12.Planning😜 and plotting😉

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Usman and Abba Jaan are heading towards their home after meeting Hayat's family. Usman was driving the car and Abba Jaan was sitting beside him. He looked towards Usman who was busy driving the car.

'They are nice people. Aren't they?' asked Abaa Jaan.

No response.

'Usman!,'Called Abba Jaan.

'Yes, what did you say?' asked Usman.

'I said they are nice people. Aren't they ?' asked Abba Jaan.

'Yes, they are very nice people. Imran uncle is a very humble man. He is so down to earth and aunty is really sweet and Shayan, well he is the most well-mannered kid I have ever met. He speaks so nicely in his childish, sweet voice. I must say he is smarter than his age,' replied Usmaan with a bright smile after remembering Shayan in his mind.

'Seems like you really enjoyed the company of Chote Nawab(Shayan). But as far as I know you. It's not like you like children so much but today I saw a different side of you. I saw a happy, carefree Usman which you have hidden behind the truck of responsibilities, work and pressure,' said Abba Jaan with a bright smile.

'Yes exactly, I was thinking the same. I mean it's not like I love children so much but with Shayan it's different. I don't know what it is Abba Jaan?' asked Usman with a confused expression.

'Maybe you connect with him because you also lost your parents at a very young age and he is in the same position. You see yourself in him,' said Abba Jaan.

'Yes, maybe,' said Usman.

'And what about Hayat? You didn't mention about her?' asked Abba Jaan.

'Well, Hayat is a really good mother. I am happy that Shayan has Hayat as his mother. He looks exactly like Hayat as if he is Hayat's biological son. They love each other so much. I am happy that he is getting the love of a mother, 'commented Usman.

'I am not asking you about Hayat as a mother. I am asking what do you like in her?' asked AbbaJaan.

Usman looked towards Abba Jaan and said 'That's what I told you. That she is a good mother. In spite of that, she is best in her profession and a decent woman,'commented Usman.

'You only found her decent?' asked Abba Jaan unbelievingly.

'Had I been in place of you. I would have said. Hayat is really beautiful. The glint in her eyes shows her confidence and truthfulness. She knows how to respect elders. She is kind and humble. Mature and responsible woman,'commented AbbaJaan.

By listening to AbbaJaan's comment Usman abruptly stopped the car with a Jerk. Thank god the car stopped just in front of their house's gate.

"Ya Allah, are you trying to give your old Grandpa a heart attack. You know, I have a weak heart then also you have to stop the car with a jerk"
commented Abba Jaan dramatically while placing both the hands near his heart.

" But let me tell you, Usman Ali Khan, I am not going to die before seeing your marriage and my grandkids."

Usman rolled his eyes while looking at his Grandpa's poor acting.

'Ok, let me ask you directly. Do you like Hayat? 'asked Abba Jaan, 'because I liked her a lot. She is perfect for you and our family and I want to make her my daughter-in-law.'

Usman looked at him with a shocked expression. He was not able to say anything. So he thought to skip this question and he started opening the car's door in order to go out of the car.

Abba Jaan held Usman's left hand with his right hand.
"Usman you can't ignore this question. It's high time now. I know you like Hayat and you will not get a better life partner than her. I know you. Believe me for once"
said AbbaJaan while pleading him with his eyes.

Usman exhaled deeply.

"Ok, as you wish Abba Jaan. Do whatever you feel is right for me"
Abba Jaan became really happy.

Usman again tried to go out of the car.

"Wait, you didn't answer my question. Do you like Hayat? or Do you love her?" asked Abba Jaan mischievously.

Usman glared at him.

"Please, Sallu! (pet name of Usman) tell na" pleaded Abba Jaan.

Usman looked at him and smiled shyly and composed himself and said "You are wrong about her. She is not mature and responsible all the time".

Abba Jaan chuckled at his remark.

" Ok agreed, but she is beautiful. Isn't she?"

"Abba Jaan, enough of your interrogation. Now let's go inside" said Usman with a smile and took Abba Jaan inside the house.

Izzah's house.
Izzah was sitting with her husband Agha Ali in her garden. They were enjoying the morning tea. Her husband was reading the newspaper.

He was wearing a grey coloured salwar kameez, paired with a black coat and black shoes. He had a small black moustache and he was half bald from the front.

"Sune(Listen), did you talk to Usman about his marriage with Farida?"

"I asked him indirectly but he avoided my question."

"Agha, we have to convince Usman by hook or by crook. He is perfect for Farida. He has power and money and moreover, your business will grow stronger with his support" said Izzah.

"Don't worry sweetheart Usman will marry Farida only. I will make sure. Already we are doing a project together and I am planning to hand over this project to Farida. So that she can impress Usman and if not then I will make him helpless to such extent that he will have to marry Farida" said Agha Ali with a smirk.
" Ok, I am getting late. See you in the evening" said Agha Ali and kissed his wife's cheek and went away. Izzah smiled at his gesture.

Izzah was about to go inside her house but a man stopped her.

"Madam I have found all the information about Hayat Abbas," said the man.

Izzah gestured him to speak further.

"Madam her full name is Hayat Imran Abbas daughter of your cousin brother Imran Abbas. Hayat and Azhar were in same medical college and in the same batch. They are friends since their college days. Madam Daneen is Hayat's maternal cousin" informed the man.

" Hayat is Daneen's cousin?! Means bhai(Azhar's father) knew about it and they have hidden this information from me?!" said Izzah angrily.

"You may go now," commanded Izzah and dismissed him.

Azhar's house:

"Arbaaz bhai!" Shouted Izzah as she entered Azhar's house.

"Samina bhabi(sister-in-law)!"

"What happened? why are you shouting Izzah," asked Samina while coming out of her room.

Meanwhile, everybody came out of their rooms after listening to her screams.

Izzah looked at Azhar and Daneen and glared at them.

'I will tell everything. Come with me to Abba Jaan's bedroom,' said Izzah and went inside Abba Jaan's room followed
by Arbaaz, Samina, Azhar and Daneen.
Everybody gave each other a confused look. They had no clue what is going to happen next.


Hey, guys wassup?
Sorry for the late update.😖😖
I am sure writers would agree with me.
You only want to write when you are in the mood, isn't it?

Now, what will happen next? Izzah got to know about Hayat's identity. What will she do now?😱😱

Plzzz vote if you like my story plzzzz.it's a big request and comment if you want to deliver a message 😸😸

One question for you.
What do you think? How will Hayat marry Usman?🤔

Your friend,

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