♥♥10.Listen to my heart ♥♥

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Usman's Pov:
'No, she can't be married. Is she a divorcee? Does she have a kid from her previous marriage?' I thought.

Ya Allah! I am getting frustrated now. In frustration, I banged my steering wheel while driving the car.
I have to get all the answers but I can't ask Hayat directly about her past or about Shayan. What to do now?

Azhar, yes I should ask Azhar. He is her best friend for many years. He must be knowing about her. So, I started driving my car towards Azhar's house.
At Azhar's house:
'Hey, bro What's up? You are here after so long. Come sit,'greeted Azhar and gestured him to sit on the chair in his lawn. He asked the servant to bring two cups of tea for them.

'Anyways, it's good you came today. I was really getting bored here. My shift at the hospital was over by afternoon and Daneen has gone to Mumbai for her work,' said Azhar.

'Ya, everything is fine. You tell me how is married life going on?' asked Usman smilingly.

'It is blissful as of now. By the way, why are you asking? Are you planning to marry someone or what?' asked Azhar mischievously.

'God no, I don't have time to marry someone as of now,' replied Usman.

'Really?' asked Azhar mischievously.

'Yes,' replied Usman by raising his eyebrows and nodding his head once.

'Buddy please marry soon. I am eagerly waiting for the time when you and I will be under the same club and imagine we will be bitching about our respective spouses sitting like this in the evening which would be lovely with tea, chips.......'

'Stop,' screamed Usman for stopping our overexcited Azhar.
Azhar raised both his hands in surrender and smiled cheekily 'Ok, I agree I got overexcited. But imagine it would be lovely. Isn't it?' asked Azhar smilingly.

Usman glared at him.

'Anyways jokes apart. I have a special announcement to make or I would rather say an invitation for you,' said Azhar.

Usman raised his eyebrow as a gesture to ask him about the invitation.

'We are organising a small get-together. Only youngsters will be present. I mean to say our close friends and no oldies will be there.'

'Close friends, as in?' asked Usman.

'You, me, my wife, Ayeza, Hayat, Haroon that's it. So, basically, we will have a bonfire, a few games, music. We will be just chilling around since its weekend,' replied Azhar excitingly.

'Ok, I will be there,' replied Usman smilingly.

'Azhar, I want to ask you something. Today I saw a kid at the hospital. His name was Shayan abbas. He called Hayat as his mother. I mean, I have heard that she is not married or is she a divorcee?' asked Usman hesitatingly.

'Neither is she married nor is she a divorcee. Shayan is her elder brother Iqbal's son. Shayan lost both his parents when he was just one month old. He doesn't have any memory of his parents. Since childhood he has considered only Hayat as his mother,' replied Azhar, I remember at that time Hayat was only 21 and probably in the second year of her college and she became a mother.'

'How did he lose his parents?' asked Usman.

'Well, it's a long story,' said Azhar.

'I want to know it,' said Usman.

And then Azhar narrated everything about the tragedy which occurred in the lives of Abbas family and how Hayat evolved into a strong and independent woman. He also told him about Sameer. How he left her in her bad days.
At night Usman's bedroom:

Usman was lying on the right side of the bed with his one hand kept above his head. He was constantly watching the moon which could be seen outside the window. The white curtains were flowing rhythmically with the cold breezy air. The only light entering into his room was the moonlight. He was thinking about Hayat.

The more he got to know her the more he fells in love with her. After listening to her story he has started to respect her. He was happy about the fact that Hayat has accepted Shayan as his own son. He also got to know that due to Shayan she is not marrying anyone. She wants her husband to accept Shayan which is absolutely correct. If you accept a life partner you should accept her family and respect her love for her family and who will not accept that sweet, little kid. He was so adorable. Usman smiled while thinking about him.

He can easily relate himself with Shayan. He knows the pain of losing parents at a very young age. He was
thirteen years old and his sister was ten when they lost their parents and after that their business went into a huge loss.

They had a paternal aunt. Her name was Mariya. She was unmarried. When she got to know about her brothers and sister-in-law's death she became desperate to marry some rich businessman as she knew after Usman's father's death their business will suffer from loss as there was no one to look after the business. Abaa Jaan was ill. She never tried to take care of Ayeza or Usman or she never tried to look after the business although she was an M.B.A graduate.

