Chapter 5

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The albino female was first to wake, she stood and went down to the lake for a drink and maybe a fish or so. She wondered where her brothers had rested for the night, soft friendly growls told her that two young spinosaurs were nearby. She knew instantly that they were male but they weren't her beloved brothers, she gave soft growls in reply as her instincts told her to. As she growled two young brothers stepped out of the bushes, though they weren't her brothers she stayed in a friendly mode. The two spotted her Midnight coloured hunting buddy (future mate maybe) sleeping in the shade, she knew that if her Midnight friend woke and caused a fight the brothers would surely kill him. The two nudged her away from her friend and she went without sound as bigger predators might be hunting nearby, she gave growls of protest but the brothers didn't seem bothered by them. As they were about to leave the clearing she heard a threatening growl come from her Midnight coloured friend, though the brothers look similar one had a strip of white going down his long dark brown face. Both brothers were a very deep brown except for the odd white marking or so, more angry growls sounded as the two brothers circled the Midnight male. Though they wouldn't fight to the death just yet since they weren't old enough to mate with any females just yet, the brothers would be able to keep the little albino female longer then a single loner male would. The Midnight male knew he wouldn't win a fight as he was outnumbered and was stiff after a nights rest, he bowed his head low showing respect and gave a growl as though saying 'I will get her back one day'. The two brothers chased him a bit before returning to their new prize, they soon began nudging her away again this time she went without protest.


After a few hours of following the lake they soon arrived at a dense clearing, no fully grown dinosaurs would be able to fit in it. They let their prized female flop to the ground exhausted, they lay down on either side of her to protect her. The albino female knew that they would probably have the strength combined to scare off a full grown male, loud roars echoed in the distance as full grown males called for any free female or to challenge another to the death. Luckily the albino female had grown a fair bit since she had travel to the breeding grounds with her father, all the traveling had made her grow rather strong. One of the brothers whom had the white stripe down his face nibbled at her neck scales, she gave a growl wanting to simply sleep. Immediately he stopped and simply rested his head on her neck, the other elder brother did this too as to make sure she didn't leave by weighing her down. She gave a few more growls before giving up, she then rested her head down and let sleep consume her.

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