offer"

I understand no need to explain yourself josh but Thank u and the other villagers for your help

"Time skip the ship is built and ready to set sail"

This is the start of a new adventure hehe "flashes backs of caleb and tj" "tears form and a single tear drops in the water and creates ripples" I'll avenge u guys I swear on it but first maybe this adventure can help me understand more of this world and it's secrets that it holds ....

"Something stops the ship temporary" "i look back to see rot or reese as I've given him the name of"

Reese?! "I say shocked to see him ordering a mutant zombie to hold the ship from going "

"He says" I prefer the name rot because that's who I am and there is no way in hell I'm letting u take all the glory me and my zombie here are coming with u !

"Someone jumps aboard and lands with a thud"

"Cupa and wilokai have just got on the ship and I'm worried they maybe here to take me back to the base"

What u looking at Charlie ? Let's get this ship going already "says wilokai"

What I wanna see if there's new explosives out there Charlie "says cupa"

Rot get up here I guess it's a good thing we made this ship huge still though don't burn the ship or we will sink understand ?

"All three say yes sir"

Good now let's set sail!

"Time skip 1 hour"

Dear lord there's so much ocean also someone drop the anchor I think I see something below us

"Vindicators drop the anchor and the ship  comes to a halt"

Alright who's coming down there with me?

"A small me is heard below me and I see one of the guardians I met a while back"

How long have u been following us?

"She replies" when I over heard u were exploring the ocean I just had to come along and join u I'll be your underwater guide cause I can breath and see down here 

Alright well I'm gonna get in the water now "takes off my shirt" alright let's do this! "Dives in the water"

"Notices I can breath underwater and I see my turtle friend swimming beside me"

"Can't talk underwater obviously but I can make motions with my hands and point down asking my turtle friend to help me get down there faster" "he swims in front of me and I grab hold of his shell gently as he swims down dragging me with him"

"We arrive at some sunken wreckage a ship and a trident flies past my head into the wall in front of me I turn around to see a I guess ghost or something I'm not sure"

"speaking some ancient language"

"Great can't talk underwater and I can't fight and swim that's hard as it is grr...."

"I notice my guardian friend she doesn't seem at all afraid of the mob in front of us"

"Her voice rings clear saying back off drowned this one is under my protection"


A thought goes through my mind "drowned?"

"I just shrug it off and swim deeper till I see the sunken ship again and I swim towards it going inside it as I expected it's full of water but there's a chest in it I open it to find loot some armour and tools and a weird blue orb...thing....what is this I wonder to myself and there's a map "

"I swim back to the surface to see rots mutant zombie picking me up and dropping me on board"

"Hey thanks for the help there man I say to the mutant zombie who just grunts in reply"

"I pick myself back up and drop some of the things I found the map and the weird blue orb I found"

Hmm....whatever I got here resonant with some untapped power as if it's incomplete ....

Hmm....what is this thing I've found I feel like the librian gave me something for this where was it
"Runs off to my quarters and flips through a book the libriarian Gave me"

Here it is the conduit made from shells and this blue thingy

To be continued

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