Chapter 27: Naruto vs Gaara

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(Naruto and Gaara keep glaring at each other until Gaara tries to reach for Sasuke, but Naruto uses his Time Freeze as he goes to Gaara, and punches him away before waiting for the time to flow again.)

Naruto: Five... four... three... two... one... zero!

(Time flows again as Gaara is sent sprawling. He then turns to the girls.)

Naruto: Get him outta here. He'll just get in the way in his current conditions.

(As Gaara gets up and returns to the battlefield, he remembers when he was treated like a monster, and even his own father resented his existence. And then he remembers when he killed the only one who seemingly cared about him.)

(Back to Present, Gaara tries to hit Naruto, who quickly dodges, much to his anger.)

Gaara: Persistent...

Naruto: You're the one to talk.

(Gaara tries to hit Naruto with his monster tail, but he dodges the attack as well, and Gaara groans in pain again as he remembers the moment the one who seemingly cared about him revealed his intentions as she tried to take him, but the sand protected him.)

(Back to present, Gaara transforms more, and launches a new jutsu.)


(As the sand shurikens are launched, Naruto takes them like they're nothing.)

Naruto: I know this isn't your true form!

(Naruto charges at Gaara who then unleashes a Sand Storm from his own mouth, and combines it with his Sand Shuriken, blowing Naruto away, but he lands on his feet, and is barely scratched.)

Naruto: Barely a scratch... I admit I'm a little impressed. Just know that I'll fight for as long as I can.

Gaara: Bullshit. I fight for me, and me alone!

(Naruto then decides to use his Shadow Clones.)

Naruto: Shadow Clone Jutsu!

(Naruto creates Shadow Clones to distract Gaara as he punches him from behind. During their fight, Sasuke manages to get up as he sees Naruto and his clones beating the crap out of Gaara, who then transforms into the One Tailed Beast: Shukaku.)

(The beast then summons sands around Naruto, and tries to use the Sand Funeral, but he easily breaks free, much to everyone's shock. He then punches one of its arms, making it fall.)


(Gaara then emerges from Shukaku's forehead as he smirks deviously.)

Gaara: I'll show you the true power of the manifestation... of the sand! Pretend to be dead Jutsu!

(Then Shukaku finally awakes.)

Shukaku: I hope you're ready to die!

(Shukaku shoots a wind blast at Naruto's clones, who are blown away, but the real Naruto punches Gaara.)

Shukaku: This is no fair, I just came here.

(Naruto goes closer to Gaara, who tries to stop him.)

Gaara: I shall decimate you, so I won't cease to exist. Believe it, I'll kill you!

(Naruto charges at Gaara, who uses his final attack.)

Gaara: DIE!


(He then headbutts Gaara before punching him, knocking him out.)

(Meanwhile, all civilians are evacuated while the Hidden Leaf Ninjas wipe out all of Sound and Sand Ninjas. Gen cures Shino from the poison inflicted by Kankuro's puppet. The ANBU Hunters join in, and so do the Ino-Shika-Cho Jonin Trio, Kakashi, Guy, Kurenai, etc. Hiruzen takes some of Orochimaru's jutsus, sealing his arms.)

Hiruzen: The sealing is done.

Orochimaru: (gasps in shock) My arms...

Hiruzen: There it is. Your arms are useless for you now. And without the arms, you'll never make another hand sign! Ninjutsu is forever out of your reach! Your repugnant dream of crushing this village dies here!


Hiruzen: (smiles) Your foolishness has no parallel, Orochimaru. My only remorse is not being able to take you with me. Farewell, pupil. Maybe we'll meet again in the other world.

Orochimaru: (stern) You decrepit old man! How DARE YOU! HOW DARE YOU TAKE MY JUTSUS FROM ME?!

(Back to Naruto, he is seen looking at the defeated Gaara.)

Hiruzen: (voice over) Whenever the leaves dance, the flames will be found. The fire's shadow shall illuminate the village.

(Gaara grunts weakly as he gazes at Naruto.)

Hiruzen: (voice over) And, once more, the leave shall bloom again.

(Back to Hiruzen, he dies with a smile as Enma removes the sword while Kakashi reveals to have already known that Kabuto was a spy for Orochimaru.)

(Back to Naruto and Gaara, the latter still gazes at Naruto.)

Gaara: (in mind) What makes him so strong? I will not disappear. I will not cease to exist. I WON'T CEASE TO EXIST!

(Naruto looks at Gaara while remembering what he went through before his supposed death. He then sees what Gaara went through. As he tries to help Gaara, his eyes widen as he is somwehat afraid.)

Gaara: No, get away!

Naruto: That hurts, doesn't it? The feeling of being alone. I know this sentation. I've been there, in that dark and solitary place, but then I saw the light. The lught that gave me a purpose, and a person who means much to me. Someone who I could care for more than myself. I won't let anyone hurt either that person, or me. That's why I became what I am now. I will stop you, even if I have to kill you.

Gaara: (shocked) But why? Why would you do it for someone if not for yourself?

Naruto: Because that person saved me from myself. From my loneliness, that person accepted me for who I was, and for who I am. That person was my first friend before the others.

(Gaara then remembers what his uncle said.)

Gaara: (in mind) Love... is this what makes him stronger?

Sasuke: (off-screen) Naruto, that's enough.

(Sasuke appears beside Naruto.)

Sasuke: Everyone is alright. The monster was stopped, everyone is fine. This dude's chakra wore out.

(Then Temari and Kankuro come in as Naruto prepares to fight them, but then Temari smiles.)

Temari: Thank you.

Naruto: (confused) Uh... for what?

Temari: For stopping him. God know what could happen if he wasn't stopped.

(Kankuro gets confused as well as Gaara speaks up.)

Gaara: That's enough. It's over.

Kankuro: Bur Gaara. (sees Gaara laid down) (in mind) I never thought I'd see that. He stopped. (normal tone) Very well, Gaara.

(He picks up Gaara as Temari winks at him before the three leave. As they leave, Gaara is seen in his thoughts.)

Gaara: (in mind) Perhaps, Naruto Uzumaki... someday, maybe even I... (weak and normal tone) Temari... Kankuro... I'm sorry.

(Temari and Kankuro get shocked by Gaara's apology.)

Kankuro: Don't worry about it.

(They then leave.)

(Next Day, Naruto is seen in his house with Haku and Kin as he remembers Hiruzen before his death. He then dresses up to attend the Hokage's funeral, and so do Haku and Kin. Sakura, Sasuke and Karin leave their houses to attend the funeral as well. At the funeral, everyone is mourning for Hiruzen's death as it starts raining.)

Kurenai: It's raining.

Asuma: Even the skies cry.

(Then each one of the villagers take turns paying respects for the Hokage.)

Naruto: (in mind) So this happened... the world is unfair sometimes after all...

(Konohamaru is seen crying as Iruka comforts him while remembering the moment Hiruzen comforted him when he was still young. Naruto feels bad for him as well. Somewhere else, Kakashi remembers his past mistakes while Jiraiya remembers the time he was his pupil. Back to the funeral, Naruto is the last one to pay his respects for the Hokage as he remembers his ups and downs with him. Then the rain stops. Iruka then explains why people sacrifice themselves for other people. As the funeral ends, Naruto returns home as Iruka smiles, knowing that the Will of Fire is spreading.)

(The last scene shows two members of a group of assassins watching over the ruined Hidden Leaf Village as the screen fades to black.)

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