Chapter 9: Friends

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P.O.V. Third

The male known as King was walking down the streets of Vale. All of the members of team RWBY had decided to do something on their own today so King didn't have to watch over them since they were all in different locations. As he was walking he saw a familiar set of green hair walk into a shop. King smiled seeing this and began to walk towards the shop.

When he entered he spotted the female sitting down looking at some type of menu. King smiled seeing this and walked towards the female. "This sit taken?" King asked as he looked down at the female. Usually Emerald would tell whoever it was to piss off yet for some reason this voice seemed oddly familiar. So Emerald looked up and saw King staring at her offering her a kind smile.

Emerald let a slight smile cross her face seeing the male. He had an odd warm feeling to him most likely because he reminded her of the brother she had lost so many years ago. Plus if nothing else she figured she might be able to get a free meal from him. "I suppose I could have worse company than you," Emerald said looking at him. King's smile widened slightly hearing this and he sat in the seat across from her.

Unknown to the male the other female that he had met on the ship had just walked into the building. Emerald smiled and waved her over and Neo looked at the male a little curious. Not that she wasn't a little happy to see him but she was more curious as to why he was there with Emerald. When Neo got close she looked at the male offering him a kind smile.

"I'd hope that you'd remember Neo even in her current state," Emerald said gesturing to the female beside her. King was a little surprised to see the female. Not because of the fact she was that but because she looked completely different than the last time he had seen her. Her once pink and brown hair that was tied back was now a solid black color that was tied into twin tails.

"Of course," King said looking at the female Neo then went to sit on the seat beside Emerald and King quickly kicked the chair out from under her. When he did the female fell to the ground and looked at him with shock, anger, and surprise. "Karma's a bitch huh," King said with a playful smirk. After hearing this Neo let a slight smile cross her face and stood up.

It wasn't often that someone decided to try and get even with her but it was always refreshing when someone did. As for Emerald it took almost every fiber of her being to stifle the laugh she was holding in. Not only did she find it funny bit she was also surprised that he actually held a grudge. He wasn't as sweet and innocent as he usually let himself on to be unlike that Ruby Rose character she had been ordered to follow.

"Now that we got that out of the way," King said with a smile as he leaned forward in his chair looking at the two females in front of him. "I'll admit it's nice to see you two again," King said looking at the two.

"It's good to see you again too. Right Neo?" Emerald asked looking at the female beside her. When she did Neo nodded and the two looked at King.

"So what have you two been doing?" King asked looking at the two in front of him.

"We haven't been doing much ever since we got to Vale," Emerald said looking at the male in front of her. This was an obvious lie but she couldn't tell him what they were really doing.

"I see, well I joined Beacon other than that I really don't have much to say," King said looking at Emerald.

"Yeah, I heard that the headmaster made you a moderator," Emerald said looking at him.

"People keep bringing that up, to be honest I think he only did it because he didn't have a team for me," King said looking at the two in front of him. When he said this Neo looked as if she had just thought of something and began to write on a napkin.

Like she had done before when she was done she turned it around and passed it to King. When King looked down at the piece of paper it had the word girlfriend on it with a question mark beside it. "Are you asking if I have a girlfriend?" King asked looking at Neo a little confused. When he asked this Neo nodded and King sighed. "No, I don't have a girlfriend," King said looking at the two in front of him.

Emerald was admittedly a little surprised to hear this and looked at the male in front of her. "How do you not have a girlfriend? I heard that the team you're looking after is nothing but girls. Not to mention you share a room with them, are you really not dating them?" Emerald asked looking at the white haired male in front of her.

"No," King said with a sigh at the end. Neo then once again wrote on a napkin and handed it to him. When she did King looked at it to see it had the word why written on it. King sighed seeing this and looked at the two in front of him. "The reason why is because Ruby is four years younger than me, Weiss is my sister, and I feel like Blake secretly hates me a little bit for some reason. The only one I think I actually have a shot with is Yang and I don't think she's interested in a relationship at the moment," King said looking at the two in front of him.

"Oh," was all Emerald could bring herself to say. A few moments passed and the three sat in an awkward silence. Deciding to finally break the silence King once again looked at Emerald.

"You know Emerald I ran into someone that was looking for a Emerald a while back," King said looking at the female in front of him. When he said this Emerald became a little nervous but tried to hide it to the best of her abilities. She knew that people would be looking for her but she just didn't think they'd be in Vale so soon. "Yeah, he was looking for a Emerald claimed that she was his sister. I quickly dismissed the idea, after all the two of you looked and acted nothing alike," King said looking at the female in front of him.

