33. Unexpected Love

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Recap: Abhiram's Parents coming for him - Meenakshi knowing about his truth - Asking Ram to go with parents.

Abhiram's PoV
I sat in the car like a dead man. I was feeling empty from inside and my feelings are not describable. I felt suddenly lonely. I was the most happiest one for the last few days. But was it necessary to happen everything now itself? Why everytime it's me? I don't have any idea about my next move. Because I am going to the home which I hated more than anything in this world. I don't know what I am going to do there. And I am completely blank thinking about the two persons who are sitting on my both sides.

Are they real? Or are they acting? If so what they would get by returning me back?

I had asked these questions even million times to me within this short time. I don't know why they suddenly came for me.

"Abhi, you have no idea how much we missed you. Hereafter we should live like our earlier times. Nothing has place in-between us except love." Mom said kissing my right shoulder. Her tears are wetting my shirt making me confuse.

"Even if we do a mistake you can scold us and correct us. You have that right. But don't leave us anymore son. You are the only reason why we realized our mistakes and above all we could realize the love we are having for each other." Dad said.

I looked at them in disbelief.
I was about to say something when our car stopped suddenly.
"Come out son."Mom said opening the door and dragging me along with her.

And then I saw my home. It didn't change much. But I am really changed. This house can no longer makes me happy or smile. I walked inside with half mind. If I had an option I wouldn't have returned back to this place. But now Meenakshi hates me. Dadu and Malu no longer believes me. I can't go back to them. So I need to come here. Thinking about them made me feel an heavy weight on my heart. What would be their condition now? Sorry Meenu. This is not what I wanted for us. But again it happened.

She might be hating me. And it can make me feel the pain of stabbing my heart with a sharp knife.

I wish I was that same Ram now. But again these people had to come at right time to destroy everything. I gritted my teeth in anger.

"Abhi what are you now waiting for? This is your same home where you have lived for many years. Your home."Dad said.

"It can't be my home."I shouted at the top of my voice and they looked at me in shock.
"My home means the place that can give me all happiness I wants in my life. This house can't do that. My home is the house where I was living till now. And you guys made me lose it along with all my happiness and peace."I yelled showing all my anger.

I ran my fingers through my hairs. Mom was shedding tears and I pretended to be unaffected. May be I am stone hearted but I can't help it.

"Abhi, let's talk later. I am sure that you need a lot of time to get the faith in us back. Now you go and rest."Dad spoke making me more angry.

"It irritates me each second staying here where I didn't want to return back. If you had really loved me, why couldn't you allow me to live my life happily with the people whom I loves a lot and most importantly the people who loves me."I asked.

"Abhi, it's enough. Can't you see your mom crying?" This time dad spoke in a serious tone.
I looked at mom who is sobbing without making any noise. I wonder seeing dad's care for her which I couldn't see for past many years.

I didn't have the strength to argue more. So I walked past them and climbed upstairs to reach my room. I opened my room to get a big shock. The wall has been arranged beautifully with my childhood photos especially my most favourite moments with my parents. The room is so clean and neat like someone was cleaning it regularly. I was surprised seeing all this. It was then I felt an hand on my shoulder. I turned back to see mom smiling at me.

"Abhi, I know we destroyed your happiness. But give us some time. May be we can make you happy more than you were before."she said.

"Yeah like when I was staying here with my most busy parents."I said sarcastically. Her face fell down hearing me.

"Abhi, you go and freshen up."she said composing herself and comfortably changing the topic.
"I will make all your favourite dishes within this time so that we can have our dinner together. Do you remember the last time when we ate together?"she asked with a smile.

"Why should you? I was eating food prepared by the maids whenever I was staying here. I think I used to their taste."I said taking a shirt and pants from my bag.

"There are no more maids here. Now I am the one who is doing all the works here."she said shocking me.
I looked at her in disbelief.
"I left all my bad habits including the clubs and drinking. You know what. Now I really enjoy being a house wife. Your dad really loves food prepared by me."she said happily.

