32. Back to Abhiram

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Recap: Meenakshi's thoughts about Ram - Deciding to Confess.

Abhiram's PoV
I am so happy. The last week was amazing. I was living each moment with my wonder girl. She is absolutely amazing. I don't know when someone's craziness became my biggest hobby. But I am really enjoying this. And I don't want these moments to end.

We compensated for our many days of anger in last week. We did whatever we felt ended up laughing and even she said that I am more crazy than her. She felt different for me throughout these days. Because I was observing a small change in her behavior that was not present earlier. May be she too starts feelings for me.

And that was when I asked Dadu to help me. He agreed and came out with the topic of my marriage infront of Meenakshi. I was watching her from outside the window and oh god her reaction was worth watching. She was arguing with Dadu on my perceptions about my bride and even told that I wants someone like her who can make me happy always. I couldn't stop laughing hearing her words, but my heart was dancing in joy.

Now I am sure that she will confess me anytime soon. Because she told me to wait for her since she have something important to discuss with me. I am currently waiting for her to return from our office.

I walked through the verandah (sit out) for the N th time. I looked at the clock to see it's only 4 pm. She will be here only after 5 pm. Why time is not moving today? I decided to call Daksh to kill time. He attended my call on the fourth ring.

"Advance congratulations my dear Superman."he said immediately making me surprise.


"I know you are going to get a super duper confession today. All the best man. Make it memorable and yes don't lose your control on seeing her" he was chuckling from the other end making me blush and irritate at same time.

"How do you know?"I asked confusingly.
"Because your Meenakshi was in her dream world here. She was thinking, thinking and thinking leaving all her jobs behind. Poor your company." Daksh's reply made me chuckle.

Seriously? Will she rock today? I can't wait to see her.

"Ok how are you gonna surprise her back when she proposes you?"Daksh asked anxiously. But I was confused.

"What surprise? I don't know anything regarding that."I bit my nails.
"What kind of a man you are Abhi? Listen when she confess her love for you, you have to gift her something. That would make her happy."he adviced me but I didn't felt it convincing.

"I don't think whether I should do it. It's a cliche. And we are not some teenagers to exchange gifts and sticking to each other while loving. I am sure she won't like that since she is not a typical girl. Above all I don't want her to know that I am waiting for her confession. If I comes prepare with gifts and all, she would doubt me whether I was expecting it. It's awkward."I stated.

"No wonder why no girl is interested in you. You are very boring Abhi."he said.
"And what about your Lizza. Are you still happy with her even after gifting her all the valuable things on each date that costed up to your salary of half of a month?" That's it I hitted the right spot.

"Dont remind me about her."he shouted making me giggle.

"Cool down man. I am sorry "I said to make him relax.
"Ok you do what you wants. I have some jobs here. All the best."he said
"Thank you and bye."I ended the call resuming my wait for her.

Why she is so late today? Or may be I am feeling like that because of my excitement.

"Meenakshi didn't come yet?"I heard Dadu's voice and turned back to see him standing with a full teeth smile.
"No Dadu."I replied.
"Ok let her come taking her own time. Let's play a chess game now. I am feeling so energetic today."he said stretching his arms.

But I am not interested to play now. I am so desperate to hear those words from her. I can't even imagine the possibility that she might be thinking to tell something else to me. That much I am excited and here he is calling me to play chess.

I am a good chess player and won some state level championships long back when I was studying. But I didn't even win a single game infront of Dadu and Meenu till now. They and their foul plays. Eventhough I caught them several times red handed, they didn't accept that till now. Meenu, she is a good thief, yes an expert in stealing my chess dies. Earlier I used to argue, then eventually I started let it go. Why waste my energy when they are not gonna accept their fouls? But now I am not interested in any game. I turned to see Dadu already arranged the chess board along with our seats.

Without having the mind to disappoint him, I sat infront of him while he was thinking about the first move. That's when the calling bell rang and I jumped up from the seat.
"Meenakshi is here."I yelled before going out to open the door.

I opened the door and was frozen at my position.
Damn it!!! I shouldn't have open the door.
I cursed myself while the shock was gulping me from every side. I didn't want to see these faces again. Never ever in my life.

I maintained an unfamiliar face and thats when she fell on to my chest crying. My shirt was drenching with her tears and it didn't made an effect on me. I gained courage to finally ask it.
"Who are you?"