Emerald was a bit relieved to hear this yet at the same time a bit sad that he brought up the subject of brothers. While she was glad that someone was out looking for his sister she knew it couldn't be her brother. After all she had seen him fall off the ship and die when they were both still very young. Neo tried not to think about it as much as Emerald did but she on occasions also found herself thinking about the male as well.

King then sighed and looked at the two. "So do you two want me to buy you two some food again or what?" King asked looking at the two in front of him. When he asked this Neo nodded and looked at Emerald. As much as Emerald hated owing others she had to admit that the food at this particular building was well known for being delicious. She might have been able to resist the urge if Neo wasn't looking at her clearly indicating that she wanted the food.

Emerald then sighed and looked at King. "Might as well since you're already here," Emerald said looking at King. When she said this King smiled and waited for one of the few people that worked there to approach him. When he did King smiled and looked towards the females. "Two bowls of curry and what do you want Neo?" Emerald asked looking at the female beside her.

When she did Neo pointed to a picture of ice cream and Emerald sighed. "Of course you do, I don't know why I even bothered to ask," Emerald said with a sigh as she turned her attention back towards the male standing beside them. "And one bowl of ice cream," Emerald said looking at the male beside her. King smiled hearing this knowing that Emerald had ordered a second bowl for him.

When the male heard this he nodded and walked away and Emerald once again looked at King. "So what team were you placed in charge of looking after?" Emerald asked looking at the male in front of her.

"Team RWBY," King said as he looked at the female. When he said this Emerald mentally winced. That meant that if she wasn't careful she might end up having to directly fight King. "Not that I mind of course I just feel like he could have done better assigning me to a team. There are times I feel like the only reason he assigned me to that team is because Weiss is on it. I guess I can't really complain because the only other team I've met is team CRDL and it seems like we'd be clashing a lot," King said looking at the female in front of him.

Emerald smiled hearing this, it was hard for her to find someone who was nice and she still enjoyed their company. Typically she couldn't handle people that were to nice but it seems like King had just enough of both to keep her interested. The male then once again returned and placed the bowls in front of them. The three smiled seeing this and they all began to eat.

"Seems like you have a real sweet tooth huh Neo," King said looking at the female in front of him as well as the large bowl of ice cream in front of her. Neo nodded as she took another bite and Emerald sighed knowing that King had no idea of just how much she liked ice cream. Emerald then took a bite of her curry and ringing then filled the air around them. When it did King reached into his pocket and saw that it was a little late.

King sighed seeing this and stood up. "Sorry guys I need to go," King said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He then pulled one plastic white lien out of his wallet and placed it on the table. "Use this, it should have enough to pay for this and then some. You can keep it if you want," King said as he began to walk away. When he left to building he began to walk towards another.

It was at times like these that he hated the fact that he hated the fact that most dust shops closed early or at least all the good ones did. As King walked into one of the stores a male looked at him and turned around. "Can I help you?" He asked looking at him.

"One order of repression dust under the name King Schnee," King said looking at the male in front of him. When he said this the male smiled and turned around.

"Of course, we've been waiting for you and were even starting to worry you may not show up. Glad to see that I was wrong," the male said as he placed five files of dust on the counter. "And of course these have all been paid for courtesy of Mr. Jacques himself," the male said looking at King. When he said this King nodded and took the bottle. Of course Jacques paid for them. It was the only thing that he wanted to make sure King got from him. He couldn't risk anything happening to his precious heiress.

"Thanks," King said as he walked away. When he left the building he began to walk back towards Beacon. As he was walking he couldn't help but think about if what he had been saying to Ozpin had finally happened. If so then he was of course be happy and if not then he'd be displeased but it wasn't a big deal for him. As he approached Beacon King looks up and noticed the shattered moon in the sky.

It was even later than he thought it'd be. When King reached his dorm he slowly opened the door and saw the two of the four members had already returned and had fallen asleep. Weiss and Blake were both in their beds fast asleep. However there was one detail in the corner of the room that managed to capture King's attention. He turned to see what it was and a smile slowly spread across his face as he did.

In one of the corners of the room was a fifth bed. Seems like constantly complaining to Ozpin finally paid off. As King walked towards the bed and began to lay down. As he laid down he found it a little difficult to sleep. He then heard the door open and assuming that it had to be Yang and Ruby didn't bother to look. He then heard the two lay on their own beds and King once again tried to sleep.

