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Chan's pov
I decided to stay the night at Felix house since this whole Y/n video game thing had got me all crazy. I suddenly woke up and yawn softly, Felix had let me sleep in his room and put Y/n in the guest room which I did not mind one bit. I quietly walked out of Felix room and saw Y/n was already awake and looking around the living room

"Good morning" I told her as she looked over at me, she looked really...week "are you ok?" I asked as she nods "yeah, I'm just hungry" she pouts, gosh was she so adorable. "Oh...I can make you something. I'm sure Felix won't mind" I smile as she immediately nods. I then made my way to the kitchen and got some waffles from the freezer as Y/n followed me

As I put the waffles in the toaster I began to watch as Y/n messed around with a bunch of kitchen appliances. She then pressed a button on the microwave and slightly jumped when It beeped. I chuckle faintly at her "what does this do?" She asked me. "That's called a microwave, it heats up your food" I explain to her as she nods

"And that?" She asked as she pointed to the oven "that's kinda like the microwave but it's a little longer" I explain as she nods. But then suddenly the toaster stop and popped out the waffles causing Y/n to scream slightly but before I could calm her down she pulled out a gun and shot the toaster causing me to immediately jump back "JESUS CHRIST!" I scream.

Felix pov
I slightly began to toss and turn in my sleep as I began to whimper. I was having another nightmare. Before the dream could continue further I was immediately woken up by a loud sound and Chan screaming. I immediately got up and ran to the kitchen and saw Chan on the floor and Y/n with a gun "what the hell happened?" I asked as I went to help Chan up

Chan was shaking in fear at the thought that he almost got killed "I-I was m-making her waffles and s-she got scared by the toaster a-and before I could calm her down she blew up the toaster" Chan explains. I then looked over at Y/n who was eating now a almost burnt waffles "mmm this is good Chan!" She said happily as Chan looked at her like she was a psycho.

I sigh softly before I walked over to her "Y/n listen, you can't shoot something just because it scares the hell out of you" I explain as Y/n looked up at me with a tilt of her head "ohhh ok" she smiles before she went back to eating the waffles but then Chan suddenly pulled me away from her

"Felix, look I've been thinking last night and look we can't leave Y/n in your house all alone. She has no idea what to do and what not to do" Chan said "so you are saying?" I asked "I'm saying we put her in school" he said "aaaaand that's a bad idea" I said before I began to walk back but Chan pulled me back again "Look I know it sound like a dumb idea but hear me out. If we put her her in school she will Learn more about what it's like to be a normal person" I look down "look we don't know if she is ever gonna go back but if we can't send her back then she'll have no choice" Chan said

I sigh softly, eventually giving in "ok ok look how about we just try and teach her a few things?" I suggested to him, a bit scared about the idea of putting her in school, I knew how mean people can be there

"Ok..." Chan eventually caved in making me let out a sigh of relief before suddenly we heard another gun shot and immediately ran over to the kitchen

Y/n's pov
I was a bit confused why Chan had to pull Felix out but I simply just shrug it off as I started to
Look around Felix's kitchen, seeing a bunch of other things that looked cool however as I was looking around I saw what looked like a bug on the wall and curiously poked it but that's when it suddenly jumped at me

My eyes widen as I immediately grabbed my gun and shot at it making a loud back. I then see Felix and Chan run back into the kitchen "sorry I...I was scared of bugs" I laugh awkwardly making Chan sighs and face palm
"Look Y/n since you are gonna be here I think it's best if you get rid of all your wepons" he said. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What? No way. What if a robot attacks me?" I scoffed. "A Robot is not gonna attack you Y/N, This world is a lot safer then your world" Felix told me. I was still a bit hesitant though. Felix then lets out a soft sigh and walked over to me "Y/n listen, I promise you that this is a safer world. And even if anything where to happen to you I promise I will protect you" He told me, looking at me sincerely. I had no idea what happened but I felt as if my heart had speed up a bit

'What is this feeling...'

I thought to myself curiously as I looked back at him, seeing a charming smile. "If you say so Felix..." I murmured as I started to take off my wepons and hand them over to them

Felix Pov
"Y/n listen, I promise you that this is a safer world. And even if anything where to happen to you I promise I will protect you" I murmured softly, seeing her expression soften a bit. 'What are you saying lix, she could probably protect herself better then you' I thought to myself making me mentally sigh

It's true though, sometimes I need Chan to help me with things...

However still kept my sincere smile, watching as she took off her weapons and handed them to Chan and I "I'll go ahead and put these somewhere safe" Chan said as he headed upstairs with the weapons. I nods in understandment before looking back at Y/n. Smiling at her once again "Felix do you really mean what you say?" She asked as I nod "every word of it" I told her, watching as she started to smile again

'Wow her smile was so pretty'

I thought. Without thinking though I suddenly pulled her into a hug, making her freeze "Felix? What is this?" She asked curiously "Its called a hug" I explained to her with a chuckle "A Hug?" She questioned making me nods. I watched as she wrapped her arms around me in return "then I like hug" she murmured with a smile "me too" I chuckle

I then soon let her go making her let me go too, we both just kinda smiled At each other now before Chan soon came back "so have we thought of what we are gonna do on Monday?" He asked me "what's Monday?" Y/n asked curiously "Monday we have school" I explained "what's school?" She asked making Chan sigh "School is a place where people our age learn" he tried to explain

"Ohh sounds fun" Y/n said making me laugh nervously "uh it's not. It's really boring" I said earning a smack from Chan "you are only saying that because you are failing" he chuckles. I let out a groan "even if I was passing I would still hate it" I huffed

Y/n then suddenly looked at us curiously "I wanna see what it's like, can I go to school?" She asked. I replied with a 'No' but Chan said 'Yes'. Is he crazy? She looked at up in confusion from our answers "why not Felix?" She asked as I sigh, suddenly remembered about those other students and what they would do to me. I immediately shake off the though and looked away "I just think you won't like it, that's all" I murmured

"Well you never know unless you try though right?"

Y/n said making me look back at her, she had a bright smile on her face "She's right Felix, just let her have a chance at it" Chan smiles, still trying to convince me. I'm still hesitant though. "Please Felix" Y/n pretty much begs now. I bit my bottom lip and sigh "ok ok fine. But if you don't like it Y/n just tell us and we can pull you out

"Yay! Thank you" Y/n said happily before she pulled me into a hug now. I smile faintly and hugged her back, just wanted to enjoy the moment now.

Hey sooo I'm back Um...this is awkward I didn't expect the update to take this long, one thing about me is I'm a procrastinator so I'm so sorry it took me a year to update. 😓 I can't promise y'all however if I can start updating sooner so I'm very sorry.

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