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Hayat was waiting for Shayan outside the school.
Hayat's Pov:
'Ya Allah!where is he? Its been 30 minutes since the school got over still my lovely son(not the sarcasm) has not come out of the school gate. What is he doing inside?'

I came out of my driving seat and went near the school gate. I searched for my kid amidst different kids and after few minutes I spotted my prince twirling his black goggles in his index finger of his right hand and he was literally skipping with joy towards the school main gate.

'Mainu Kala chasma jazda aye,
Jazda aye gore mukhde pe'-(It's a Hindi party song)

He passed by me and went towards my car, means he didn't see me near the main gate. Cool, why will he notice me? He was in his own fantasy world and wait, what was he singing?'Kala chasma' nowadays he is behaving like a total brat. I have to make his screws tight.

With determination, I put on my black goggles and marched towards him. I patted his back from behind as he was searching for me on the other side and he turned towards me.

'Hey, what's up mom?' he greeted me with full swag.
I removed my goggles from my eyes and glared at him while placing both hands on my waist.
'Sit in the car' I commanded him in a stiff voice.
He understood I was angry as his facial expression changed from happiness to sadness.
We sat in the front seats and I started driving.

'Mama, I was late by mistake,' said my emotional blackmailer son.

'How can anyone be late by mistake? Please explain Mr.Abbas.'

'Actually, Salman has brought a new Avenger game set. So, I was just watching it,' replied Shayan hesitatingly while scratching his head.

'Watching or playing with it?' I asked him sarcastically while I was driving and looking straight through the car screen.

'No no no I was just watching casually,' he replied with full confidence.

'Don't tell lie Shayan I am your mother', I warned him.

And we reached home. I parked my car, came out and started walking towards the house's main gate leaving him behind. Suddenly someone grabbed my hand from behind and I stopped. He came in front of me.

'Ok, I was playing with it. I am a sorry mama. I was fascinated by the game so I forgot about the time. From next time it won't happen,' he apologised to me while holding both his ears with a drooping face.
"Total drama king.Ya Allah!"

'Ok, I will see you next time and don't demand that avenger game from your daadu(grandfather). I will tell him not to buy that game for you. That's your punishment,' I warned him and started walking inside the house and he came behind me.
'Mama please,' he whined.

'I am sorry my prince. That's not gonna happen. Now come on, quickly go and change your clothes and come and sit in the dining table. I have cooked your favourite Chicken Biryani,' I commanded him.

'Yass, Chicken biryani. I am coming, Wait for me don't start eating without me,' he replied excitingly and ran towards his room.

He is a total brat but his gestures are cute.

'Ya Allah!always keep my son happy,' I prayed to God.

'By the way, mamma don't worry about the game set.Daadu(grandfather) will definitely by me the game set. He loves me more than you,' Shayan whispered in my ears and ran away while I was sitting and arranging the plates in the dining table.

'Shayaan.....you devil, come here,' I shouted.

'Coming mama but after changing the clothes. I will come with Daadu(Grandpa). So that you cannot punish me,' replied Shayan laughingly.

He is becoming smart day by day. I thought and smiled.


Usman's house:
Usman entered his drawing room and he saw Ayeza was sitting in the couch and reading a magazine.
'Hey princess, how was your day?,' asked Usman while gently patting Ayeza's cheeks from behind.

'It was hectic but nice. Bhai, go and freshen up quickly. We will talk later at the dining table. I have cooked chicken murgh masala especially for you,' replied Ayeza excitingly.

'Oh, is it so? Ayeza, why did you cook the food? I mean, we have a good chef. You would have ordered him he would have cooked for us,' replied Usman hesitatingly.

'Bhai, I know everything. You are saying this because I am not a good cook. Bhai, this time you won't be disappointed. I have made it exactly how you like with the help of our chef. The dish is perfect, he has tasted it. Please, taste it and even if you don't want to then it is the order of the princess of Khan of Khans. You have to taste it,' replied Ayeza dramatically.

'Ok dear princess, I have to freshen up quickly. I am coming within two minutes,' replied Usman smilingly and vanished into his room.

At the dining table:
'Ayeza, the chicken is so....yummy.Thanks to the almighty, finally you learnt to cook after making dozens of disastrous dishes,' joked Usman.

'Thank you,I know it,'replied Ayeza smilingly and continued,'By the way, I think after few days you will achieve the privilege of eating typical home cooked food which you always crave for and which will be the best in taste and good for health and that also every day for your entire life.'

'Oh, you found a new cook for us?' asked Usman while chewing his food.

'No, Hayat is a very good cook,' commented Ayeza mischievously.

After listening to her previous comment Usman started coughing.
Ayeza offered him a glass of water. After drinking the water Usman asked,' What? Hayat will become our new chef?'

'Yes, she will be our new chef and not only the new chef she will be our new homemaker also,' said Ayeza.