As King continued to try and sleep he came to a conclusion as to why he was finding it so difficult to sleep but he didn't like what it was. Had sleeping beside someone really made that much of a difference to him? King then leaned up and looked at the clock when he did he realized it was three in the morning. King sighed seeing this and got up from his bed and began to walk the halls of Beacon.

It was late so no one was around to really bother him or make any remarks on his sleeping attire. As King was walking he heard some footsteps and began to walk towards them. He didn't really mind one person seeing him like this after all he could probably be wearing worse things when he first meets someone. When he turned the corner he saw a familiar figure walking down the halls. "Why do they persist so much," the female asked walking down the halls.

"Hey Velvet," King said gaining the females attention. When he did Velvet waited for him to approach and he gave her a kind smile. "So what are you doing up?" King asked looking at the female in front him.

"I can't sleep," Velvet said looking at the male in front of her. "And you?" Velvet asked looking at the male.

"Same," King said looking at her. He then looked down the empty hall and then back towards Velvet. "Want to take a walk?" King asked looking at her. Velvet sighed hearing this and the two walked began down the hall. "So why can't you sleep?" King asked looking at the female beside him.

"I keep having nightmares," Velvet said bluntly as they continued down the hall.

"Nightmares huh?" King said looking at her.

"Indeed, I used to get them all the time as a kid but then they eventually stopped. They've only recently started to make their presence known again and it's making it rather difficult to sleep," Velvet said as the two continued down the hall.

"Something tells me I know what might be causing them," King said as he thought about four certain males that seemed to like bullying faunas. "But enough of that, I think I might have something to help," King said as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a vile of clear dust.

"What type of dust is that?" Velvet asked as she looked at the male.

"It's perfectly neutral dust, it's dust in it's purest form when it hasn't been exposed to any outside sources," King said as he opened the vile and poured the dust in his hand. When he did he cupped it with both hands and his hand radiated a pure white light. The light was dim and vanished rather quickly but when King removed his hands the dust had turned to a crystal and was glowing the same dim white color his hands where. "Here," King said as he handed the female the crystal.

"What is it?" Velvet asked looking at the crystal.

"It's been infused with my aura, I've been told that I have a very warm comforting aura. It tends to relax people and help get rid of certain negative feelings? It should be safe to eat as long as you don't have evil aura," said looking at the female. When he said this Velvet looked at the tiny crystal and slowly placed it in her mouth. Velvet then bit down expecting the crystal to be hard however to her surprise it wasn't. While it looked hard it was actually very fragile and brittle.

As soon as Velvet swallowed the tiny crystals she almost immediately felt relaxed. It was a strange feeling to describe but she felt warm inside. As if she had been moved to somewhere safe where nothing and no one could ever harm her again. "Thank you," Velvet said looking at the male beside her.

"Don't mention it, I'd also make the most of it while you can. You're body will filter my aura out in about twenty four hours," King said looking at Velvet. When he said this the female nodded and was about to walk away until she remembered what he said.

"So why can't you sleep?" Velvet asked looking at the male in front of her.

"I can't say for sure but I have some idea as to why," King said looking at Velvet.

"Well let's hear it," Velvet said as she looked at the male.

"I don't think I can sleep without someone beside me," King said looking at the female beside him. When he did Velvet looked at him a little confused and King decided to explain. "I've had someone to sleep beside me ever since I was a kid. Tonight was the first night I had to do sleep by myself. It's stupid to keep myself up I know but I thought that walking might help me," King said looking at the female beside him.

Velvet had to admit that she thought his situation was a little strange. However despite that she did want to help him. Yet only one solution came to mind. Velvet blushed as she looked at King. "I could sleep with you if you want," Velvet offered looking at King.

"I don't think that's a good idea," King said as the two continued down the halls. When he said this Velvet once again looked at him with a curious expression and King once again decided to explain. "Either way I look at it, the experience won't be pleasant when we wake up. I don't know your team well enough to deal with them being angry at me and it's hard to predict how team RWBY would react as well . . . especially Weiss," King said as he thought about how much yelling and lecturing he'd have to endure from his sister if he went through with it.

"Even so you need someone to sleep with right?" Velvet asked looking at him.

"Not completely, I can go three days without sleep without any noticeable difference. I'd of course rather not do this but it can be done," King said looking at the female beside him. Velvet sighed hearing this and looked at the male. Just because he had been trained to do things like that doesn't mean that he had to. Especially when there was another option being offered to him.