So she forced Abaa Jaan(Usman's grandfather, Mariya's father) to get her married and she was married to a businessman as she was beautiful and she permanently got settled in America and after that, she never came to ask about how Usman and Ayeza were living without there parents.

Hayat was different. After her brother's death and her father's accident, she stood strong. She completed her degree. She is looking after her house. She is teaching good morals to Shayan. She could have married Sameer but she supported her family. Usman fell in love with Hayat's simplicity, her love towards her family, friends, her love for Shayan.

No wonder he was hurt by the fact that she had already loved someone madly and it was not him.
Next day
In morning
Ayeza and Hayat met at the corridor of the hospital.
'Good afternoon Hayat,'Ayeza greeted Hayat smilingly, 'Are you free right now?

'Yes, my shift is over and I am going home,' replied Hayat.

'Are you free today? I mean earlier you said that your parents and Shayan are going to visit your relatives,' asked Ayeza.

'Yes they are not at home,' replied Hayat.

'Why don't you come to my home today. We will have lunch together. Hayat please,' requested Ayeza.

'Ok, let's go,' said Hayat and went to Ayeza's house.

Ayeza and Hayat decided that they will have lunch in the garden. Abaa Jaan and Usmaan weren't at home.

Hayat was impressed by looking at her house.

'Maybe Ayeza belonged to a rich family,' thought Hayat but she didn't ask her.

They had lunch together while talking about random things.

'Hayat come inside I will show you my house,' said Ayeza.

'No Ayeza.I am getting late. I have to go now. My family will be at home within half an hour,' requested Hayat.

'Ok, but next time you will see my entire house,' said Ayeza.

Hayat smiled and nodded at her.
They reached the main gate.

'Wait here, I will tell the driver to drop you home,' said Ayeza and went inside the servants quarter to call the driver.

Hayat was standing outside the main gate. Suddenly a big black car was parked in front of her. The car's driver started blowing the horn continuously and then see saw Usman coming out of the front seat and he removed his goggles.

'Can't you hear it. I was blowing the horn continuously for you to move out of my way,' said Usman angrily.

'I am standing in the corner, not in the middle of the main gate.  Your eyes are defective. You need an eye check-up,' replied Hayat angrily, 'Oh, wait My friend is an eye doctor and she is here she will do your checkup'.

'By the way, are you following me everywhere?' asked Usman

'Oh please, don't think so highly about yourself. You may be some billionaire, girls may be crazy for you but  I am not one of them. Why will I follow you? I feel you are following me everywhere' replied Hayat while pointing her index finger towards him.

'Why will I follow you in my own house?' asked Usman while inserting his both hands inside his pants pocket.

'Your home?' asked Hayat confusingly.

At that time Ayeza entered the scene,' Hayat driver is coming he will drop you home just wait for five minutes.'

'Arre bhai(brother), you are home  early today?' asked Ayeza.

'Bhai?' asked Hayat confusingly.

'Oh, Hayat I forgot to introduce you to my brother. He is Usman Ali Khan. My big brother,' said Ayeza while introducing him to Hayat.

'Is he your own brother?,' asked Hayat not believing what she heard just now.

Ayeza nodded her head as yes.

'I can't believe it. You lied to me,' Hayat accused Ayeza and went away from there.

'Hayat wait,'Ayeza went behind her in order to stop her.
In evening
At Azhar's farmhouse:

Usman and Ayeza entered the farmhouse. They saw Haroon and Azhar sitting in the garden.

'Hey buddy, we were waiting for you only,' said Azhar and embraced Usman for a brotherly hug.
Ayeza went inside the farmhouse to help Daaneen in preparing the food.

Usman sat with Azhar and Haroon in the garden. Usman had met Haroon as he has treated his Abaa Jaan's joints pain.
'Where is everyone?' asked Usman.
'Everyone is here. Whom are you searching for?' asked Azhar mischievously.

'We are here.....,' announced Daneen while coming out of the house followed by Ayeza and Hayat.

'What you guys were doing inside the house for two hours?' questioned Azhar to the ladies gang,'Are you guys planning for a separate girls party inside the house?'

'No dear husband, We were preparing dinner for all of us and the most important thing is that all the dishes are prepared by our chef Hayat and we have just helped her. So be ready to taste the mouthwatering dishes,' replied Daneen excitingly.