I wanted to smile. But I couldn't. This is what I always craved for. But now I am not able to enjoy this.

"I can understand now what was exactly happened in my relationship with your dad. When I changed a lot because of sudden influence of money, I couldn't be the wife that your dad wished for. When I started ignoring him and his needs, no wonder why he went far away from me. It was all my mistake. If I could remain the same, things wouldn't have happened like this. You wouldn't have been so sad."she said.

"Anyway it's all our past. Now I won't let anything happen to my family."she said determinantly while walking out.
She stopped on her tracks at the door and looked back at me.

"Abhi, I talked with Sarayu's parents yesterday."she said giving me a shock.
Now another hurdle.
"Dont worry. You don't need to marry her. I cancelled the alliance that I forced on you. I know you don't like her."she said immediately making me happy.
Thank God!!!
"Not only this. I won't force you for anything hereafter that you don't like. From today onwards I will be a perfect mom who can understand her son completely. It's my promise."she assured making my heart feel good.

She walked outside and I sat on bed thinking about Meenakshi. What about calling her for once? I dialled her number but she was not attending it. I know she must be angry at me. I decided to try later and went to washroom to have a cold shower to calm my heart and body.

Abhiram saw his mom praying at the prayer room just after the dinner. He wondered when did she start such habits? Most precisely restarted all this good things. He recollected how her mom and dad was before they conquered their business empire. Now they are just like how they were before. Perfect. But to gain something, we should lose something too. And he lost the most beautiful person in his life.
His Meenakshi.
He was angry at his parents for being the reason why he lost her. And it is enough to not show his love for them. He felt disappointed for hurting Meenakshi, Dadu and Malu. He had called Daksh a few hours before and his friend blamed him for hiding everything from them. Now he too feels that he should have reveal the truths about his real identity way before atleast when he started trusting them. He is sure that they would have accept him whatever it is his past. But being a person who don't want to remember anything about his bad days, he intentionally avoided it. That is the real cause for everything.

He came back from his thoughts when he felt someone caressing his hairs. He looked up to see his dad caressing him lovingly. He saw some tear drops on the corner of his eyes which he is trying to hide.

"Abhi, are you fine? How was your life without us?"his dad asked.
"Perfect. I was living my life until you guys came back for me"
Eventhough he was honest, it hurted his dad.

"I can see how much tired you are son. I think you need a good rest. Go and sleep now." He said smiling and I stood up to go when I heard him again calling me.
"Abhi good night"he said
"Good night" I went to reach my room.

Dhana was sitting alone in a corner of their room at the cold floor. Suddenly the lights in the room turned on to reveal her husband's face making her shock at first and then relieve. She smiled at him trying hard to show him that she is normal.

"Dhana, what is this? Why are you sitting here? What's wrong with you wifey? I had searched you everywhere and was getting worried." He said in a single breathe while noticing the sorrow in her eyes.

"Nothing Mahesh. I was just..."before completing her husband sat beside her and held her hand. They leaned back on the wall in each other's embrace.

"Now tell me what happened to you suddenly? You were very happy for Abhi. Isn't it? Now why are you sad?"he asked with concern.

"I am still very happy Mahesh. Our son returned back to us. Thats enough for me. But is he happy?"she asked making him answerless.

"Till now we thought about only our happiness. I cant repeat the same mistakes again. This time his happiness matters most for me more than mine."she said and he nodded in agreement.

"But what we can do to make him happy? He always craved for our love and now we are giving him that enough. What else we can do?"he asked doubtful.

"I don't know Mahesh. I thought he will be happy seeing us the way he always wished to see us. But now also he is sad. He is like he don't want to live here."she closed her eyes feeling the pain. The pain of rejection that her son was experiencing till now and unfortunately she was also a reason for that. She can understand that now.

"I think he needs some time to believe us. He is thinking that we are acting to get him back. After a few days he will back to his normal self. As our old Abhi."Mahesh spoke.

