Chapter 12: Talking

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P.O.V. Third

The white haired male known as King was currently walking down the halls of Beacon. He didn't really have much planned for the day as both Yang and Ruby had something that they wanted to do, and as a result he didn't have to train.

As King was walking he noticed a male with blue eyes and red hair was walking towards him. King stopped seeing this and waited for the male to finish approaching him. The male seemed oddly familiar but King wasn't sure why. 

When the male approached King he looked at him for a few seconds before he finally decided to speak. "You're King right?" The male asked looking at the white haired male in front of him. King nodded when the male asked this and the male looked at him. 

"Well my name is Kyle and my partner Ace told me about how strong you are and I just wanted to know how you got to be so strong?" The male asked looking at King. 

"What are you talking about?" King asked looking at the male in front of him. 

"Ace isn't a push over he's ranked one of the top in the school, yet from what he told me you supposedly beat him with little to no effort. That's not something that happens on a daily basis so I want to know why your so strong? Are you taking special supplements or maybe it's so sort of special training you do," Kyle said looking at the male in front of him. 

King sighed hearing this and looked at the red haired male in front of him. "I don't know why I am so naturally talented. It's been this way for as long as I can remember. I've always just thought of it as me being a prodigy I never really put much thought into it to be honest," King said as he began to walk past Kyle. 

"If you're a prodigy then you're a prodigy among prodigies because Ace and myself are also considered prodigies and while we've never went all out during a sparring match I like to think that we're essentially at the same level," Kyle said looking at the male as he began to follow King.

"Well think I'm a once in a life time prodigy or whatever term you want to use. That doesn't change the fact that I don't know where I my skills and talent come from and I can assure you that I don't use any special training methods," King said hoping that'd be the end of it. 

"Then fight me like you fought him, let get an accurate grasp of your power. I might be able to help you figure it out," Kyle said looking at King. When he suggested this King sighed looked at the male in front of him. 

'Great another one of these people, and if he's anything like Ace then he's probably not going to let it go either,' King thought to himself as he looked at the male. 'Then again, this would be a good time to see how much I've improved,' King thought to himself with a slight smile. HE then turned to Kyle with a slight smile. 

"Alright I'll fight you, however consider yourself lucky usually I wouldn't give this matter a second thought. However because there's something I want to test, I'll overlook my usual opinion on fights and have a quick match with you," King said looking at the male in front of him. Kyle smiled hearing this and nodded as he readied himself drawing his long-sword.

King then reached down to the small box he always had on him and pressed one of the small buttons turning it into a scythe. King then began to use his semblance and slowly let go of his scythe letting it rotate in the air beside him. King smiled seeing this he had finally gotten to the point to where he could use it without completely destroying his weapon. 

Kyle was put a little on edge seeing this, he had never seen or heard of semblance like this before and Ace hadn't mentioned that he could control his weapon in such a way. King then sent his weapon forward and Kyle quickly raised his sword to stop the attack. King narrowed his eyes seeing this and quickly moved two of his fingers hitting two of the buttons with his semblance, causing the current blade to retreat and a new blade on the other end to extend. 

Kyle quickly ducked seeing this and let the blade pass over his head. King then once again moved one of his fingers and the second blade once again extended before it moved and started to come down on Kyle. Seeing this Kyle quickly moved to the side taking his long sword with him and began to run towards King. 

King once again moved one of his fingers seeing this and his scythe split into two separate pieces and formed a chain of dust before one end went towards Kyle. The male then raised his sword and went to swing down on King before he felt a large amount of resistance and looked up to see a chain wrapped around his scythe. 

Kyle gritted his teeth seeing this and jumped up attempting to kick King the face in the process however when he did he felt a small amount of resistance push him back before he reached King and used this to his advantage. Using the small amount of force to jumped back and free his sword from the chain that was wrapped around it. 

Kyle then pushed a small button on the handle and reached into his pocket pulling out a small shard of dust in the process. King watched as the long-sword Kyle had transformed into a crossbow and Kyle placed the dust shard he had in a small opening before it closed. An arrow of light then appeared in the slot and Kyle fired it at King. 

