Chapter Fifteen| The new House

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~about a week later~
|Travis's POV;|
Ah ha today's the day I move out and move in with my girl~ I was at my house packing the last of my things when a knock was hear from my door,
"Hello?" I answered,
"Hey Travis!" Katelyn said,
"Oh Hey Baby~" I smirked and she rolled her eyes,
"You almost done?" She asked,
"Almost got to pack up few last things"
"Need help?"
"Ah I got it unlesssss you wanna help.." I chucked and gabbed her hand and pulled her closer,
"You idiot, Do you need help?" She pushed away, Awe man... I gave her a pouty lip.
"Get your stuff ready, everyone's helping us move in." She continued, hmph I wanted a kiss.... I went back grabbing the last of my things and brought them up, Once I got up there we packed then into my car so I was easier to bring them over to the house duh. I drove my stuff over and Eveyone helped us bring in our bed, Dressers and other things.
"Thanks for the help guys!" Katelyn said and Everyone left us to settle in our new home. We walked inside and it was big, well bigger than my old house. I'm not used to having a two story house, it's Werid.
"Well....errm we need furniture..." Katelyn sighed, she was right we didn't have a couch... Nor a table and chairs,
"Hey let's head to Ikea and pick out furniture!" I suggested,
"Wow for once Travis you don't sound stupid"
"Yeah.... Wait a minute HEY!"
"Hehehehe" she giggled,
"Uh... Cmon..." I said grabbing my keys to head to the store Katelyn and I jumped into the car and off we went.
~Time skip~
I pulled into a spot and parked the car, we hopped out and headed into the store; We walked around and looked at couches and tables, Chair more stuff... But nothing was catching our eyes.
"Ooo I like this one!" Katelyn said pointing to a blue couch,
"Eh.... What about this one!" I said pointing towards a green couch,
"Ew it's green..."
"So, Yours is blue"
"Well I like blue "
"I like green"
"Uh but it's ugly!" We argued back and forth,
"Gez... You too are sounding like a old married couple Nya~" A voice said behind us, we turned around that Nya sounded familiar of course it was Michi.
"Uh michi what do you want?" Katelyn hissed,
"Well nice to see you too Nya~ Hmph Michi's here With her Ty Ty! And well he's off grabbing things and Michi saw you two and well Michi had to say hi!" Katelyn rolled her eyes at the lame excuse to be here,
"Hey Katie!" Someone said walking up to us,
"Oh Ty Ty!" Michi cooed, Katelyn gave a nasty look at Michi,
"Hey Ty, What's up?" Katelyn said,
"Nothin much, Just getting some furniture for Michi's house, what about you?"
"Getting Furniture for our new house." Katelyn smiled,
"Wait did you just say 'our'?"
"Well yeah?" Katelyn said confused, Ty gave me a death glare then Katelyn punched him in the arm.
"Ow..." Ty groaned rubbing his arm,
"Hmph, Well guess I'll see you guys around 'we' we're just picking out a couch for our new house." Katelyn said,
"Well I'll see you later! I'm only living down the street so give us a call!" Ty said walking off with Michi,
"So which couch?" I asked,
"I want the blue one.."
"I want the green.."
"Gr... Fine let's try to make a compromise..."
"Sounds like a plan Hun~" after about an hour of arguing we finally picked out a brown couch that was actually really comfy, we also picked out a table and chair and brought them.... They won't be at the house for about a week.
We headed home and it was really empty inside... Kinda Werid..
"Hey I'll make some dinner for us." Katelyn said,
"Okay Babe, I'll unpack the kitchen stuff." I unpacked the plates, Bowls, cups and other items and Katelyn made us a small dinner, She was cooking and I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder,
"It's almost ready!" She said, I kissed her on the cheek, she made us plates and we had to stand up and eat cause we didn't have a table yet.... Heh...
Katelyn's POV:
We placed our plates in the sink and I began washing dishes, till I felt arms wrap around my hips.
"Travis what are you doing?"
"Sorry but I couldn't keep myself from those hips!"
"You dork!" I hip bumped him away and he gave me a dumb smirk, I laughed and stuck out my tongue. He grabbed the hand towel and wiped it at me,
"Your such a loser!"
I laughed and he ran after me, I ran around the house trying to get away from Travis. He finally caught me and threw me over his shoulder.
"Ah! You idiot put me down!"
"Nope!" He chucked,
I playfully kicked my arms and legs and eventually he put me down, He pulled me close to him; I started into his emerald green eyes and he stared into mine. He ran his hand down my back almost to my butt! But I quickly grabbed his hand, and shook my head in annoyance.
"You Dork"
"Well I tried" he laughed and pulled me into a kiss, we started unpacking more things; Travis unpacked upstairs and I did the downstairs.
"Hey Travis, wanna hook up the play station?" I shouted, but I got no answer, I walked upstairs to see Travis passed out on the bed.
"You dork" I whispered, I climbed into bed and laid next to him. His white hair fell over his eyes and and moved it to uncover his face, I smiled. Weirdly Travis smiled, in a blink on an eye he was up and pinned me to the bed.
"What the heck Travis I thought you were sleeping!"
"Haha! Tricked ya!"
"You jerk!"
Hovering over the top of me, he smiled and kissed me neck eventually making his way to my lips. I pushed him off of me,
"You jerk I really thought you were sleeping!" I sat on the edge of the bed and Travis started playing with me hair, he pulled me to him and kissed my cheek. I rolled my eyes and moved onto the bed.
He laid next to me and pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me close to his body. He was really warm and it was nice,
"I love you~" he whispered in my ear,
"I love you too." I said back. He ran his hand all down my side and rubbed my leg, I smiled and felt really tired all of a sudden... Man I sleep a lot hahaha!
But this was really nice, my eyes felt heavy and I drifted off into a deep slumber....ZzZzZ

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