11.🙏Impress your future In-laws🙏

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Next day
At hospital.
"Hayat listen to me please"requested Ayeza while stopping Hayat at the hospital's corridor.

"Hayat I am really sorry. I know you are angry with me. Yesterday at the party also you didn't talk to me that much and you have all the rights to be angry with me but listen to me once,"pleaded Ayeza,"I was scared that if I will tell you that I am Usman Ali Khan's sister then you will break your friendship with me and Hayat I don't want to lose your friendship. After so many years I have got a trustworthy friend."

Hayat looked at her angrily.
"And what about the trust which I had on you. You have broken the trust which our friendship had. I said bad things about your brother and you were silently listening and enjoying it secretly. You fooled me Ayeza," said Hayat angrily.

"Please, Hayat forgive me . Talk to me. Don't break our friendship. I promise I will be loyal in our friendship. I will always tell you the truth. I won't hide anything from you. Please Hayat," pleaded Ayeza.

"Ok," said Hayat while exhaling deeply. Hayat doesn't break her friendship easily," she hugged her tightly and they smiled at each other.
Usman's house:
Ayeza was sitting with Abba Jaan in his room.
"Abaa Jaan, I have to share something with you. After listening to it you will lose all your senses," said Ayeza excitingly.

'What is it beta(daughter)?' asked Abba Jaan.

'Your egoistic grandson likes a girl. I don't know if he is in love or not but he likes her a lot,' said Ayeza.

'Really!' screamed Abaa Jaan excitingly.

'Shhh...talk slowly dadu(Grandpa),'Ayeza closed his mouth.
'Who is she?' whispered Abba Jaan.

'You know Azhar's Grandfather had a son whom his family has abandoned?' asked Ayeza.

'Are you talking about Imran Abbas?' asked Abba Jaan.

'Yes dadu(Grandpa), She is his daughter. Her name is Hayat Abbas. She is a gynaecologist. She is a very good Doctor and a very good human being. She is perfect for bhai(brother). You should meet her ones and you know bhai, he will not tell us directly that he likes her. He is zero in this department. We have to do something,' suggested Ayeza.

'Ok then, we will meet her today only,' said Abba Jaan.

'But how ? we don't know her family. You cannot directly ask for her hand for marriage,' said Ayeza in a tensed tone.

'Who said I don't know him. He is Salman's son. He has played in my lap when he was very small. In fact,t Imran and your father were friends in childhood. We will go to meet them casually. I know they are nice people. If Usman likes her then I will not do any delay in his marriage now . I and Usman will go to meet them in the evening,' said Abaa Jaan.

'Yes dadu I won't be able to come as I have to be there in the hospital in the evening and Hayat has no shift in the evening she will be at home,' said Ayeza.
In the evening:
'Abba Jaan we should not visit someone's house without informing them. What will they think about us?' said Usman while driving the car.

'Usman you ask so many questions. They are very nice people they will not think anything about us. Infact they will be happy seeing me. Don't take tension,' said Abba Jaan calmly and Usman parked the car near Hayat's house while adjusting his suit and walked behind Abba Jaan.

They ringed the doorbell and Hayat's mother opened the gate.
'Ji asalam Alaikum,'greeted Abba Jaan.

'Walekum salam. I am sorry I didn't recognise you,' said Hayat's mother.

'I have come here to meet Imran. I am his uncle. Please tell him his Wajih uncle has come to meet him,' said Abba Jaan.

At that time Hayat's father came near the gate while searching for his wife.
'Wajih chacha(uncle).You here? Please come inside,' Hayat's father welcomed them inside.

They sat comfortably on the couch in the drawing room.

Hayat entered the drawing room. Usman's and Hayat's eyes met each other. She was a little shocked on seeing him in her house but her father introduced her to his Wajih chacha.
'Aslam aleikum uncle,'greeted Hayat.
'Walekum salam bete(daughter),' replied Abba Jaan with a warm smile,'Ayeza told me about you. You both work in the same hospital and you both are now good friends.'

'Ji(yes) uncle,' replied Hayat with a smile.

Suddenly Shayan entered the room following his football which stopped near Usman's feet. As soon as he saw the guests immediately he became shy and hid behind Hayat while grabbing her dupatta(stall).

'Who is this chotte Nawab(Muslim nobleman)?' asked Abba Jaan with a smile.

'He is my grandson,' replied Imran.

'Our elder son Iqbal's son,' replied Hayat's mother.

'Uncle please could you pass me my football?' asked Shayan to Usman innocently.

'Ya sure, you come here and take it(aap khud aake lele),' said Usman smilingly.

' Shayan beta go and greet them. They are your elders,' ordered Imran in a soft voice.

'Yes, beta come here to talk with me also. I am also your dadu(grandfather),' said Abba Jaan.

Shayan looked at Hayat.
'Go,' whispered Hayat to Shayan.
Then he slowly moved towards Abba Jaan and greeted him.

'Aslam Alaikum,'greeted Shayan.
'Walekum salam bete,' said Abba Jaan while caging Shayan in between his hands.

'What is your name?' asked Abba Jaan.
'Shayan Iqbal Abbas,' replied Shayan cutely.
'You have such a beautiful name,' said Abba Jaan while caressing his cheeks.

'CEO uncle how are you here?' asked Shayan to Usman.

Everybody started laughing when he called Usman CEO uncle. Usman smiled at Shayan as he was given a new name by him 'CEO UNCLE'.

'I came to see you,' replied Usman sweetly.

'Really, you came to see whether my injury is cured or not? Isn't?' asked Shayan.

