6.Known but Unknown friend😉

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Next day,
At the Hospital's canteen.

'Hey, what's up?'Hayat greeted Ayeza.
'I am fine, 'Ayeza replied after sitting adjacent to Hayat.
'How about you?'
'Ok ok,' Hayat replied while sucking her cold coffee with the straw.
'So how was Azhar-Daaneen's reception party. I missed it as I was on duty here,'Ayeza replied sadly.

'Well, it was quite nice except there were some unwanted people whom I don't like that much,' replied Hayat remembering Usman.
'And who was it? 'Ayeza inquired smilingly.
'He was some egoistic Billionaire,' replied Hayat.
That grabbed Ayeza's attention.
'What was his name?'Ayeza asked.
'Ya..some Usman Ali Khan, I guess,' Hayat replied uninterestingly.
'What did he do?' asked Ayeza curiously.
'He misunderstood me as a thief when I was searching for Azhar's shoes in his bedroom, scolded and misbehaved with me and also at the reception party he forced me to go with him for the lunch,' Hayat replied angrily,
'He was very rude and dominating. I don't like such people.'

Ayeza was shocked. She has never seen his brother taking interest in any other girl. He never took any girl out for lunch or dinner and after knowing Hayat in past 2-3 months, she knew Hayat never lies, that's her best quality.

'I have to inquire about the whole matter. I cannot tell her that I am Usman bhai's(brother) own sister otherwise she won't share her thoughts with me, thought Ayeza.

'You know what? such type of men only knows to dominate their wives, their family. They want everything to be done according to their choice and I HATE SUCH MEN. They don't give any value to other person's feeling and I am sure he must be a rude and arrogant boss in his office, a pain in the ass of his employees,' said Hayat while chewing on her food .

'Well, I feel you shouldn't judge......'.
'I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, right?' said Hayat while interrupting Ayeza in middle.

'I am hearing this line for the third time since yesterday but tell me one thing, why shouldn't I judge other people if the whole society judges me.

Have you seen? that lady, who came to the hospital last week was injured. She was pushed down the stairs by her husband. His husband accused her of cheating just because she did extra makeup on that day. Her husband judged her character.

I have seen many cases in my life until now. My mother was accused of separating abbu from his family. My family was judged when my brother did not withdraw himself from the case and the society forced us to leave our house as they thought we are a threat to their lives. So, tell me why shouldn't I judge others when they judge me?' Hayat asked.

'You are absolutely right but we have to make this society better for our next generation. If we think broadly, automatically our children will do the same and this society will change one day inshallah and we Doctor's are made to bring the change in society, aren't we? 'Ayeza asked.

'Well sometimes I feel you are intelligent when you make such valuable comments,' joked Hayat.

'You don't know me Ms Hayat along with being a competent Doctor I can give some valuable advices also,' replied Ayeza mischievously and the whole canteen was filled with their laughter.

Unknown place
At some random road.
Hayat was walking speedily on a lonely road. Suddenly an Innova car came from behind and blocked her way.
She saw a man dressed in a grey suit,white shirt wearing a pair of black polished shoes coming out of the car's driving seat. Then she looked at his face. He was wearing black goggles. He removed his goggles and she saw the face of the man whom she least wanted to see right now.kkwOn

'What the hell are you doing here, in this lonely road?'Usman asked while indicating the road with the help of his goggles,'Do you treat your patients here, instead of your hospital? 'Usman growled angrily.

Hayat just stared at him with her big angry eyes and then......

Doom Doom Doom.......
Hey friends, how are you guys doing?
So did you liked the bonding of Hayat and Ayeza?
Will Ayeza directly ask Usman about Hayat?
What's gonna happen in the next chapter? Will they fight again?

Stay tuned.
~your friend

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