They both looked at me in shock.
"Abhi, didn't you recognize us? We are your parents."My dad spoke confidently.
"I am your mom. Dont you remember me?"Mom asked wiping her tears moving away from me.
"No I don't remember and I don't know why did you remember me suddenly?"I said while a smirk playing on my lips.

"Abhi....we know that we were exactly at fault. Thats why..."before mom completes I showed her my palm to stop.

"I don't know why are you saying all this to me. Didn't you already forget me while spending time to find your own pleasures? Then why now. I left from your life to give the space you wanted. I know I was always unwanted in that house. Now why did you come now? You were living your own life. Now allow me to live my life."I said sternly eventhough it hurted me.

Every son will get hurt when he have to speak against his parents whom he loved the most in his life. Why do I have to go through all this?

"Abhi, we did a lot of mistakes to you. We treated you like a stranger while you were trying to impress us since you wanted our love. It was our mistake that we didnt see how much you were getting avoided and being alone while we were fighting with each other. Money made us blind and that's why we couldn't see how much you are hurted in-between us."Dad said with teary eyes.

For a moment I couldn't believe.
Is he honest or just acting?

"And we got the biggest punishment for our misdeeds. We lost you. We lost our only son. That made us rethink about our actions. Only after you left we realized how big were our mistakes. We felt lonely after you went away from our lives."Mom said again crying.

"Ram, What is this?"I turned back to see Dadu and Malu standing near the door with shocked faces.
"Are they really your parents?"He asked again making me answerless. I started sweating. I didn't want this to happen now. I am unsure about what to say and how to convince Dadu.

"Abhi why are you not answering? Tell him that we are your dad and mom." dad said hopefully.

"Whenever I was there, you didnt enquire about me. You didn't feel to ask me whether I am fine. You didn't even make sure that I was eating each day and coming home at time. You were completely ignoring me while doing only your own things that makes you happy. I was not a son that time. And why did you come to destroy all my happiness now? Please allow me to live. I am dead. Your Abhiram is dead already. This is Ram, my new life."I said spitting all my anger on them.

"Abhi..."mom called sadly.
"Who is Abhi?" Malu asked.
"Ram, what is happening here? Why are they crying infront of you?"Dadu asked.
"Dadu they are not my parents. They are here thinking that I am their son. But unfortunately their son had dead. They killed him. I think they are mad enough to search for the son whom got killed by thier own actions."I said looking blankly on Dadu's face.

Mom was sobbing and Dad was consoling her by wrapping his arms around her. I was surprised. From when did they start being a normal loving couple? Are they acting or real? I felt a cooling effect from inside when I saw mom hugging dad tightly while shedding tears.

"Dont cry here. Go and cry after reaching your home."I said scowling.
They looked at me in shock.
"Abhi, we won't go without you. We want our son back. Please forgive us son. We love you a lot. We had to wait till you leave us to recognize how much you meant for us. We can't live without you Abhi. Please come with us otherwise we will die."Mom said weeping.

"You are not my parents and I am not anyone to you. I think I made it clear to you."I stated looking at another side.

"What is this Ram?"
Shocking me to the hell I heard Meenakshi's voice from behind. I turned back to see her standing with red shot eyes and confused face. I felt my mouth drying and body freezing.
She started moving towards me until she is stopped by my mom.
"Meenakshi" mom called her making me surprise.

Meenakshi's PoV

I am so happy today. Finally I decided to open my heart infront of him. Whole day I was thinking in the office on how to start the conversation. I didn't tense this much for anything else till now. Thank God. I asked him to wait for me to return from office before leaving home. He might have guessed me. But I will make it surprise in my own way.

I was so excited to come back home. But I stopped seeing two unfamiliar faces infront of my home. Dadu, Malu and Ram are also there. I was confused seeing that strangers talking with Ram.

How do Ram knows them?
And why the lady is crying looking at him?

"Abhi, we won't go without you. We want our son back. Please forgive us son. We love you a lot. We had to wait till you leave us to recognize how much you meant for us. We can't live without you Abhi. Please come with us otherwise we will die." That lady said weeping.

I was shocked.
Their son???
Does that mean that they are his parents?
But didn't he say us that he is an orphan?

"You are not my parents and I am not anyone to you. I think I made it clear to you."Ram said in an ignoring tone.

I couldn't hold myself back anymore.
"What is this Ram?" I asked while a lot of doubts playing in my mind.
Now he is shocked seeing me.

