13.Is she falling for me?🤔🤔

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Usman's house:
Ayeza was packing Usman's breakfast as he had an early meeting today.
"Ayeza I am getting late now. See you in the evening," said Usman and kissed Ayeza's forehead.

Ayeza smiled at him and handed over the tiffin box to his driver and they went away.

"Ayeza bete(daughter) I have to tell you something really exciting," said Abba Jaan as he entered the dining room.

"Ji Abba Jaan I am dying to hear the exciting news. Deliver it fast" pleaded Ayeza.

"Your big, arrogant, obnoxious brother has agreed to marry Hayat" announced Abba Jaan

"Really! Did he tell you that he likes Hayat?" asked Ayeza.

"You know your brother. He doesn't confess things easily but his smile has said everything. You must have looked at his face when I asked this question. You won't believe for the first time your brother was feeling shy. His face was literally red with embarrassment " said Abba Jaan and laughed his heart out.

"Ya Allah! I am so happy!" exclaimed Ayeza.

" Tomorrow I will talk to Imran and ask for Hayat's hand for marriage, "said Abba Jaan.

In the evening:
At hospital:
Ayeza was sitting in her cabin. She was reading patients reports. Suddenly Hayat's phone started ringing. She saw it was her mother's phone so she decided to inform her that Hayat is in operation theatre now and she has left her mobile phone and purse in her cabin.

" Hello! Hayat beta" cried Hayat's mother.

"Aunty I am Ayeza. Hayat is in operation theatre now. What happened aunty?" asked Ayeza worriedly.

"Beta Shayan fell down the stairs. He has injured his leg. He is crying constantly. We are worried.No one here in the house to take him to the hospital" cried Hayat's mother.

"Aunty listen to me don't cry.Bhai(brother) had a meeting near your house. He must be near your locality only. I am calling him. He will reach your house within five minutes. Please don't cry" said Ayeza consolingly.

"Please,beta.we will forever be grateful to you" cried Hayat's mother.

Ayeza called Usman. He was attending a meeting. He knew his family didn't call him during his meeting until and unless there is an emergency.
Usman got worried and quickly picked up the call.

"Hello,bhai!Shayan has fallen down the stairs and he has injured his leg. Please bhai go and bring him to the hospital" pleaded Ayeza

Usman ran down the stairs from the fifth floor and quickly got into the car and started driving fastly towards Hayat's house.
He reached her house within five minutes. He saw Shayan was crying loudly. His face was filled with stains of tears. His nose has become red along with him Hayat's mother was also crying. His felt pain in his heart when he saw Shayan's tear stricken face. He hurriedly took Shayan in his arms and placed him inside the car's back seat and Hayat's mother also sat beside Shayan and he drove them to the hospital. Shayan was constantly crying.

"Don't cry beta. You are a brave boy. Just wait for a few minutes we will reach hospital" said Usman consolingly while driving his car.

In hospital again Usman carried Shayan in his arms inside Dr Haroon's cabin. Fortunately, he was present in the hospital. Meanwhile, Ayeza also reached his cabin.

Dr.Haroon examined his feet. It was normal swelling.

" It's nothing serious. You only have to apply ointment for a few days and you have to wrap this cloth in your foot for a few days. Don't worry you will be fine" said Haroon while caressing Shayan's cheeks.

"Are you sure Haroon there is nothing serious?" asked Usman worriedly.

"No, I am one hundred per cent sure. Nazma aunty you only have to apply this ointment and wrap the foot in crepe bandage for one week. He will be fine" said Haroon.

"Shayan, for one week you will rest.No football.No school. Got it!" Commanded Haroon.

"But how can I live without playing football? I will get bored" said Shayan sadly.

Usman took him in his arms and said"Don't worry my boy I will teach you some indoor games. For one week we will play indoor games and after one week again we will play football."

"Really!which game will you teach me?" asked Shayan while looking at Usman's face while his hands surrounded Usman's neck.

" I will teach you a very smart game. Smart game for a smart boy" said Usman while pulling his cheek.

"Have you heard about chess?"

"Yes, I have seen it in my general knowledge book. The teacher said its a very smart and intelligent game I want to learn it.will you teach me" asked Shayan.

"Of course my boy. Your CEO uncle will teach you everything" said Usman with a smile and took him out of the hospital. They were about to get inside his car. Suddenly they heard the voice of Hayat.

"Shayan!" Screamed Hayat while running towards Usman.

"What happened to you beta?" asked Hayat in a tensed voice.

"Shayan fell down the stairs and injured his foot while I was working in the kitchen. Don't worry he is fine now.Dr. Haroon has given him an ointment, pain killer and told him to rest for one week" explained Nazma.

"Don't worry mama. I am fine now. Usman uncle brought me to the hospital on time" said Shayan while wiping Hayat's cheeks which was filled with her tears.

Hayat kissed Shayan's hand and looked at Usman.

"Ok, I think we should proceed towards our house," said Usman while avoiding Hayat's gaze.

"Bhai,driver is here I am going home. You take them to their home and come home soon" informed Ayeza.

"Ok," said Usman.

Usman handed Shayan into Hayat's arms. They both sat beside Usman in the front seat While Hayat's mother sat in the back seat.

At Hayat's house:
Everybody came outside the car.
"Beta come inside and have some tea and snacks" pleaded Nazma.
"No aunty. Actually, I have to wrap up my meeting. They must be waiting for me" replied Usman with a smile.

"CEO uncle!you have promised you will teach me how to play chess. I will wait for you. Don't forget your promise" screamed Shayan.

"Sure beta. I will definitely come tomorrow" said Usman and kissed his forehead.
Nazma took Shayan inside the house.
While Usman looked at Hayat and was about to open the car's door.

"Usman, listen!" shouted Hayat and went to him. Usman looked at her short figure.

" Ji bole(yes)"replied Usman.

"I...I want to thank you for taking Shayan to the hospital and taking so much care of him" said Hayat nervously.

"It's fine. Shayan and I are buddies now and it is the duty of one buddy to help another buddy during his tough times" commented Usman with a smile.

Hayat smiled at his previous comment and said,
"Still, I want to thank. You don't know but you have done a big favour to me. I am sure you will be a great father."

"Really!" exclaimed Usman.

"Absolutely! You know how to handle kids. How to treat them with care. I have observed it. You will be your kids favourite" commented Hayat with a smile.

"Well thanks for your compliment" replied Usman nervously and drove his car towards his home with a big smile on his face.

Remember, every smile tells you about something😉

Yahoo!two chapters back to back.

Are you happy?

Well, I am happy that I have proceeded my story to the next level 🤗🤗🤗.

Plzz vote. I need your votes. Plzzz

Next question is
Will Hayat agree to marry Usman so easily? Or will she throw some tantrums? What do you think guys?

Your friend,
Muskan 😬😬

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