Chapter 8

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The four reached the breeding grounds within a month or so, the spring smells drove the brothers into a more protective stage then relaxed. The brothers spotted a decent place to rest with their females, a threatening growl sounded behind them. They all spun around to see a battle scared Midnight coloured male with a red line of scales down his back, the albino female remembered him from last breeding season and herded her friend away so the brothers could protect them without interference. The brothers circled their opponent awaiting his first move, the Midnight male gave a whack with his tail as a distraction before lunging and attacking the younger brother. The brothers caught onto this trick and did one of their own, the younger pretended to be surprised while the elder bit down on the Midnight males neck narrowly missing his spine. The Midnight male tried to free himself but something sharp bit down on his hind quarters, the weight of two growing males made the Midnight male collapse. The eldest brother leaned against the Midnight spjne snapping it instantly with the weight of a mature male, the Midnight male gave a few choked roars before going completely still. The brothers urged their females away from the dead body of their long lost enemy, the males gave a few challenging roars and waited for a reply. A few minutes later a much older sounding roar came from nearby, the brothers turned towards the roar to see a full grown adult male spinosaurus. The brothers would have a decent chance if they fought together, the adult male headed towards the two females thinking nothing of the maturing males behind him. He gave a threatening growl as the maturing males bit down on his sides in hopes to out weigh him, he twisted and turned trying to dislodge the pestering males. The females moved off a bit to stay out of the fight, the full grown male managed to dislodge the younger ones but knew he stood no chance alone with the two energy filled males. He gave an angry growl before storming away to leave the four in peace, the brothers gave soft comforting growls to their now official mates. The eldest brother took the albino female a little ways away from his brother as to give them space, the albino female gave soft comforting growls and used her front legs for support. The male seeing her be receptive mounted her, he gave her neck a nibble or so before giving off comforting growls. After a few minutes the eldest brother dismounted his mate and gave her a nudge, the albino female made a soft cooing noise as the pair nuzzled each other. The younger brother and his mate had done a similar thing as it was the usual mate acceptance cooing that the females made which told the males that they had been accepted, the albino female layed down to rest after she and her mate had mated. The brothers let out soft growls and layed down next to their mates to protect them, they would have to mate two of three more times before they had been fully accepted. The females could have their moments rest as they needed it after recently mating, the males too needed their rest if they were to protect their females. The day wore on slowly, a couple of spinosaurs caused a few more fights but the four were mostly left in peace. It was around mid after noon when the adult male came back to try to get one of the females for himself, he went to the albino female and began to nudge her away while the brothers slept. Growls of protest came from the albino female but she was silence by a sharp bite to the side of her neck, the other female with the paled under belly nudged the brothers awake. The brothers got up their legs sore from the amount of fighting and resting they had done throughout the day, the two charged the adult male but the much older male simply side stepped a couple times since the brothers were sore and unable to nimbly move from one place to the other. The adult male gave a deep threatening growl before giving a blood curdling roar, the brothers continued to harass the older spinosaurus hoping to get him away from their albino prize. This didn't work very well since the older spinosaurus had his mind fixed on taking the albino female, the brothers tried and tried not willing to give up their beloved female so easily. The elder male gave another low threatening growl before suddenly turning into the attacker lunging for the two brothers, the brothers were taken by surprise at the sudden attack that they fled a little ways away. The adult male turned back to the retreating albino female clearly more interested in her then the faded one, the brothers tried attack after attack but nothing seemed to stop this now heavily driven male from taking their most prized possession. The albino female tried a trick of her own, she pretended to accept him as her mate then swerved sideways back towards the brothers who were waiting in an ambush position. The full grown male didn't think about what could be waiting in the shrubs but simply followed the albino female, once she stopped and turned the brothers leapt out of the bushes grabbing onto the full grown males neck ripping it from side to side. The adult male collapsed under the sudden weight, the brothers both let go of the stunned male and tore at his spine breaking it easily. The adult male gave a roar of pain before he lay limp, the four began to eat the large amount of flesh which lay in front of them. The eldest brother whom she albino had become mates to gave her a muzzle before eating, the albino female glanced around before digging into their new meal.

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