Velvet then took a deep breath and looked at the male. She felt like if she was persistent enough she'd be able to change his mind. Not to mention that while she admittedly didn't know him that well she did trust him enough not to try anything with her. After all so far he seemed to be rather honest and straightforward. "We can sleep in my room, and I always wake up earlier than everyone so we can have you leave before anyone notices," Velvet said looking at the male.

King felt his face heat up at the suggestion. He honestly thought that disregarding the idea once would be enough to end the conversation. However she for some odd reason seemed to be more persistent than most. "I'm not sure if Weiss wakes up before us and sees I'm not there I'll probably get lectured," King said once again trying to avoid the subject.

"Then we can sleep in your room," Velvet offered looking at him.

"But then I'll probably get lectured by all of them," King said looking at the female.

"Well we could sleep in the halls if that's what you prefer," Velvet offered a little annoyed as she looked at the white haired male in front of her.

"You're really not going to let this go are you?" King asked cutting straight to the point.

"No," Velvet said with newfound confidence seeing that she was starting to break the male in front of her.

"Why are you so persistent on this matter?" King asked looking at Velvet.

"Because you're a nice guy, and someone like you deserves to sleep. Despite the fact the fact that you do have an odd quirk when it comes to sleeping," Velvet said looking at him. King once again felt his face heat up hearing this and let out a sigh as he looked at the female in front of him.

"Fine," King said looking at the female. Velvet smiled hearing this and looked at him.

"So who's room will it be?" Velvet asked looking at him.

"Yours getting a lecture from one is better than getting a lecture from four," King said looking at Velvet. When he said this the female nodded and grabbed his wrist as she began to walk towards her room. "But I expect you to protect me from the rest of your team if they find out," King said jokingly earning him a slight laugh from the female in front of him. As he walked towards her room he stared at ceiling and thought back to the two females he had met earlier that day.

'I wonder what the chances of her being Ace's sister really are? Either way hopefully she doesn't have to deal with things like this from her friend,' King thought to himself as he once again looked at the female in front of him. Little did he realize that while he was thinking this across the city of Vale Emerald was thinking something as well. As Emerald stared up at the shattered moon she couldn't help but think about the brother she had lost almost ten years ago.

'If only I had been paying more attention. If we hadn't been such trouble makers back then none of that would have happened! We never would have left Atlas to try and join some organization! If we never left then Ace would still be alive! Damn it Emerald why could you have been as good a sister as he was a brother!' Emerald thought mentally scalding herself for the events that still haunted her mind.

Emerald sighed as she looked up at the sky. As she did she heard some footsteps beside her and turned to see Neo looking at her. "Hey Neo," Emerald said as she continued to stare at the sky. Neo walked over to her friend and looked at her. It wasn't often that she stayed up to look at the stars and shattered moon but when she did it usually meant something was bothering her.

Already having some idea of what was wrong Neo reached into her pocket and pulled out a card and offered it to Emerald. Seeing this the green haired female took the card and looked at it to see that it was a simple playing card but Emerald knew what she was trying to ask because this playing card was labeled Ace in the hole. "Yeah," Emerald said as she looked up at the sky.

Neo then placed her hand on Emeralds shoulder and looked at her. "I know it's been almost ten years and I should be over it by now but," Emerald began as she raised her hand to her chest and gripped it slightly. "It still hurts Neo," Emerald said as few tears started to gather in her eyes. "I still miss him, I shouldn't care about him anymore yet I do! We were just kids so why does it still hurt!" Emerald asked as she embraced the female beside her.

Neo would have sighed seeing this if she could. This was something that didn't happen often but when it did Emerald turned to Neo for comfort. She was the only person Emerald felt like she could trust. Everyone else appeared to just be using her for their own personal gain. As Emerald cried into Neo's arm Neo felt a few of her own tears start to build up. She always tried to be strong and appear emotionless but she couldn't always keep her shield up.

As much as she tried to hide the fact she missed Ace too. He may have been annoying at times but that's because he was Emeralds older brother. He was supposed to look out for her and despite the bad choices they made he never once seemed disappointed in the two of them. He just wanted them to be better people. She missed that, she missed his constant nagging, how he'd always try suggest other ideas when she found something she thought would be fun, she missed the way he'd always find food for them, she missed him and she'd give just about anything to see him again.

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and just a reminder that I am still accepting OC's for this story so if you are interested in that then please pm me. Now I hope you all are ready because the next vote of the series is about to take place. I wish you all luck.

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King finds out about the dance
2. King meets Penny
3. King trains to unlock his semblance
4. King gets sick
5. King meets team JNPR
6. Other (suggest what you want)

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