'Really, well it has been a long time since we tasted Hayat's hand made food. Remember how we used to gather during lunch time for eating Hayat's tiffin box during our college days,' said Harron.

'Yes sheru(pet name of Haroon), how can we forget those golden days,' said Azhar while imagining those days.

'Really Hayat !means you are cooking food since you were a teenager?' asked Ayeza.
'Yes it is my hobby to cook different dishes,' replied Hayat with a shy smile.

All the time Usman was staring at her with an unknown emotion.

After a couple of hours:
Everyone was sitting around the bonfire and was enjoying the starters prepared by Hayat.
'Hayat its really tasty and you are going to teach me how to prepare it,'commanded Ayeza.
'Ok,' replied Hayat smilingly.

'Yummy! Wifey you also learn this recipe from her,'commanded Azhar.

'Usman, did you like the starter or not?' asked Daneen.

'Let it be Daneen. I don't think so he eats such oily food. He must be avoiding such oily food as he follows a properly balanced diet. He must have not liked it,'commented Hayat while staring at him.

'No no its... it's tasty,' replied Usman while staring at Hayat,'And it's not that I don't eat oily food at all. I eat them but not too much.'

Hayat looked away as soon as their eyes met.

'Anyways, we have met Usman and Ayeza individually but we haven't got a chance to organise such small parties with them Isn't it?' asked Haroon.

'Don't worry sheru(pet name of Haroon). Now we are in the same city. So more such parties are on the way. Isn't it hubby?' asked Daneen while standing behind Azhar who was sitting on a chair and keeping her both the hand on his shoulders.

'Of course wifey,' replied Azhar while turning his face towards Daaneen and smiling at her.

'Ok, so now Usman you have listened me and Hayat singing together but I know you are a good singer and today you have to sing a song,'commanded Azhar.
'Oye, is this a kindergarten where you have to sing a song in front of the entire class? I am not singing any song,' said Usman.

'Usman please, this is the right time to sing a song and you can express your feelings,'commented Azhar.
While listening to Azhar's comment Hayat and Usman looked at him shockingly.
Usman glared at him.

'I mean you can express how you are feeling about this party and our friendship through your song. Wait I am bringing the guitar for you,' said Azhar hesitatingly and went inside the house to bring the guitar.

'Bunny (Azhar's pet name)
please help me. What to sing. I am not getting any song to sing. Please help me,'cried Usman, while taking the guitar from Azhar.

'Ok if you are not getting a song to sing in this atmosphere. Then sing a romantic song. I mean your voice is actually suitable for a slow romantic song,' said Azhar.

'Bhai sing that song which you always sing. What was the name? Yes, Suno na(listen to me). Sing suno na,' Suggested Ayeza and silently encouraged her brother to express his feelings.

'Ok,' said Usman hesitatingly while setting the guitar in his lap.

Dil Ne Tum Ko Chun Liya Hai
My heart has chosen you

(Usman raised his eyes and looked at her and he sang the next line while looking at her)

Tum Bhi Usko Chuno Na
You also choose it

(Hayat looked at Usman. She got the hint that he is singing for her.)

Khwaab Koi Dekhta Hai
It sees dreams
Tum Bhi Sapne Buno Na
You also make the dreams
(Hayat averted her gaze from Usman and looked sideways.)

Dil Yeh Mera Tumse Kuch Keh Raha Hai
Suno Na
My heart is saying something to you

ear it

(Again Hayat looked at him and this time she was lost in his eyes. She felt he was sincere about his feelings and as if he is showing her his transparent heart).

Dil Yeh Mera Tumse Kuch Keh Raha Hai
Suno Na

My heart is saying something to you
Hear it

Door Ho Kar Bhi Door Tum Nahin Ho
Paas Ho Lekin Paas Kyon Nahin Ho
Although you're far but doesn't feel that way
You're close but not close enough

Tanha Tanha Samaa Mehki Mehki Hawa Keh Raha Hai Jahan Jo
Suno Na
Lonely moments and fragrant winds
Hear what the world is trying to say

Dil Yeh Mera Tumse Kuch Keh Raha Hai
Suno Na

My heart is saying something to you

ear it

(And the song ended and everyone started clapping which ended our couple's staring session.)

Hayat became uncomfortable and got up from there and went inside the house. While Usman got tensed whether she was upset as he poured out his feelings indirectly.

Hello👋 peeps look who is back with the next chapter


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