Chapter 10: Training

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P.O.V. Third

King sighed as he walked down the halls with Weiss beside him. He was glad that Velvet kept her word and woke him up before the rest of her team noticed he was there but like he thought Weiss had more than a few words to say to him. "Do you have any idea how worried I was?" Weiss said looking at the white haired male beside her.

"From your tone, I'd guess a lot," King said as the two continued down the halls of Beacon.

"Yes! I didn't know where you were! You didn't tell me you were leaving!" Weiss said looking at the male beside her.

"Weiss you've never beaten me in a fight, why are you so worried?" King asked looking at the female beside him.

"The same reason you worry about me!" Weiss said looking at him and then turning her face away slightly embarrassed by what she was about to say. "B-because you're important to me, and I really care about you," Weiss said as she turned her attention back towards King.

Hearing this King suddenly felt a little ashamed about making her worry so much. "Fine, I'll try not to leave again without letting you know," King said as he opened the door to their dorm. When they did King saw Yang and Ruby staring at him. Not him and Weiss they were staring at him specifically.

"Are they mad at me too?" King asked as he looked at the two in front of him.

"No, but for making me worry I came up with a punishment for you. For the next few days I want you to train with both of them to unlock your semblance," Weiss said looking at the male in front of her. King sighed hearing this and looked at the two in front of him.

"Don't worry you won't have to deal with both of us at once. Today it's just me, and tomorrow it'll be Ruby, and we'll just keep rotating until you eventually unlock it," Yang said looking at the white haired male in front of her. King sighed hearing this and looked at the female he called his sister.

Weiss knew how much King hated training with his aura. The physical aspects of training came more than naturally to him as did some parts of his aura but keeping his aura under control so he could use his semblance tended to be a much more difficult situation. Yang then began to walk towards King with a smile and grabbed his wrist as she walked passed him.

"Let's go!" Yang chimed happily as she began to drag the male through the halls of Beacon. She continued to do so with King coming along rather reluctantly until they reached the open field of Beacon Academy. One of the several places that the students could go to train and better themselves.

Yang then released her grip on King's wrist and turned to look at him. "Okay first we need to see what we're dealing with so go ahead and release your aura," Yang said looking at the male in front of her. Realizing that he wasn't going to be able to escape this King sighed and began to draw his aura forth.

When he did he became surround in a thin almost pure white aura. Yang smiled seeing this until she noticed that King's eyes kept twitching, suggesting that he was either having trouble summoning his aura or that he was having trouble controlling it. "Relax King, this about me seeing what I have to work with. Just relax and let your aura flow freely," Yang said looking at the male.

When she said this King's expression changed to a much more relaxed expression and King's aura began to overflow at much larger and faster rate than before. The thin layer of aura that surround him expanded nearly two feet in all directions and began to form a glowing pillar of pure aura. Yang could tell his aura was potent as she could no longer see him just the outline of him in the pillar of aura that now reached the sky.

Yang was amazed by what she saw she wasn't aware that someone could have this much aura let alone have it be so potent. 'So this is what Weiss meant by his aura was much larger than normal. His reserves must be massive! It's no wonder he has trouble using his semblance,' Yang thought to herself as she looked at the male.

"Th-that's enough King," Yang said bringing herself back to reality. When she said this the aura that surrounded King disappeared and King looked at the female in front of him. "Seems like Weiss wasn't exaggerating when she said you have a large amount of excess aura. It may take some time before you can master it but I think we can do it," Yang said looking at King.

P.O.V. Wiess

I sighed as I looked at the two females in front of me. For some reason Ruby had brought up the subject of boyfriends. "And that's why we broke up," Blake said finishing her story.

"Oh wow that . . . that must have hurt," Ruby said looking at the black haired female in front of her. Blake was talking about how her first boyfriend she ever had cheated on her. I felt bad for the female but unsure of what to say I just nodded.

"What about you Wiess?" Ruby asked looking at me.

"M-me?" I asked looking at her.

"Yeah, any boyfriends you want to talk about or maybe any girlfriends King's had in the past," Ruby said looking at me. I felt slightly embarrassed by the subject but they were bound to find out eventually. Might as well tell them now.

"We've never dated anyone," I said looking at the two. A slightly surprised expression passed both of their faces before it quickly faded.

"I've heard that you father had tried to make several arrangements for his kids to start dating," Blake said looking at me. She was right he had tried to get us each a partner someone he thought would be beneficial to him. However he had never got one for me or King. "My sister has had several suitors as well as my brother but as for myself and King. We've never had any romantic interests," I said looking at the two in front of me.

"Any idea why?" Ruby asked looking at me.

"I have a few ideas but I think the most likely scenarios are that he didn't find one for me because I'm supposed to be his heir and he didn't find one for King because I don't think he truly accepts King as a Schnee," I said looking at my partner.

She seemed a little sad to hear this and I sighed as I looked at the time. It was starting to get a little late. I then heard the door open and turned to see Yang by herself. "Where's King?" I asked looking at the female in front of me.

