7.Roadside ranting 🛣

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'God will make you meet your soulmate when the right time comes. He creates situations, place and time of your meeting' ~random.

'Listen, Ms Hayat, this place is not safe, its a different kind of area and not suitable for girls like you who belongs to a good family,' said Usman while composing his anger.
'Well, thanks for your advice,' she replied faking a smile and started walking forward.
'Hayat... wait,' shouted Usman while running behind her.
He stopped her by coming in front of her.
'Why are you so....stubborn, ha? This area is not safe. Please listen to me.'

'Listen, mister, you gave me an advice, I heard it but it's my choice whether I will accept it or not,' she replied angrily.
'Seems like you have lost your mind after studying so....much in your medical college,isn't it ?'asked Usman, while putting his hands under his pocket,'ya ya it happens sometimes, I have read it in newspaper, a person lost his mental stability after studying for long hours and now his brain doesn't coordinate with his actions'.

'Listen, I know what I am doing. You are no one to me. So, your previous comment really doesn't matter to me. Now move aside, I am getting late,' replied Hayat irritatingly.

'Hayat, if you will not come with me and keep walking like that then I am also going to walk with you,' replied Usman.
'Who the hell are you? Are you my personal body guard?father?brother?Hell, you are not even my friend,' said Hayat sarcastically.
'But you are my best friend's friend and that's enough for me,' replied Usman.
'Listen its really important for me to go there today. Please let me go,'cried Hayat.
'Did you inform your father before coming here? Did you inform any of your friends?' asked Usman.
'I have informed him. Now please don't irritate me,' replied Hayat irritatingly.
'Ok, let me ask him,' said Usman while taking out his cell phone from his pocket.
Hayat panicked and said,no...I said I have informed him.

'Hayat, I am counting till three. If you don't sit in my car then I will inform your father or Azhar,' said Usman threateningly.
Hayat started panicking,'Allah Miya, where do I get stuck?'aked Hayat to her God while crying mentally.

Hayat started chewing her fingers.
'Think Hayat think,'cried Hayat mentally.
'Three...Now I will call him,' He threatened her.
'Wait wait wait I am coming,' shouted Hayat, ran towards his car and quickly sat down in the front seat.
Usman smiled at her actions
and sat down in his driving seat.

'I hate you . You irritate me so much,'growled Hayat while pulling her hairs with both her hands in anger and frustration.
'I know it. Would you please put the safety belt and tell me where you have to go? I don't have much time to waste on you. I am a very busy man,' said Usman while rolling his eyes.
'You have to so your self-importance everywhere, isn't? I haven't told you to drop me,' said Hayat Sarcastically, 'Anyways, turn left from here'.

Hayat wanted to meet the lady who was thrown down the staircase by her husband. Her name was Rano. She was the sister-in-law of a maid who was working in her hospital.
'Hayat aapa(sister), How come you are here? please have a seat,' said Rano and when she saw Dr.Hayat and one man at her door.
'I wanted to see you. How are you?' asked Hayat.
'I am fine,' Rano replied with uncertainty.
'Hayat I am waiting inside the car. If anything happens you will call me, ok,'
Usman warned her.
Hayat rolled her eyes and replied 'ok'.
She took her seat beside Rano and Usman went away.
'Rano tell me, Do your husband still beat you?' asked Hayat.

Rano started sweating due to fear. She checked her surroundings, finding no one she replied in a low voice.
'Yes, every night he comes home in a drunken state and he forces himself on me. I refuse him then he starts beating me. He doesn't care whether I am having periods or not and when he is sober than he asks for forgiveness. He says, he loves me but what kind of love is this. When you are sober you treat your wife like a queen and when you are drunken you treat her like a slave. Even his sister tortures me a lot. She is jealous of my beauty as she is not getting married. She put falls allegations upon me in front of my husband and then he again starts beating me. He never believes me'.
Rano started crying bitterly.

'Leave him. He is not worthy of your love,' said Hayat while gently caressing her hairs with her hand.

'I can't...I can't leave him. Whenever I try to leave, he reminds me of our old days when we were madly in love before marriage. We had a love marriage two years ago. I left my home due to him. My parents were not accepting our marriage. So, I ran away with him but after marriage, he changed. I had never imagined in my dreams he will be a beast,' said Rano while sniffing her tears.

'You have to leave him someday. He is not good for you. He will be your ruin. Your life is very precious Rano. Listen, if you don't want to return to your parents. Then you can come to me. I run an NGO along with my friends. They provide shelter to unsheltered people. We will provide money for your education or you can cook food, sew clothes and work in parlour also. In this way, you can pay your own school fees in instalments. please consider my advice and run away from here as soon as possible,' said Hayat sadly.

'You took so much time there. Am I your slave who will wait for you?'
asked Usman while driving the car.H ayat was sitting beside him

No response.

'Listen, I took you there just because you were walking alone on that road and it was really important for you .'

No response.

'Please don't think that I don't have work other than spying at you. Today, my work was over before evening and I wanted to see a location for my project which I saw when you were chatting with that girl. It was near her house, fortunately.'

Again no response.
'Hayat ....?'
Again no response.

Usman stopped the car abruptly and
Shouted, 'Hayat....' in her ear.
'What is it?' Hayat snapped at him.
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Seems like their fight is never-ending...uff 😪.
What gonna happen next? Any guesses?
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Bye Bye😁😁
Your friend,

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