Why? Dont he want me to know about him?
I took steps closer to him while a hand stopped me. I saw that lady holding my wrist.
"Meenakshi."she called making me surprise.
"How do you know me?"I asked immediately.

Making me wonder, she hugged me tightly. Her tears were making my dress wet. I was confused and then I saw Ram looking at me with so many questions running on his mind.

"Thank you for giving our son back."she said.
"Son???"I asked with widened eyes.
Ram lowered his head.
"Yes. He is our son Abhiram." That man who came along with this lady spoke.

"Can anyone tell me what is happening around here? Because as long as I know he is not Abhiram. He is our Ram. And he is not having any parents or family as he is an orphan."Dadu said impatiently.

"Dadu, I will tell everything. But before that I have to make sure that these two people have left from here. I don't want their presence anywhere in my life."Ram said and I moved towards him.

"Ram tell me honestly. Are they your parents or they are just lying?"I asked and he looked at me blankly.
"Why are you not talking? This is not the time to be silent. For God sake open your mouth."I shouted when I didnt get a response from him even after a long time.

"Meenu, unfortunately... they...they are my parents."he said stammering.
I lost my sense hearing it.

That means Ram was lying infront of me. What did he gain after making us fools?

"Meenu, just listen to me. I will tell everything. For me they are not anyone to me now. I am an orphan in all the sense I meant."He declared but I interfered not allowing him to spoke further.

"Do you want me to believe you again? Do you know what I hate most in my life? Lies..if you did tell me that they are not your parents, I would have believe you whatever you say thereafter. But...but you just accepted that you were lying to us all these days by confirming that they are your parents. Why Ram?"I asked cannot controlling my anger.

"Meenakshi, he is not at fault since we are the reason why he lied to you. He chose to die because he was already a dead man in our home. No it was not a home, it was just a jail for him where there is no one to love him or care for him. We made him like this and even if he did any mistake, the reason is us and we are the people to be punished for that." She said and I glanced at Ram who was looking at her in wonder.

That man who is told to be his father came towards me.

"We were spoiling our life for money and pleasures where we didn't get enough time to look after our son. When we were poor, me and Dhana his mom lived only for him and made sure that he is getting everything what he wants in his life. Eventhough we struggled a lot for making his wishes true, we didnt let him disappoint even for once. But when we suddenly became rich, we forgot our son. We didn't find time to ask him what he wants. We didn't even enquire about him most of the days. We were living the luxury life that we didn't experience till now. In that process we couldn't love our son. He was alone and he was struggling between our fights. There is no wonder why he decided to die. But you saved him. Thank you dear. You are the reason why we could see him again."he said blessing me by placing his hands on my head.

Ram frowned seeing it and but I glared him back. He became pale realizing that I am angry.

"Abhi, when we became alone in that house after you left we slowly started understanding the value of our son. How many days would you have cried without getting our love or care? We too cried reading your letter. We realized that we were fools. I was praying for not letting anything bad happen to you. That time we understood that we were fighting for simple matters and everything is caused by us only. Then we could realize our faults and we could forgave each other. Son, we won't repeat any of those mistakes. Please come with us." His mom hugged him. But he was standing speechless probably in disbelief.

"Yes Abhi we would be always together hereafter. As your old mom and dad. We don't want any money or properties except you. We realized that you are our biggest wealth. Please come with us son. We are promising you that hereafter we will be the parents you wished in your life. We won't trouble you son." His dad said joining his both hands together.

Ram moved away from his mom and looked at me with tears. I felt sad but I turned my face away.
"I still can't forgive you. Because you deserves it."he stated making me shock.

He is stubborn. He have valid reasons too. But? Can't he atleast hug them back? They are his parents no matter what they did in past.

"Ram don't forgive us then. We will go back if you want. But it would be not to life. If you can choose death when you became alone, then we can also do the same. You are our life and if you can't come with us, then it's better we don't live anymore. Already we are living a dead life since when you exited our lives."his mom declared making us confuse.

Ram looked at them in disbelief and then averted his eyes to somewhere else.

What he is doing? Can he allow his parents to die? It's time I should do something. I went inside the house while he was staring at me in confusion.

Third Person's PoV
Abhiram felt his head spinning. One side he couldn't believe his parents' words. He always wanted them to realize their son's worth. When his every attempt failed without having anymore hope it was then he decided to end his life. Now they are back for him when he didn't want them back anymore. He dont know whether they are honest or just acting.