"He said that he had something he needed to do, and that he was most likely going to be gone all night again," Yang said looking at me. I sighed hearing this and looked at the hall. Seems like this may become a regular occurrence from this point onward.

"How'd it go?" Ruby asked looking at the blonde in front of her.

"Good, he's already got control over most of his aura despite how large and unstable it is. I have to say I'm rather impressed," Yang said looking at her, she then walked over to her bed and let out a sigh. "But enough of that, what were you guys talking about?" Yang asked looking at the three of us.

"We were discussing how Weiss and King never had a boyfriend or girlfriend," Blake said looking at the blonde in front of us. When she said this Yang turned to look at me with a surprised expression.

"You two have never dated anyone?" Yang asked looking at me. I sighed hearing this and nodded. Something tells me this is going to be a long night.

P.O.V. Third

King once again found himself awaking to Velvet shaking him slightly trying to be quiet so that she didn't wake the rest of her team. King slowly opened his eyes and looked at Velvet. Without saying a word King nodded and slowly stood up. He then quietly walked to the door of her dorm and left. King sighed as he shut the door behind him and began to walk down the halls of Beacon. As he did he saw the female that he was supposed to train with today walking down the hall looking at him

Ruby then ran towards the male and smiled. "There you are!" Ruby said as she ran up to the male. "I was looking for you! Did you get any sleep at all last night?" Ruby asked in a slightly worried tone.

"Yeah, I slept," King said looking at the younger female in front of him. When he said this Ruby sighed and looked at the male in front of her. Ruby sighed a little relieved hearing this and looked at the male in front of her.

"Well let's go," Ruby said as she grabbed his arm and began to walk away. King sighed slightly as he was dragged behind the female. He thought about how odd it was for her to be so quirky at times. However unknown to the two a certain blonde had been watching the two and she had noticed the slightly embarrassed expression on King's face as the two walked away.

Yang then walked into her dorm and looked at both Blake and Weiss. The white haired female then stood up and began to walk out of the room. "Where are you going?" Yang asked looking at Weiss.

"King asked me to pick up his repression dust while he was training. He may be a dunce who made me worry about him but he's still my brother. I may not know why my father wants certain memories repressed but if King doesn't mind then I won't push the issue," Weiss said as she looked at the blonde. She then walked out of the room and shut the door behind her. Yang smiled hearing this and turned towards her partner ready to explain her plan.

As she did King and Ruby had just arrived at one of the various training grounds. King was already sitting on the ground gathering around him. Ruby nodded as she looked at the male in front of him. "Good," Ruby said looking at the male. "Now, I want you to do whatever feels natural with your aura," Ruby said looking at the male in front of her.

"What feels natural?" King asked as he looked at Ruby. The female nodded hearing this as if to confirm what he had just said.

"Yeah, a lot of people can bring their semblance out because they let their aura move freely. Both myself and Yang discovered our semblances that way," Ruby said looking at the male. When she said this King nodded in understanding and relaxed letting his aura move freely. When he did a thin layer of aura appeared and expanded slightly leaving a space between King and his aura.

Ruby then noticed that several objects around her began to gain a white tint to them. Ruby then felt a slight tingling around her and looked at her hand to see that even she had gained a white tint to her. After she gained this she noticed that it became a little harder to see. Almost as if the air itself had gained a white tint to it. King's aura continued to envelop several items around them. 'Maybe it's some time of control semblance,' Ruby thought to herself as she looked at the male in front of her.

While it wasn't much to go on, it was clear to her that this was the first hint to discovering his semblance. Ruby then went to speak yet when she did she found that while her lips moved and she felt her throat vibrate while talking she didn't hear a sound. Ruby's eyes widened when she realized that she didn't hear anything. King was controlling the sound around them. Ruby then slowly moved towards him and touched his shoulder.

When she did King quickly lost concentration and turned look at the female beside him. Not seeing the aura as it had faded the moment King opened his eyes. "That was great King," Ruby said offering the male a kind smile. King seemed a little confused hearing this at first but then smiled.

"That's great, so any idea what it might be?" King asked looking at the younger female in front of him. When he said this Ruby shook her head and King sighed. "Oh well, as long as I'm closer to unlocking it that's all that matters," King said looking at the female in front of him causing her to nod.

"You know if we go to the library that Beacon has we can probably find a book about semblances to help figure out what yours is," Ruby said looking at the male in front of her. King then felt some slight buzzing from his pocket and reached into his pocket pulling out his scroll and saw Weiss' face on the screen.

"Hello," King said as he answered the small device.

"I got your repression dust, where do you want me to put it?" Weiss asked through the small device.

"Just put it in my case," King said to the female through his scroll.

"You mean the one under your bed?" Weiss asked looking at the small device in front of her.

"Yeah that one," King said as he nodded his head. Not that Weiss could see him do so.

"Alright," Weiss said as she ended the conversation and began to walk towards Beacon. King then stood up and looked at the younger female in front of him.

"So now what do you want me to do?" King asked looking at the female in front of him.

