I- wait- You're....

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Felix yawns softly as he began to get ready for bed. It had been 3 days since Felix had turned the tv on and he was honestly scared to. As Felix got in bed he glances at the tv and began to think. "I can't keep silent about that tv for ever. I need to see if it will work still" he murmured

Felix glances at the time as he walked over to the tv and sat in front of it while glancing down at the game box of (g/n). He then looked back at the power button and took a deep breath before hesently reaching over and turning it on. But instead of it being the glitchy tv it was back to normal

Felix looks at the tv and sighs when he saw the game was still working. "Hmm its only 10 pm. I guess it will be fine to play for a little" he murmured before he grabs his remote and began to play the game. But as soon as he got comfortable and began to move the tv slightly glitched but he didn't really mind it

As Felix continues to play suddenly every went black but the tv "the heck?" He murmured.
But he shrugged it off and continued to play but it wasn't until the tv began to do the same thing that It did last time "ugh not again" he murmured before he went to turn it off but this time It was too bright and wind was actually coming from the tv causing Felix to move away while covering his face

Felix curls up into a small ball while trying to see but couldn't. "It's time to kick some butt!" Said a familiar voice. 'That voice...' he thought. Suddenly everything stops and Felix slowly opens his eyes. Once he opens his eyes he immediately felt shock took over his body

Right in front of him was none other then (y/n) herself...

"Ugh...huh? where am I?" (Y/n) asked before she looked down at Felix who just sat there with wide eyes "uh hello?" She asked while waving a hand in his face but even that wasn't enough to 'wake up' Felix. (Y/n) tilted her head in confusion before she began to look around

"Oh...my...gosh..." Felix finally spoke "Y/N IS ACTUALLY IN MY ROOM!" He said before he immediately got up and walked over to her causing Y/n to panic slightly and immediately pulled out a knife but instead of running away like a normal person Felix looked at the knife closely and gasp "it's the fire knife! You got that in game two!" He said causing y/n to give him a weird look "game two?" She asked causing Felix to nod

Y/n then put away her knife away and looked at Felix who was clearly happy "so...uh can you tell me what the heck happened and why I'm here?" She asked "to be honest. I don't know either" he said before he gapped "I have to tell Chan!" He said before he grabs his phone


Kangaroo Chan: Felix it's like midnight. Why do you want me to come over?

Felix: Chan, seriously this is important! Just come!

Kangaroo Chan: ok ok I'll come. I'll be there in a bit

Felix left his message on read before he looked over at Y/n who was now looking around his room before she noticed he was looking at her "sooo....can you tell me who you are?" She asked

"Oh yes yes! My name is Lee Felix but you can just call me Felix!" Felix said. "Well nice to meet you Felix. My name is y/n" she said. But then after she said that she suddenly felt week and slightly grunts before she fell to her knees. Felix eyes slightly widen "oh my gosh are you ok? What's wrong?" He asked, clearly panicked

"S-sorry, that's what happiness when I don't get anything to eat" Y/n murmured. 'Ahh shoot! I forgot to feed her' Felix thought while mentally face palming. "Do you have anything to eat?" She asked

Felix nods before he held his hand out to help her up and lead her to the kitchen. As he walked to the kitchen he glances at their hands and smiles before he sat her down and began to make her some food

Chan's POV
"Ugh I can't believe Felix wants me to come at this time. I'm so gonna get In trouble" I mumble to myself. Once I got to Felix house I text him

Chan: hey, I'm out side

Dablix: I'm coming

I put my phone in my pocket before Felix came to the door and opens it. Before I could ask anything he immediately brought he inside. "Ok so you are not going to believe this. But the y/n is in my kitchen eating ramen..." he said slowly. I fell silent before I immediately start to laugh "what are you talking about? Y/n is just a video game character. She ain't real" I said as Felix frowns

"Dude I'm being serious! She's actually here!" Felix said. "Look man, if you are just bored you should've just told me" I said. "I'm not bored or lying! Seriously look in the kitchen!" Felix said causing me to groan "Felix look it's late and-" "Chan please! Just go!" He pleads "ok ok" I murmured before I began to walk to the kitchen "Felix I swear you've gone crazy. If I actually see Y/n eating ramen in the kitchen then I'll eat 5 war heads at once" I joke before laughing

But that's when my laughter died down when I actually saw her, y/n in Felix kitchen, eating ramen "you see! I told you! Now you have to eat war heads!" Felix laughs but I had no comment, y/n is actually in my friends house "oh my..."

I continue to eat the delicious noodles that Felix gave me before I notice another guy looking at me in shock. I smile faintly and wave at him but he didn't say anything and just stood there. I fell awkward again and went back to eating. "Chan? You ok?" Felix asked but that's when Chan snaps out of it and looked at her "I- wha- huh!?" He murmured

Felix then sat Chan down and began to explain everything that happened while he listened closely

Looks like It will be a while before I go home...


Ugh I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I just remembered about this. Anyways sorry about any bad grammar and I hope you enjoyed it.

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