"No Mahesh. I don't think so. There is something else that might be worrying him. He is missing something that even we can't compensate. Didn't you notice how he spoke that we destroyed his happiness? He was very reluctant and shattered while leaving that house where he was living till now. He didn't want to come with us not because he is not believing us. He have something valuable in that house. May be they have loved him so much."Dhana said convincing her husband.

"You are right Dhana. May be thats why he is upset. Still he is not understanding us not because we behaved bad with him in past. But we are still hurting him."he agreed with her.

They thought for a moment. It was Mahesh who broke the silence.

"So what can we do to make him happy?"he asked.
"Let him go back Mahesh."she said closing her eyes tightly. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. Mahesh was shocked.

"What are you saying? We were waiting to get him back in our life. Isn't it? Can you live without him?"he asked shaking her.

"I can't. But for me his happiness have more priority now. If he is happy even at a distance, then I can too survive thinking that my son is happy."she said trying to make herself believe.
It was difficult for her to fight back her tears. She hugged him letting herself cry out the sorrow of her heart. He hugged her back resting his chin on her head.

"May be this is a punishment god is giving us. Whenever he needs us we didn't have time for him. We didn't enquire about his needs or wishes. I still remember how I avoided him whenever he came to talk with me. I was a stupid to not realize my own son's worth. I feel extremely shame Mahesh. And now when we realized his value, he no longer wants us."she said.

"May be that family have given him enough love that we didn't. We can't complain if he loves them more than us. It's our fate."she added.
He didn't speak but nodded as response to her.

"Mom...."they heard a low tone which felt more like a soft whisper and looked at the door. There Abhiram is standing with a confused look. They were wondered when he started walking towards them and knelt down infront of them on the floor.
He slowly wiped his mom's face and held her hand in his right palm. And his left palm encircled on his dad's hand.

"Mom...Dad...I am not going anywhere."he declared making them surprise and little happy from inside.

"I heard you. It's true that I lost something while I left that house. I can't be happy as long as they are not with me. But I want my parents too along with them. Then only my life will be complete."he smiled at them.

Mahesh and Dhana smiled forgetting all their sorrows hearing the last two sentences. They looked at him in disbelief.

"Abhi...you are defeating us again with your love. Do we deserve this? "His dad said emotionally.

"I loved you always. I didn't have anything more important than my parents. That's why I decided to end my life when I understood that my parents will no longer loves me." He said and they looked at him with guilt.

"Please forgive us son. Dont hate us."Dhana hugged him and he wrapped his arms around her mother's shoulder.

"I can't. I can't mom. That's why I am here now. Otherwise I wouldn't have come along with you even if I don't have another place to go."he said.

"Abhi we won't disappoint you again. Please give us one more chance. Hereafter we won't want any money. Only you are our priority." Dhana assured.
"Hmmm" he just nodded.

"We can guess how much that family meant for you. If you want you can go there anytime. We won't stop you from anything that you wish to do." Dad said making him smile.

"Thank you dad. But I don't think they will accept me back since I lied to them."he became sad hearing about them.

"If you want let us talk with them. We will make them understand about your circumstances that time. I promise you don't lose anything that was keeping you happy and alive till now." Mahesh said.

"No dad. It's me who should talk with them and clear everything. You are right. They are the one who was keeping me alive and I can't let them go so easily. I will do anything to get their trust again."he declared determinantly.

"And yes they will be always a part of my life along with you both. I am not ready to give up this time. It was Meenakshi who gave me a second life. She taught me a lot of lessons. Especially to not give up without fighting. I promise there will be a day when she again starts believing me. I will try to gain her trust back without letting her go."he said.

His dad and mom smiled at him. Soon they three hugged together starting a new fresh chapter in their life.

Precap: Abhiram - Meenakshi Meeting.

So I hope you got the answer for the first question that I asked in last chapter. And about the second question, lets wait and watch.

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