'Injury?' asked Hayat.

'Actually, last week when I came to pick Ayeza from the hospital in the evening I saw Shayan falling down while playing football,' explained Usman.

'Yes mumma and CEO uncle cured my injury and stopped me from crying,' said Shayan innocently.

'Shayan will you teach me how to play football?' asked Usman.

'Will you play with me?' asked Shayan excitingly.

'Of course,' said Usman while smiling at him.

'Then let's go. It's going to be dark soon,' said Shayan and started pulling Usman from his chair while grabbing his right-hand fingers.

Usman went into the garden with Shayan and started playing football. Hayat was making tea and snacks in the kitchen and she was watching Usman and Shayan playing football happily.

She first time saw Usman without his coat and tie. Usman had folded his sleeves and he was laughing like a kid with Shayan. They looked really happy together.
Hayat's Pov:

This arrogant man is handsome, rich and has a beautiful smile. Thats why girls are crazy for him.

Allah Miya!Hayat what has happened to you ? How can you praise this arrogant man. He may be handsome but he is rude.

Although he is a nice person but Hayat what you have to do with his niceness.

Hayat stop thinking about him...arghhh.....concentrate on your besan ke pakode(fried Indian snack).

In the drawing room:
'Imran Ayeza told me about your tragedy. I can completely understand your pain of losing a son. Hayat is a really brave and kind person. She has done the right thing by accepting Shayan as her own son. They really look as if they are biological mother and son,' said Abba Jaan sympathetically.

'But Abba Jaan Hayat is not ready to marry anyone. Lots of good proposals are coming for her but she says that she won't leave Shayan and marry someone. She says she is a mother and Shayan is her first priority. Once her marriage age is over then who will marry her? Every parent has a dream for their daughter that one day they will marry her to a good life partner and she will leave her life happily. We told her to leave Shayan here we will take care of him and marry someone but she is not ready. She is very stubborn in this matter and we are in tension,' said Hayat's mother sadly.

'Hayat is correct on her part. Shayan needs Hayat's love and care. All you have to do is to keep patience God has created a life partner for everyone. Marriage will happen when it is meant to happen,' Said Abba Jaan smilingly.

'Shayan come inside its getting dark. Snacks are ready,' shouted Hayat while coming outside in the garden.

'Yes mama just a few more minutes,' shouted Shayan.

Hayat sat there in the chair. She was watching them playing football happily. He was so happy with Usman. At that time Hayat wished if Iqbal bhai would have been there playing with Shayan instead of Usman.

'GGGGOOOOAAAALLLL!,' shouted Shayan,'Yes, I won the match.'

Usman picked him up and tossed him up in the air, hugged him tightly and he took Shayan to Where Hayat was sitting.

'Mama I won the match,' said Shayan while climbing down from Usman's arms.

'I knew it already after all I have the best son who is brighter than the sun,' said Hayat while hugging Shayan.

'You are lucky Hayat. Indeed you have the most adorable son in the world,' said Usman while seeing Shayan lovingly.

Hayat smiled at Usman on his previous comment.

'Now let's go inside. Everybody is waiting,' said Hayat and took them inside.

All the time Shayan was sitting with Usman in his lap. They were having their own conversation as if they were alone in that room.

'By the way champ, how did you know that I am a CEO? asked Usman in a slow voice to Shayan.

'Actually daadi(grandma) and mama watches tv drama. In that they show men are dressed in a proper suit with tie and polished shoes and people call them CEO and you also wear suit with tie and polished shoes and you also have a big car like them,' whispered Shayan.
Usman laughed at his Innocence.

'Do you have a big office? Do you also give orders to other office staffs?' asked Shayan.

'Yes I do.,' said Usman smilingly.

'I also want to be like you. I also want to be a CEO. Will you help me, CEO uncle?' asked Shayan.

'Yes, why not? I will help you always,' said Usman truthfully.

'Thank you. You are the best,' said Shayan and hugged him tightly and Usman reciprocated his hug with a big smile.

'What are you guys talking secretly? Share with us also,' said Abba Jaan.

'No, Its a top secret,' said Shayan and Usman together and smiled at each other.

Hayat was suspicious about the top secret. She was determined that she will know it from Shayan afterwards.

'Achha(ok) Son it was nice meeting you and your small family. We would always like to be in touch with you forever. Please visit our home someday. We would be happy to serve you,' said Abba Jaan with a hidden meaning.

'Yes Abba Jaan we will definitely come,' said Imran smilingly.

'CEO uncle will you come to play football with me every day?' asked Shayan when Usman and Abba Jaan were about to go.

'Beta(son) uncle is a very busy man. He won't be able to play football with you. You shouldn't force him like this,' said Hayat in a soft voice to Shayan.

'Not always, I am a CEO isn't? So I have lots of work to do but whenever I will get time I will come,' said Usman while caressing his cheeks.

'Promise?' asked Shayan.

'Yes, true promise,' said Usman and shook his hands with Shayan after bending down to his level.

'I will wait for you,' said Shayan with hope.

Usman smiled at him. He stood up and looked intensely at Hayat for the last time and entered inside his car with Abba Jaan on the other side.

Hello, guys, Muskan is back with a very bigggggg smile 😄😄😄😄😄😄 and also she brought a brand new chapter along with her bigggggg smile.

Sooooooooo did you guyyyyyyssss likkkked thhhhheeeeee chapter?

Feel free to give response and vote plllllzzzzz and commmmmmeeeennnnntttttt aaaaalllllssssssooooo😁😁😁😁😁😁.

Your friend,

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