On the other side he don't know how to convince his other family, that is Dadu, Meenu and Malu. He didn't want to cheat them but at the end it's like he is the culprit here after his parents apologized. He don't know whether they will believe him anymore. Already Meenakshi seems to be angry and Dadu and Malu are giving him confusing expressions.

He stared at the entrance where Meenakshi vanished inside. He was shocked seeing her back after a few minutes. She have his packed bags on her hands. Before he can realize what is happening she placed the bags near his feet. He gave her a blank expression.

"Meenu, what are you doing?"Dadu asked coming forward.

She looked straight into his eyes before replying.
"We were there for you when you had no one. Now your parents are back for you. So that you dont need us anymore. Now please leave this place along with them."she said in her most calm tone giving him a minor attack.
He looked at her in shock.

"Didi.."Malu was tensed.
"Meenu..."Dadu called.
"What? I am doing right. Isn't it?"Meenakshi asked.
"We didn't treat him as a stranger or someone from outside till now. He is our family member for us. Even after these many months he didn't feel to reveal us the truth about him. What is he thinking about us? We are not any toys for anyone to play."she continued making his heart break.

"Ram, why are you not speaking? Open your mouth man and tell her why did you lie to us. May be this is your last chance."Dadu insisted him to talk.

"What is he going to talk? That he was not aware that one day his parents will come back ah? If they didnt come may be we wouldn't have known this truth. We trusted him enough to not enquire about him further."she yelled.

"Meenakshi, please listen to me for once. I can explain."he begged but she was not ready to give him ears.
"Do you really think that I will listen to you even after all this?"she asked making him speechless.
"Tell me whether there was anyone called Rohini in your life?"she asked.
"No..."he said lowering his head.
She smirked.
"Everything was a lie. You could make your own stories and made us believe that. How brilliant you are?"she was equally hurted.

"Meenu, you can scold me as much as you want. I deserve it and you have all right for that. I didn't reveal my real identity because I don't want to remember my past again. That day when you saved me and brought me to your home, it was a new life for me. Abhiram ended there. After that there was only Ram whom you knows well. Yes, I lied to you about my reason for death. But it's not to cheat you. I didn't want to go back to my past again."he said holding her shoulders.

"Ok I believe you but I can't trust you again. Since your past is here to bring you back, it's now time for you to leave."she said and he looked at her in disbelief.

"Meenu do you want me to go from here? That too with these people."he asked feeling his body tiring against his will.
"Yes you should go."she declared making him shock.
"They are your parents. We can't replace them in your life. If it was like that you wouldn't have hide the truth about them from us. You could have tell it once. But you didn't. That means still we are strangers for you. You didn't see us like how we treated you."she told to him.

"No Meenu. Please. I won't go away from you."he said stubbornly.
"You should Ram."she said.
"Because I don't want to see your face again."she added making him speechless.

With that she went inside without turning back to look at him for once. Following him Dadu and Malu entered inside hesitately and the door closed infront of him with a thud. He felt that loneliness again that he experienced in his life once. But this time he felt an hand on his shoulder. He looked at the hand with teary eyes and soon his expression changed to anger seeing his mother's face.

"Why the hell did you come back to my life? Tell me how did you know about my existence?"he shouted at the top of his voice.

"Meenakshi have shown her phone to one of her colleagues where a selfie was there along with you. She have informed me regarding that and that's how I came to know about you."his mom replied.

Abhiram gritted his teeth. He felt himself lose again.

"Abhi let's go back to our home. I know you won't believe us thinking that we are acting infront of you. But we promise that we can prove our love for you if you give us a chance."his dad said in the most patient tone.

"Yes Abhi. Hereafter we won't make you alone. Even if it's to life or death we will be there with you."her mom held his hand softly.

He closed his eyes before turning back to look at the house once again. The house where he lived his most happy moments. The house where his life lies. He is gonna miss all this. Realizing that there is no one there to welcome him back again he slowly started walking with his parents. To the hell of his life or may be to his dream home.

Little did he know that someone was watching him from the window with her heart aching badly. Shedding tears for him.

People come and go. Everyone that's been in your life has been there for a reason, to teach you or to love you or to experience life with you. Right ones will always stay.

I know you all are cursing me. But it is meant to happen. May be for a good change or for the worst one.

So what would you think about his parents sudden change?

Can Abhi forget Meenakshi so easily?

A long chapter of 4000+ words as you all wanted.

Stay Tuned For Next Chapter!!!

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