Chapter Six| The Date

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Katelyn's POV:

I stretched my arms, yawn! What time is it? I tried to move but was stopped, I felt arms wrapped around my waist. Awe Travis... I ticked his chin, he slightly moved in his sleep. I looked over at his alarm clock it read 7:16am, Then looked back at Travis and he smiled in his sleep; I let out a big yawn. Also I feel a lot better than yesterday,
"Morning Hun~"
"Morning Travis." I giggled, He kissed my neck and he snuggles closer to me.
"Hey babe..."
"I want to take you on a real First date."
"Yes of course!" He pulled me closer, I giggled.
"I would love too!" I sat up, he wrapped his arms around my hips.
"No don't go, Cuddles?"
"Travis....I need to get up."
"Uh fffine." He pulled me close to him and rolled me over so he towered over me, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He smiled as we kissed and ran his fingers through my hair. I pushed him away,
"Travis I gotta get up now."
"Aweee...." I pushed him off, He crossed his arms and frowned. I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek.
"Your such a Dork." I giggled,
"I'm not a dork!" He frowned.
"Yes you are now go get dressed." I teased
"Okay Mom. Love you~"
"Heh love ya too." I went back home to get dressed, as I went to my room Aphmau and Kawaii~chan stopped me...
"Katelyn~sama! Travis~Kun texted Kawaii~chan last night saying you were sick, is Katelyn~sama okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine Kawaii~chan, I feel a lot better."
"That good, Travis texted us saying that you two are going on a date tonight!"
"Yeah, I'm really excited... I mean I'm happy."
"Oooo Katelyn~sama we need to find you a dress!"
"A..A dress!"
"Yes!" They shouted, I faced palmed... Uh I hate dresses...... We heard the door bell ring.
"Kawaii~chan's got it!" She quickly ran to the door and brought a box back to me.. "Here!" She handed me a large box, the girls started giggling uncontrollably, I opened the box and pulled out a dark blue dress and a pair of black sandals with a blue diamond bracelet.
"Oh my Irene this is beautiful!" I was in Awe.
"Awe!!!!!" The girls squealed, I walked up to my room and closed the door behind me. My phone went off, I checked it was a message from Travis.
T- Hey Baby be ready at 7 okay!
K- Okay
T- you like it?
K- I love it
T- great I'll see you later beautiful I love you❤️
K- love you too
I pulled the dress and stuff out of the box and laid it on my bed, I can't believe he did this all for me. It turned noon and a slight knock was heard on my door.
"Uh yes?"
"When is Katelyn~sama's Date?"
"At 7 why?"
"Well.... Aphmau~senpai and Kawaii~chan were wondering if we could help?"
"Uh...sure I guess." The girls and I hung out till 5 and they started getting makeup, And other things...oh boy I should have never let them help. Kawaii~chan curled my hair and Aphmau did my makeup. I slipped in my dress and shoes, they started to Fangirl. I looked in the mirror.. Wow this dress is absolutely beautiful! It turned 7 and a knock was heard on the front door. Aphmau ran and got it,
"Katelyn! Come on down!" She yelled, I walked down stairs and Travis smiled,
"There my beautiful girl." I rolled my eyes and he grabbed my hand, we walked out to his car. We drove for about 20 minutes and finally we stopped it was pretty dark out, we got out of the car and he grabbed my hand and covered my eyes.
"Don't peek." He laughed,
"I won't..." I giggled walked we finally stopped and he uncovered my eyes, we stood on bridge leading to a gazebo. It was all candle lit with fairy lights,
"Travis... This is absolutely amazing!" He lead me to the gazebo and we sat down at a table, he was a light pink... Which surprisingly I started to blush, There was food laid out for us. This was amazing I have the best boyfriend in the world. He started becoming red and fidgety.
"Travis are you okay?"
"Y..yeah.." He stuttered, wait did he just stutter that not like Travis..He reached in his pocket and pulled out a little box... is he proposing?! My eyes widened as he opens the box.. There sat a little sliver ring with a not in it.
"For you Hun~ it's a promise ring.."
"Awe Travis I love it." He placed it on my finger and he pulled out a matching necklace/chain with a not on it.
"What does the not mean?
"It means love.. And how the not represents us two." He stood up and pulled me into a hug.
"I love you so much" he whispered in my ear, I giggled and pulled him into a kiss; When his lips met mine I knew he's the one for me. This was the best date ever, and that werid for me to say... I'm not the one to show affection but I know I love Travis.
"I love you too." I whispered.

Ahhhhh!!!! So CUTE!!!😊😱
OMI I love this ship so much it need to happen!!💯❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jess please please please make Travlyn happen!💙💚

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