Chapter Seven| Meeting Part of the family

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Travis's POV:
The date went perfect! I'm so glad she's happy, when I gave her the promise ring I pulled her into a hug and whispered.
"I love you so much." She did a slight giggled and she pulled me into a kiss, our lips met and we kissed. She whispered. " I love you too." I picked her up bridal style and walked back to my car,
"Travis! Put me down!" She yelled as she kicked legs playfully and crossed her arms,
"Haha nope." I sat her in the passenger side of the car and I tried to walk away but she grabbed my collar and pulled me into another kiss, I smiled while kissing. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I pulled her closer to me, I kissed her neck and she giggled then pushed me off; she rolled her eyes and smiled. I closed the door and went to the drivers side and we drove back to my house, once we got back home we went down to my room Katelyn grabbed one of my shirts and wore it to bed. We curled up into the bed, she laid her head on my chest and wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead. I watched as she tried not to smile, Heh I can get her smile with no problem! I started ticking her.
"Gah!... Travis!... Stop!" She yelled between laughs, she had the ticklish sides. I kept tickling her till she tried pushing my off I pinned her to my bed and she turned a light shade of pink, I kissed her neck and pulled my shirt off and ran her fingers down my chest. We had our little make out session and cuddled till she fell fast asleep, I rubbed her back and she smiled in her sleep I wrapped my arms around her waist and fell asleep....ZzZzZzZzZ
---Next Morning---
I heard my door open but I shrugged it off and Wrapped my arms around Katelyn, I heard her yawn which made me yawn. I kissed her cheek,
"Morning baby~"
"Morning..." She said sleepy, I ran my hand down to her leg.
"Katie!" I heard two men say, I sat up immediately, how in the name of Irene did they get here!? Did they just called her Katie?
"Tyler? Micha? Why in the name of Irene are you doing here?" She yelled,
"Well we wanted to see our older sis but you weren't at your house.... Who in the name of Irene is this!?" One of the guys said who had ice blue hair like Katelyn's..
"Well how did you know I was here?" She asked,
"We asked Your friend Kawaii~chan." One with lighter but darker blue hair said.
"Hmm Kawaii~chan...." She growled, the two guys crossed their arms.
"Now who's this guy!" They hissed.
"Calm down you two! Do I have to punch you! This is Travis, My boyfriend."
"Boyfriend!...." They growled, I filled with fear.. I know how Katelyn punches I can't imagine how these two do...
"I will punch you two if you as much as touch Travis!"
"Katie....uh...Travis I will hurt you if you hurt our big sis!" The one with ice blue hair said,
"Oh Travis... This is Tyler, and That's Micha." First pointing to Tyler who had the darker blue hair and then to Micha the one who had ice blue hair.
"Uh..nice to meet you..." I said nervously,
"Heh" Tyler rolled his eyes.. Great he doesn't like me.. Katelyn got up and grabbed some clothes she had over and went to the bathroom.. I was left with Tyler and Micha...
"So.. Travis You like Katie right! Your not just using her!" Micha said nonchalantly,
"No I love Katelyn! She the love of my life."
"Heh you better not be saying that." Tyler crossed his arms giving me the death glare. I awkwardly got up and grabbed some clothes and walked up to the bathroom, Katelyn walked out an noticed the two coming up the stairs. She smiled and gave me a quick kiss and I went into the bathroom.
Katelyn's POV:
Those two have the nerve just showing up at His house, I wonder who let them in... Probably Laurance or Dante cause they always like to mess with Travis.
"Really guys!"
"What!" Tyler said, I may be a lot shorter than them but there still afraid of me.
"You guys don't have to scare him!"
"Scare.. We barely tried haha" they started laughing I grabbed each of them by the shirt and pulled them down to my level.
"Guys stop before I punch you two... Leave Travis alone and go back home."
"Pfft... Travis hasn't seen the last of us... We will make sure he's right for you!" Micha hissed, I rolled my eyes and pushed them away.
"You guys are too overprotective of me i am older than you too."
"Pfft we know, we just love ya!" Tyler said playfully punching me in the arm.
"Heh love ya too... Maybe some time you guys can come over and stay for a bit."
"Sounds great... But he better not be there..." Micha said, I rolled my eyes and Travis came back out of the bathroom, They glared at him.
"Well bye Katie were in town so don't forget!"
"I won't bye!" I gave them a hug and they went back home. Travis still had a worried look in his eyes,
"You dork they won't hurt you." I kissed his cheek.
"I..I know just wow you three are too much alike..."
"Heh.." Travis pulled me closer,
"Now I get you back to myself." He winked and kissed my neck, I pushed and away.
"Heh... Gotta catch me first!" I ran out the door and snuck around the side of the house, he ran out of the house looking for me. I ran up and jumped on his back,
"Gah!" He yelled as we fell to the ground,
"Baby are you okay?" He asked, I kept laughing,
"Y..yeah! I'm fine." We sat up and started laughing,
"This is why I love you.." He whispered in my ear, and brought me into a kiss.

Hey guys! I need chapter ideas, so leave comments and I may use them.😉😋 Hope you enjoyed!
Also shroomyshroom99 Funkypotato52203  i used your character names you left in the comments, I changed them just alittle😁😋

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