'Are you crazy? What are you talking about? I am not able to understand,' asked Usman while playing with the food.

'Bhai, you haven't taken anyone for a date except Hayat. May I ask you what are you up to?' asked Ayeza.

'No, its nothing,' replied Usman nervously, 'Wait, who told you about me and Hayat going on a date? I mean it was not a da..date.It was just a casual lunch'.

'O really, if I peep into your history then I haven't heard that the great Usman Ali Khan had taken any girl for a date or a casual lunch,' said Ayeza sarcastically.

'Ayeza, How did you got to know about it ?' asked Usman.

'Well, Hayat told me that she met with an egoistic billionaire at a reception party who accused her of being a thief and that dominating, rude man forced her to accompany him for lunch,' said Ayeza mischievously.

'What? she called me egoistic, rude, dominating?' asked Usman.

'Bhai, tell me honestly. Do you like her?' asked Ayeza eagerly.

'Who said th....that I like her?' asked Usman nervously.

'Well, I am your sister. It's true I am younger to you but no one knows you better than me. Just look at your face,'commented Hayat and started laughing,'Your face......Ha....Ha....Ha...your face has become red like a tomato. You are literally blushing'.

'What nonsense are you talking Ayeza?Jus..just stop watching all those cheesy T.V. dramas,' said Usman and stood up from his seat and took a step towards the washroom.

'Bhai, if you like Hayat and planning to make her your wife then I am with you. Hayat is perfect for you and she will be perfect for our family too but remember she is not the one who will fall for your money and status. She is a simple girl and wants a normal, happy life with a life partner who will support her in her thick and thins and love her,' said Ayeza.

By listening to Ayeza's words Usman stopped in his tracks and turned his face towards her, smiled at her and assured her with his eyes that he will follow her advice and went away.


Next day,in the evening.

Usman was waiting outside the hospital for Ayeza to pick her up as her duty was going to be over by evening. He came outside of his car and went inside the hospital's main gate. It was a big campus. He reached the hospital's gate and asked the security guard to inform Dr.Ayeza that he has come to pick her up. He was standing outside the gate and waiting for Ayeza.

Suddenly his eyes fell on a small kid who was hardly 6-7years old. He was playing football with another security guard. Suddenly he fell down on his belly Usman ran towards him and picked him up. The boy started crying. Usman removed his small specs from his eyes handed it over to the security guard and wiped the tear drops from his eyes. He checked his hands and legs but fortunately, he didn't find any injury.

'Beta(son) see you are fine. You haven't got hurt,see.,'Usman cooed in his ears.

'No, I have got hurt,' said the boy.

'Where? questioned Usman.

'Here,' said the boy while gesturing towards the temple part of his head.

'Oh, here? wait, your pain will vanish within two minutes,' said Usman lovingly and started massaging his temple.

'Ok, tell me. What's your name?' asked Usman while gently massaging his temples with his fingers.

'Shayan Abbas.'

'What are you doing here?'

'I am waiting for my mother. She is a Doctor. My mama cures people within a few seconds,' replied Shayan proudly,'By the way why are you here? Are you sick?' asked Shayan while checking Usman's temple. Shayan's injury was long forgotten now.

'No no no I am not sick. I am waiting for my sister. She is also a doctor,' replied Usman smilingly.

'Oh, you have a sister but I don't have a sister,' replied Shayan sadly.

'You have a brother?' asked Usman.
'No, I have no one to play with,replied Shayan sadly, 'You are lucky Mr. that you have a sister'.

'Ya, that's true,' replied Usman proudly, 'You know, what my Ammi(mother) used to tell me when I didn't have a sister?'

'What?' asked Shayan.

'She used to tell me, good boys who behave properly with others,respect others , have good manners and pray to God every day gets gifts from Allah in the form of beautiful brothers, sisters, friends and a good family,'said Usman lovingly while remembering his ammi's words,'So,pray to God every day and become a good boy. Allah will soon present you with beautiful siblings and friends.

'Ok, Thank you Mr. for helping me,' said Shayan and kissed his cheeks. I have to go now I think my mama is coming,' said Shayan and Usman dropped him down into the land gently and he helped him in wearing his specs.He saw Shayan running towards a lady. It was Hayat. Shayan called her Mama and she bends down to embrace him into a warm hug.

'Mama?but Hayat is not married but She can be married too. You don't know much about her past,' thought Usman.

'Sir Ayeza madam is busy with an emergency case. She asked you to go home. She will call you whenever she will be free,' said the security guard.

'Ok,' replied Usman and went out of the hospital campus with a broken heart.

So,how are you all?

How was the Chapter?

Usman is sad now.How will he know about Hayat's truth?

Will he ask her about Shayan?

Will he accept Shayan in his life?

What do you think?What kind of a person is Usman Ali Khan?

Are you liking the story?
please give me your suggestions for improving my story.
Will update the next part within next week.

Your friend,

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