The string was then sent back to the beginning and another arrow of light appeared in the slot before Kyle once again fired it at King. Seeing this King quickly moved his hand and brought both his miniature scythes in front of him to stop the attack. Kyle quickly hit the button a second time turning his crossbow back into a long-sword. 

King then brought his scythes back to him. As much as he hated to admit it he was still a novice when it came to using his semblance and became tired very quickly when he tried to use it to the extent that he had been doing against Kyle. However he was going to use it as long as he thought he could, so he kept his scythes close but just far enough away to where he couldn't reach them. 

Kyle then went to move under the two scythes and King quickly brought one down to block the males path. However Kyle pressed one of his hands down on the ground launching himself over the scythe and towards King with his sword still in hand. King then brought his other scythe in front of the male and Kyle moved past it starting to adjust to King's attack patterns. 

King then saw both of his scythes hit the ground. He sighed seeing this realizing he was at his limit and looked at Kyle as the male approached him. Kyle then went to swing at King and the white haired male then brought his hand up hitting Kyle's wrist forcing the male to miss. King then took his free hand and punched Kyle in the face sending the male back. 

While the male was disorientated King Went down and swept the males legs out form under him. While Kyle was falling King hit the male's wrist once again forcing him to drop his sword which King then grabbed and held to the male's throat. Kyle seemed a little surprised by this before King turned the sword around and handed it to the male. 

Kyle smiled seeing this and took his long-sword back from King. "Sorry about that," King said as he walked over to his two scythes pressing all three buttons at once to turn it back into a small box that he once again placed on his hip. "The first part of that was more or less testing my semblance. I just discovered it a few days ago and haven't got that good at controlling it yet," King said as he watched Kyle stand up. 

"And at the end when the fight turned physical?" Kyle asked looking at the male in front of him. 

"I'm more of a physical fighter so most of that was just me acting on instinct but you're a huntsmen in training so I thought you'd be able to handle it," King said looking at the male in front of him. Kyle chuckled slightly and looked at the male as he began to walk down the halls. 

'I see what Ace was talking about now. He was more or less testing himself at the beginning with his semblance but when he reached his limit and had to get serious he beat me without his weapon in under ten seconds. I can see why he trusts him with that "Special request" he told me about,' Kyle thought to himself as he walked down the halls beside King. 

The two walked in silence for a few moments before Kyle once again looked at King. "King there's actually another reason I cam to see you other than to just talk to you about how strong you are," Kyle said looking at the male beside him. When he said this King looked at him and sighed he already knew what he wanted to talk about, he had been told earlier that day that he was going to approach him on this matter. 

"What is it?" King asked trying to act as if he didn't know. 

"Well as you know there's a dance coming up soon," Kyle began earning a slight nod from King. "So I was wondering if I could get your approval to take Weiss," Kyle asked looking at the male in front of him. 

"No," King said bluntly as he continued down the halls of Beacon. Kyle surprised by how quickly and bluntly King had answered stopped for a moment before he once again began to follow King.

"Come on King, give me a chance I'm sure you'd like me if you got to know me," Kyle said looking at the male in front of him. 

"My opinion doesn't have much effect on who Weiss wants to date," King said as he continued down the halls of Beacon.

"I came to you for two reason to see if what Ace said was true and to ask you for your approval to date Weiss. Are you really not going to give me the benefit of the doubt?" Kyle said looking at King. 

"No, because you chose to fight me first then come and then ask to take her. To me that means that you thought fighting me was more important than trying to get Weiss to like you. I'm not going to let Weiss date someone who would rather fight than spend time with her," King said looking at male making Kyle a little nervous. 

"Please King, isn't there anything I can do to prove that I'm not just some thug who only wants to fight and cause trouble," Kyle asked looking at the male in front of him.

"At the moment nothing can convince me otherwise, you could save all of remnant from certain destruction and my opinion of you wouldn't change in the slightest," King said looking at the male in front of him. Kyle sighed hearing this a little disappointed that his opinion was set in stone but he was determined not to give up yet and looked at the male. 

