Chapter Sixteen| Locked Away~

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Katelyn's POV:
I slowly opened my eyes and was blinded by the bright, warm sun blaring through the window, I let out a small sigh and felt two arms get tighter around my waist. I turned slightly to see a white-haired goof smiling in his sleep,
"Not fooling me Travis I know your not asleep!"
"Mhm you got me, I just woke up when you moved, I didn't want you to go... Cuddles?" He said sleepily,
"Travis... We need to get up, cuddles later."
I rolled me eyes and started getting out of bed and was stopped by Travis pulling me back, I sighed.
"Travis no cuddles"
I leaned in to give him a kiss and he pulled me over and pinned me to the bed, Gave me a stupidly cute smirk and ticked me!
"AHHH! Travis s..stop!"
"Nope!" He laughed,
"T..TRAVIS!" I laughed/Yelled, he stopped and a smile crept on his face.
"You jerk!" I kicked him off and he landed on the floor,
"Well don't tickle me!"
"Cmon Baby~ I love your smile."
"Hmph..." I turned away,
"I love you babe~" a smooth voice said in my ear, I couldn't help but laugh.
"You dork"
"I'm not a dork!"
"Yes you are, but your my dork" I pulled him into a kiss, once we pulled away from each other-
•Ding Ding Ding•
My phone went off, I grabbed it off the night stand and check I got a text from Aphmau,

Aph~ Hey Kate! Kawaii~Chan set up a neighborhood talent show, and........
Kate~ and what?
Aph~ Wondering if you and Travis wanted to enter
Kate~ uh Aph idk...
Aph~ cmon! It will be fun!
Kate~ maybe...
Aph~ yaaay! It's in two days so see ya there maybe😝
Kate~ ......

A talent show? Werid, well I don't think I have a talent.... A slight sigh,
"What's wrong babe?"
"Uh... Oh Kawaii~Chan is having a neighborhood talent show."
"Really! Sounds fun, Let's do it!"
"Wah! Uh...."
"Is something wrong?"
"Baby you can tell me~"
"Uh.... Oh okay, I..I have stage fright.."
"Since when?"
"Since forever!"
"Well it doesn't seem like it, you've been in front of people before"
"Uh... Yeah.."
"Cmon baby lets do it!"
"Well when is it?"
"I'm two days.." I sighed
"Great enough time to practice! Wait what will we do?"
I sat pondering, hm want do we do? Well I'm not really into this as much as Travis is but still it would be nice to have a little fun. But what shall we do?
"Hey Babe what about singing a duet?"
"A duet?" I said confused,
"Yeah, You have such a beautiful singing voice it would be perfect!"
"What song?" I questioned,
"Hmm...." He said thinking, we searched on YouTube looking for a song but ended up on Netflix some how and binge watching an entire season of 'once apon a time' we spent most of the after noon watching Netflix and trying to find a song to do a duet too, but we had no luck,
"I'm gettin out of bed ya lazy bum and gettin into the shower."
"Awe...but cuddles, you need some TLC" He gave me a pouty lip,
"Travis.. We have to do something other than stay inside all day."
"But I love spending time with me girl~"
"We can still spend time together, just get dressed."
"Errm fine.. Mom!" He laughed,
"Loser.." I walked into the bathroom and got undressed and hopped in the shower.
Travis's POV:
The search for a song has not ended I sat on the bed still searching for a song when I heard Katelyn's beautiful voice slightly sing, I made my way to the door and put my ear to the door. Her heavenly voice sang~
"If I got locked away, and we lost it all today would you still love me the same"
"I would always love you!" I chucked and still listened,
"Tell me honestly would so still love me the same?"
After what seemed like a short time listening to her voice I felt the door being pulled away from me, The door pulled open and I fell onto Katelyn.
"Ah! What are you doing?" He said annoyed,
"Uh.. I was listening to your gorgeous voice."
I helped her up and she fixed her towel and grabbed some clothes,
"Hey Baby what was the name of that song?"
"Locked away, I think?"
I immediately ran to the laptop and search up locked away when Katelyn was in the bathroom and played it.
"This song is perfect!" I said
"I'm back!"
"And so are you." I smiled,
"You loser" she giggled, "did you find it?"
"Yup! It perfect for us!"
"Well... Now we have to learn the song and have parts."
"Yup this is a piece of cake!" I chucked,
"I hope so.."
We Learned the full song and we split into parts for our duet and it was great! I can't wait for the talent show!

~Talent show next chapter~
Sorry if this is bad... I tired😁
~•~Possible another chapter later~•~

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