Nothing better to do

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"You are such a loser" "Chan, why did you invite him?" "He's so weird" said a few random people who sourouded him while saying this Stuff "p-please...leave me alone" Felix begged but the more he tried to escape the more words came out "Weirdo" "stupid" "ugly"

Felix couldn't take it anymore and fell to his knees crying but that's when he immediately woke up in a heavy sweat while panting " was just a dream..." he murmurs while looking down but slightly jumped when his alarm went off. He looked over at it and turns it off "10 am...the movie starts in a few hours" he murmurs before getting out of bed.

Felix walked over to the window and opens it, expecting to see the sun but slightly frowns when he saw grey clouds "oh great" he said sarcastically "well hopefully Chan doesn't cancel" he said before walking away and turning the Tv on "looks like today is gonna be a big thunder storm in Seoul. There are some red warnings so if you are planning on going out I suggest you cancel" the news guys said

Felix immediately turns the Tv back off and looked out the window, only seeing the grey clouds "pff it can't be that ba-" he got cut off from his phone as if someone had sent him a message. He felt his heart began to speed up. The only person who would text him was Chan since he was the only one who had his number.

Felix slowly walked over to his phone and opens it, reading the message

Kangaroo Chan: oi m8

Felix: hey! How are you?

Kangaroo Chan: I'm good, thx ^_^

Kangaroo Chan: anyways listen I have bad news

Felix started to feel as if his heart was shattering

Felix: what?

Kangaroo Chan: I'm really sorry but...

Kangaroo Chan: the movie is canceled

Felix began to frown when he read the message

Kangaroo Chan: sorry, but there is a really bad storm heading our way and my mom doesn't want me to go out

Kangaroo Chan: also my other friends canceled:(


Felix: well don't worry about it. We always have tomorrow

Kangaroo Chan: hey that's true :)

Kangaroo Chan: don't worry! I promise tomorrow I will definitely introduce you to my friends!

Felix felt a small smile appear on his face

Felix: alright!

Felix: welp I guess I'll see you tomorrow!

Kangaroo Chan: yeah! Definitely

Felix left the message on read before putting his phone down and sighing softly 'now what to do since my plans where canceled' he thought As he looked around the room. While he looked around the room his eyes stoped on his game console before traveling to the game control "hmm might as well continue the game" he said

Felix sets up the game and sat in front of the TV. Once it was set up he began to play (G/n) again. As Felix continue to play the game it started to rain, but the rain came down harder and harder the more he played. While Felix was playing he slightly jumps when he heard the sound of thunder and immediately puts pause, looking out the window "oh wow that rain is heavy" he murmurs

At that exact moment more thunder began to come down again but while it came down it actually hit a near by power line causing everything to go black. Felix immediately looked back at the now empty Tv "w-wha?" He shutters as he began to press a few buttons on his remote, only for the TV not to turn on "what the heck!?" He complained

While Felix attempted to turn the TV back on. The TV suddenly started to glitch causing him to slightly step back. At this moment his anger began to get replace with fear and confusion. But while it glitched the light on the screen began to get brighter and brighter causing him to cover his eyes.

The TV's brightenss became brighter and brighter to the point where it looked like you where in heaven. However the brightness didn't last long as Felix got to the TV and managed to turn it off. He began to adjust his eyes and looked at the now empty TV again

"I think I should read instead...." he murmurs


Bleh I'm sorry about my procrastination guys! But that's the thing with me. So be warned: SLOW UPDATES!!!

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