"Come on King, I think that I have a fairly good shot with her not to mention that I'm almost certain that I can make her happy," Kyle said looking at the male in front of him. 

"And I'm almost certain that these thoughts need to stay in your head," King said as he continued down the hall. He continued to listen to Kyle plead to let him take Weiss to the dance and each time King refused the males request that was until he heard something he found rather interesting. 

"Please King? Weiss said if I could get your approval she'd go to the dance with me," Kyle said looking at the male beside him. Hearing this King suddenly understood the situation much better than he had before. He didn't come here on his own, almost no one came to him first and then asked her out they always asked her out and then went to King. The reason why was because she usually sent them to King. 

She hadn't sent anyone to King in years so he had forgotten about it until he heard that. While Weiss tended to be a bit stuck up at times when it came to dating, she tried to let them down gently. However if they persisted in trying to seduce her she would send them to King, because of an agreement that had made when they were kids. She knew that King took this seriously and sent people to him for one reason. She knew he wouldn't be as nice as her. 

She typically didn't like being bothered about the same subject repeatedly. She sent him to King because she wanted King to tell him she wasn't interested in him. King now knowing this decided to drop his nice guy persona and decided to give Kyle his real opinion on the subject. "Alright fine," King said starting to become slightly annoyed with the males persistence. "If you can answer a few simple questions then I'll consider letting you date her," King said looking at the male in front of him. 

"Of course anything!" Kyle said looking at the male in front of him. 

"What's her favorite color?" King asked looking at the male in front of him. 

"Easy it's white!" Kyle said confidently. 

"Wrong, she actually has two favorite colors icy sliver and Moonstone silver, both of which are silver not white," King said looking at the male in front of him. Kyle seemed a little surprised by this and looked at the male as he got a little closer to him. "When is her birthday? How tall is she? How much does she weigh? What's her favorite drink? What cup size does she wear? What's her favorite season? What's her middle name? What's her hobby? Can you answer any of these, because these are all things I know right off the top of my head," King said as the male stared at him a little blankly. 

"These things are easy for me to remember because I know Weiss, and she can answer all these questions about me as well. . . Well most of them she can't answer my cup size because I don't wear a bra but my point still stands," King said looking at the male in front of him. Kyle was a bit surprised to hear this and looked at the male a little surprised. It's no wonder she had him ask King it's because she knew that King wouldn't be nice about it like she had been. 

"Apart from that Weiss has only ever mentioned you one time and that was earlier today. She said she was annoyed with how persistent you and Jaune were on trying to take her to the dance. From what I can tell you don't know anything about Weiss and therefore have no right to ask for my approval. As far as I'm concerned you're no better than every other guy that's came up to me wanting my approval, your no better than Crimson, you're no better than Neptune, and you're no better than Jaune. My answer stands at no and at the moment trust when I sat there is nothing you can do to change my mind," King said looking at the male leaving a slight stinging sensation behind as he walked away. 

King then walked into his dorm and saw Weiss looking at a message from her sister. "Another message from Winter?" King asked looking at the female. 

"Yeah," Weiss answered as she turned to look at the male. "Has Kyle asked you yet? I know Jaune asked you yesterday," Weiss asked looking at the male in front of her. 

"Yeah, I just got done talking to him actually," King said looking at the female in front of him. 

"You told him no right?" Weiss asked looking at the male however her tone indicated that she was a little nervous about King's answer. 

"Of course I told him no," King said looking at the female in front of him. When he said this Weiss let out a relieved sigh and once again began to read the letter she had received from Winter. 

"Why did you send him to King anyway?" Yang asked looking at the two in front of her. 

"A long time ago we made an agreement that if either of us wanted to date someone that they'd have to get the others approval to do this. So if I wanted to date someone they'd have to get King's approval first and if he wanted to date anyone then they'd have to get my approval," Weiss said as she continued to read the letter. 

