Chapter 7

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It had been a months traveling before the trio reached a special spot just between the two mountains, it provided shelter plus food and water from a lake that flowed through the hills. Here they lived in peace other then the stray herbivore that had a bad temper when it passed, the brothers knew that the coming spring would mean many carnivores from all neighbouring valley's would be traveling around this time so it made it extra dangerous. Though today felt special since the brothers were reaching the stage where they would have to start really protecting their female, it would be hard but worth the pain and effort it would take if they were able to keep their prize. The albino female had caught the eye of many wandering males since it would be an honour to be mates with the rarest of the spinosaurus', though today a group of females had wandered by. One of them caught the younger brothers eye, she was an almost golden brown colour with a pale under belly. The brothers singled her away from the rest and brought her back to their albino prize, the females got along instantly and lay side by side awaiting their soon to be mates to herd them to the breeding grounds. The brothers smelt the soon to come spring so they gathered their two females and began the long journey back to the breeding grounds, the brothers had begun to grow rather impressive red scales down their spines signalling they had reached the age where they had earned the right to breed with a female who they had earned. The brothers were fully aware that there would be a few challengers who would try to take the two females the brothers now had in their possession, though the travel would be slightly slower it would be worth it in the end. The four soon managed to get out of the hills before mid day but they still had a long journey ahead of them, the brothers seemed reluctant to leave their safe haven in which they would be granted peace. The albino female could sense their reluctance and ushered them on with soft comforting growls, they brothers gave in to their females calls and followed. In the distance a dying roar sounded, it had seemed that two carnivores had fought a battle and the looser had lost its life to that fight. The brothers paid no attention to that dying roar as it didn't concern them, the females however were curious. The brothers nudged their females onwards as to not loose any precious time, the albino nipped at the eldest brothers nose softly who gave her a soft growl in return. The four finally reached the thick forest of trees and bushes which means that it would be about a months travel since they were bigger and could go longer distances without food and water, they four were grateful for the shade on that hot day. Though it would take a long time to reach the breeding grounds and many males would challenge the brothers both females knew that both brothers would fight the same opponent together and never alone, this meant they had a bigger chance of keeping their two females.

Ok guys Wattpad is being silly and my chapters are publishing left right and centre but in different orders so please bare with me here.

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