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'Why did you bring me here?' asked Hayat.
She was sitting on the opposite side of Usman in a cafe.
'Why are you upset?' asked Usman.

'That girl...she is tortured by her husband. She was pushed down the stairs by her husband even though she was not at fault. He judged her character but she is innocent. She says she can't leave him. He is the love of her life. Her husband says he loves her.
They had a love marriage but the husband showed his true colours after marriage. He started dominating her. He has trust issues. What kind of love is this? how can you hurt the person you love.
I advised her to leave him and join our NGO but she refused it. He will destroy her one day,' replied Hayat sadly.
Usman was listening to her very patiently and meanwhile he was observing her facial features keenly.This was his chance to look at her without being noticed by her.

'Anyways, why the hell I am telling all this to you. You won't understand all this. Actually, I completely understand, you belong to a very good family and on top of that, you are a billionaire. You must be spending your days and nights with the elite class of people. Where will you come across such poor people?' remarked Hayat sarcastically.

On listening her comment Usman started laughing.
'Why are you laughing?Did i narrated you a funny story just now?',asked Hayat.

'Astaghfirullah! Do one thing Ms.Hayat, leave your practice and become my P.A,' said Usman.

'And why would I do that?' asked Hayat.
'Then you will get ample of time to judge what I do, where I go and with whom I spend my days and nights,' replied Usman leaning on the chair backwards and adjusting his coat.

'Anyways, I don't think you will stop judging me ever.'

Hayat gave a fake smile at his last remark.

'Hayat, I think she loves him too much. She is expecting him to change one day, she must be thinking he will become the same person with whom she fell in love. There are certain times where you want to help the other person but they won't let you. At that time you become helpless as if someone has snatched your capacity to use your hands or legs.

'So, what do you think I can do?' asked Hayat.
'All you can do is to keep a constant check on your loved ones. So that you can hold them at the right time when they are going to fall. You can provide them with your best support may be from behind or from the front because until and unless they want it you can't help them. Thats what I have done' replied Usman.
'What have you done,' asked Hayat curiously.
'My sister, she is younger to me but very stubborn. We were leading a peaceful life after a long time but suddenly a storm cam in our lives.'

Hayat could see how happy he was while talking about his sister and their good days but suddenly his facial expression changed.He clenched his jaw and She could she he rolled his fingers into a ball of furry .

'She fell in love with a guy during her college days. She was dating him. When I got to know about them I investigated about him. He was the son of a politician, a beast in disguise. I stopped her from meeting him but he turned my sister against me and they got married secretly. He manipulated her and I was not able to do anything. I searched for them.

After ten days, I found her in the hospital. I got to know he raped her.It was a marital rape, he used to beat her with his belt . Trust me, I felt I was the most helpless man alive. Although I had so much money ,I was not able to save my sister. Sometimes, love makes you weak. I have always tried to protect her and give her the love of a mother and a father but she searched for love somewhere else.
At the same restaurant.
Izzah(Azhar's aunt) entered the restaurant with her two friends all dressed up in fancy and costly dresses with branded purse in their hands and high heels in their feet.

'Izzah, is it Usman Ali Khan sitting there?' asked one of her friend while gesturing her to look at the particular direction.
Izzah removed her goggles from her eyes and placed it on her head and looked in that direction.
'Yes, it's him but what is he doing here with a girl all alone. Astaghfirullah!is he dating someone,' exclaimed her second friend.
'Mashallah look at that girl she is so beautiful but she is a common girl. I haven't seen her. Maybe he has come here for work purpose ', said the other friend.
'Izzah I feel they are having an affair. Just look at them. I don't think they are here for work. Usman is sitting so casually. Seems like that girl is consoling him with her sweet words. Izzah,I am telling you to do something otherwise he will not marry your daughter,' said her friend.

Izzah glared at her.
'I was just stating the fact.Now look they are laughing,' said her friend nervously.
Izzah was fuming in anger by now. She knew that girl was Hayat.

'Who the hell is she. I have to inquire about her. I won't let anyone come in between my daughter's happiness,' she thought.

'You are right,i have to do something no one can snatch my daughter's happiness.I feel they are coming close.This girl is trying to lure him with her booty and beauty.I have to remove her from his life but before that I have to know who is she?'said Izzah angrily .
🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚🦚Hi people how are you?
Maaze me ho ki nhi?(are you enjoying your life?)
I know I am late but I promise from now I will update two chapters in a week 😁

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Have mercy on me😭😭 .
Are you thinking wo kaise 🤔(how)?-----plzz vote 🙏🙏 then i will be super happy🤗🤗🤗
One task for you,plzz suggest me a ship name for our lovely couple Hayat and Usman plzz. Ok b..bye now I am going 🛫🛫

Your cute friend,
Muskan 🤓🤪

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