14.Odd woman🙍‍♀️ get out🙄

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At Azhar's house:

"Abba Jaan! this is not fair. I know my mother is no more in this world but that doesn't mean you people will forget about me and take decisions without thinking about me. You all are traitors. You guys are planning against me behind my back" shouted Izzah.

" Izzah bete, what is your problem? First, calm down"Said Abba Jaan Calmly.

"Izzah fuffi(paternal aunt), have some water," said Daneen while offering her a glass of water.

"You just shut up! I will never eat or drink anything from your hands" shouted Izzah.

" Fuffi, what has happened to you? Why are you behaving like this?" asked Azhar in a tensed voice.

"You are asking me what has happened to me? It's all because of you. You never thought about your fuffi" cried Izzah.

" That Hayat, your so-called best friend. Who attended your wedding is that Imran's daughter. Isn't it Azhar?" asked Izzah.

"Did you guys knew from starting that Daneen is Hayat's cousin?" questioned Izzah.

" Izzah calm down. I will explain to you everything. Just sit here" Arbaaz tried to calm her anger and gestured her to sit beside him.

"I got my answer. Your eyes are telling everything. You all are traitor. How did you guys let that Imran's daughter enter in my house again?" Screamed Izzah "And Azhar you didn't think about me before blooming your friendship with that Hayat? How can you accept that dirty Nazma's cousin as your wife? You knew how clever she is."

"Enough! You can not tell bad things about my wife or her family. They are really close to me and I respect them a lot and let me tell you,I got to know about her true identity only after we became best friends. That also after two years of our friendship. Hayat and Daneen are very important to me. They are the purest souls you would ever come across" said Azhar.

Izzah started clapping loudly.
"See I knew it. Nazma is the most cunning woman in this world. That middle-class woman first snatched Imran from me, from this house, now she has sent her sister's daughter to destroy our family and there her own daughter is trying to impress Usman. I knew it. She is a gold digger. She is breaking our family. They lure rich men and marry them. They only want money" shouted Izzah.

"Izzah! just shut up. You are speaking nonsense" shouted Abba Jaan.

"You are not supposed to speak ill about my son or his family. Imran truly loved Nazma. He already told you that time that he can't marry you but you forced him to marry you. You created all this drama of suicide deliberately just because of you he left this house. He loved Nazma truly. You can't love anybody forcefully. Accept the fact." Said Abba Jaan.

"No you are wrong I was no less than Nazma. I was more beautiful than her. I was educated belonged to a rich family and that Nazma was a middle-class, normal woman. Still, he rejected me because of her and you people are doing the same thing with me " shouted Izzah.

"This time I will not let that lady ruin my daughters life. Azhar, inform your best friend Hayat to stay away from Usman because I have chosen him for my daughter. He will be my son-in-law. If she will not mend her ways then she will face consequences" warned Izzah.

"Usman is not your toy. He takes his own decision. He is Usman Ali Khan. If he wants to marry Hayat then he will only marry her. You are no one to stop him" said Azhar and went outside the room with his wife.
Izzah glared at him and her family and went away.

Hayat and Usman were having lunch at a restaurant.

"Aap ne mujhe yaha kyu bulaya hai(Why did you call me here?).I mean, we can talk at my home also. You are already coming to see Shayan in the evening right?" asked Hayat while sipping her black coffee.

"Oh yes, but I had to discuss something important with you and needed your consent until this afternoon. Actually, I have an NGO who takes care of women who are thrown out of their house after marriage with their children. Most of them are thrown out with their small daughters because in-laws don't want to accept a girl child. Some of them run away to escape from domestic violence. So, I want you to explain to them about the importance of women and child health and what precautions they should take. Will you do this? Do you have time?" asked Usman.

" Of course I will do it. I like doing such work " said Hayat with a smile.

"So, everything is fine?"

"Ya everything is good" replied Hayat.

"What about that girl whom you visited that day?" asked Usman.

"She is pregnant. Everybody in her family is taking good care of her. Her husband is behaving nicely with her. I feel her child will become her saviour" replied Hayat.

"Great!" replied Usman with a smile.

"Hey, Usman! You are here?" a woman came and hugged him tightly while he was sitting and enjoying his lunch.

She was dresses in tight black jeans and a red fancy shirt with black high heels.Her brown coloured straight  hair with bangs was framing her face beautifully.Indeed she was beautiful,modern and classy.

Hayat became suspicious about her.

" You know I was eagerly waiting for the time when we will meet"commented Farida excitingly and positioned herself on the empty chair beside Usman while keeping her Gucci  purse on the table.

"Farida, for what we have to meet?" asked Usman with confusion.

"Just casual meeting for the sake of our good old days and we will do some work" commented Farida while grabbing Usman's right arm and she passed an evil smile towards Hayat.

Hayat was feeling awkward with their closeness and their talks.

"A..a...Usman, I have to go now. My patients must be waiting for me. You just send me the NGO's details. I will look into it and there is no need to come today for seeing Shayan as we will be visiting our relative's house. " said Hayat and grabbed her purse and started walking towards the exit.

"Hayat, wait!" shouted Usman and tried to stand up from his sit but he was pulled down by Farida's grip on his right hand.

Usman's blood pressure shot up. His eyes became red in anger and he clenched his fist and looked at Farida but Farida was stubborn to leave his arm.

"Farida!what was that? I was busy right now," asked Usman.

" But you are my friend Usman. Ok I know we are not best friends but we know each other and Abba(father) gave me the responsibility to handle this project for few days as he is ill. So I thought to discuss with you now," clarified Farida with an innocent smile.

Usman composed himself and slowly tried to remove her grip from his arm.

"But I was busy Farida. It was my private time. How can I talk with you on the project when I was in a conversation with someone else" asked Usman.

"But look, she has already left. We can talk right now. Ok, I have not eaten my lunch let me order something for me also. So, that I can provide you company," said Farida with a smile.

"You order something. I am done. I have to go I have a meeting" said Usman and wiped his mouth with the napkin and stood up from his chair.

"Usman lets discuss our project right now as I will be very busy today in the evening" Pleaded Farida.

"That's fine. It can wait till tomorrow. Even I am busy today" said Usman and went outside the restaurant after wearing his black goggles leaving Farida behind.


Tada, I m back with a new chapter.

Three chapters this weekend🤗🤗🤗🤗. I can't believe it.

Are you enjoying your weekend?

Any guesses? what will happen in the next chapter?

Hayat has started to like Usman but will this incident ruin his image in front of Hayat?🤔

Your friend,

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