"Well, you made huge strides in the past two days. Advancing to a point I didn't know was possible in just two days so take the rest of the day off. I'll tell Weiss you trained and we can walk into the dorm at the same time so that it looks like you trained," Ruby said looking at the white haired male in front of her.

"Really?" King asked looking at Ruby only to receive a nod in response. King smiled seeing this and hugged the female lifting her off the ground slightly. "THANKS RUBY!" King said as he placed the female down and began to walk away. Ruby a bit confused by the males actions began to walk away. King while being a natural prodigy hated training in almost all forms. So being told he was allowed to leave made the male very happy.

"I just hope I don't run into Blake or Yang," King said to himself as he continued to walk away. Unknown to the male the two that he had just spoke about where still in their dorm room. Blake looked at her partner a little shocked by the idea.

"No Yang," Blake said bluntly looking at the blonde in front of her.

"Come on it'll be hilarious!" Yang said looking at her partner.

"No, it just seems rude and inappropriate," Blake said looking at the blonde in front of her.

"Oh come on please Blake," Yang said looking at her black haired counterpart.

"No," Blake once again answered bluntly, trying to get Yang to let the subject go. The two continued to do this with Yang pleaded with Blake to join her and Blake would repeatedly deny her request. However as time passed Yang continued and Blake began to give in.

"I don't know Yang, it seems like a bad idea. Not to mention a little mean," Blake said finally starting to give in to Yang's suggestion.

"Trust me, everything will be fine," Yang assured her, Blake sighed hearing this and looked at Yang realizing that she clearly wasn't going to let this go.

"Fine," Blake said reluctantly agreeing to what the female suggested. As soon as they said this the door to their dorm opened and they turned to see Ruby and King walking in. As soon as they did Blake sighed knowing that Yang was about to embarrass King and possibly Ruby as well. Yang however smiled before clearing her face of her smile.

"King! We need you to decide something for us!" Yang said looking at King.

"Why me?" King asked looking at the two in front of him.

"You're a guy, so we thought you'd have better insight into this," Yang answered looking at the male in front of him.

"Okay, what is it?" King asked looking at the two in front of him. He was a bit confused as to why they need a guys insight on the topic but at the moment he didn't want to question the two in front of him. When he asked this Yang smiled and looked at King.

"Who do you think has better boobs, Blake or me?" Yang asked looking at King. As soon as she said this Ruby's face turned almost as red as her cape.

"Y-YANG!" Ruby said looking at her sister with an extremely red face. Hearing this King walked over to his bed and sat down.

"Well?" Yang asked looking at King.

"That's an issue that I'm not going to touch," King said looking at the two in front of him. Yang smiled hearing this and leaned closer to male in front of them.

"Are you sure you don't want to touch?" Yang said with a smile looking at the male in front of her. King felt his face start to heat up hearing this and leaned back starting to feel a little nervous. Blake not looked at King with a slight smile. As much as she hated to admit it she did think that King looked a little cute when he was embarrassed.

Blake then got up from her bed and walked towards King. She then sat beside the two and smiled at King. "Just answer the question," Blake said looking at King. When she said this King's face heated up slightly and he moved back. Yang smiled seeing that Blake was joining her to tease King and the two continued.

P.O.V. Weiss

I then walked into the room and turned to see Ruby had her headphones on listening to music and reading comics. However I found it a little strange that her face was a slight shade of red. Almost as if she was embarrassed about something. I then heard some shuffling and turned to see Blake, Yang, and King all on the same bed. Yang and Blake were looking down at King who was was curled up and covering his face with his hands.

However as I looked at them I noticed something, King's face was extremely red. "WEISS HELP ME! YANG AND BLAKE WON'T QUIT EMBARRASSING ME!" King said into his hands so the sound came out a little muffled. I sighed hearing

"Just answer the question and we'll leave you alone," Yang said looking down at King.

"WHY DOES IT MATTER!?" King said as sat up and looked at the two.

"What's going on?" I asked the two hoping for an answer that would help me better understand the current situation.

"We want to know who he thinks has better boobs me or Blake," Yang said looking at me. I felt my face heat up slightly hearing this and looked at the two. When she said this I immediately understood why King was so embarrassed.

"Y-you may want to stop," I said looking at the two in front of me.

"Why?" Blake asked looking at me.

"As much as he tries to suppress this fact and as well as he actually manages to hide it King's a major pervert. If you two don't stop then he may end up grouping both of you," I said looking at the two in front of me.

When I said this Blake's face turned a dark shade of red while Yang's only turned a light shade. "Thank you, Wiess," I heard King mumble as he waited for the two to leave. When they did King stood up and began to walk towards the door.

"Where are you going?" I asked looking at King his face still a bright shade of red.

"I'm going to go talk to Velvet, she's nice and doesn't embarrass me," King said as he walked out of the room.

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I don't really have much to say so I hope you're ready because the next vote of this series is about to take place. I wish you all luck!

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King meets Penny
2. King gets sick
3. King meets team JNPR
4. Kyle approaches King
5. Other (suggest what you want)

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