"Yeah so when she doesn't want to date someone and gets tired of dealing with them constantly asking her out she sends them to me," King said looking at the females in front of him. Yang nodded in understanding hearing this and looked at Ruby who was currently reading one of her comics. Unknown to the young female Yang had something similar in mind. If she wanted to date anyone she was going to get Ruby's opinion on them first to make sure they were really right for her. 

Yang then shook her head clearing her mind of these thought and looked at the white haired male in front of her. "So King I know that, Weiss is going tot he dance even if it is just because she has nothing better to do. What about you? Do you want to go to the dance?" Yang asked looking at the male in front of her. 

"I probably won't go to be honest, I don't really like dances because of how often Jacques would have balls when we were kids. I might go just to see what it's like but other than that I can't really see myself going," King said looking at the female in front of him. 

"Why not?" Blake asked looking at the male a little curious. 

"I've never been to interested in things like that unless I had a reason to go," King said looking at the black haired female in front of him. 

"So if you had someone to go with-" Blake began looking at the male in front of her wanting him to finish her line of thought. 

"Then I'd probably go," King said looking at the few female in front of him. When he said this Blake nodded thinking that was probably the scenario that it would take to get King to go to the dance other than him just getting bored and going out of curiosity. 

Yang then stood up with a smile and looked at Blake who sighed. "Well we'll be back later, we're going to pick out dresses for the dance," Yang said as Blake slowly got up off the bed. 

"Have fun," King said as the two left the room. When he said this he turned towards the two remaining females and looked at them. "What about you two? Don't you want to get a dress for the dance?" King asked looking at the two in front of him. 

"We got some earlier today," Ruby said looking at the male in front of her. 

"I also took the liberty of purchasing you an outfit for the dance as well. I placed it in the case you keep under your bed," Weiss said as she finished writing the letter to her sister and closed the letter she had just written. King nodded when she said this and began to lay down on his bed. He had decided not to sleep with Velvet tonight for the main reason that he didn't want any of the others to become to suspicious and start following him when he leaves the dorm at night.

King then closed his eyes and began to try and sleep however this was to no avail. He stayed awake until he once again heard the door to his dorm open and heard a slight laugh from the blonde female he had been placed in charge of looking after. "Come on Blake I think it would have looked good on you," Yang said looking at the female in front of her. 

"Maybe, but I'm much happier with the dress I chose compared to the one you wanted me to wear," Blake said as she walked over to her bed and began to lay down. Yang sighed hearing this and began to lay down on her bed as well. Several hours passed before King heard anything. However what he heard sounded like footsteps. 

King hadn't been paying attention so he couldn't tell which direction the footsteps had been coming but heard them stop by his bed. King then turned around to see who it was and saw Ruby looking at him. "Ruby what are you doing?" King asked looking at the female that was standing by his bed. 

"I-I just wanted t-to," Ruby began a little flustered as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"You just wanted to?" King began looking at the female in front of him. 

"I-I wanted to know, i-if I could sleep with you," Ruby said looking at the male in front of her. When she said this King looked at her a little confused his face turning slightly red and Ruby sat next to him. "S-so can I?" Ruby asked looking at the male. 

"What brought this on all of the sudden?" King asked looking at the female in front of him. 

"I-it's not really sudden I've been thinking about this for a while. Whenever you and Weiss first came here I thought that the two of you sleeping together was a little strange, but then I noticed something. Both of you seemed so at ease and content when you slept with each other. Then when you got your own bed I noticed that Weiss doesn't really seem as content as she did before and you don't seem to be at ease at all. As if your on edge when you sleep," Ruby said looking at King. 

The male was admittedly surprised to hear that Ruby had actually took notice of this. He didn't think she was the type to pay attention to things such as that. However he was glad that she noticed it showed that she really did care not only for her team but for her friends as well. "So after I noticed this I began to wonder if being embraced by someone while you were sleeping was really that great. If it could really put someone at ease like it did with the two of you," Ruby said looking at the male beside her. 

"So you wanted to try it for yourself?" King asked looking at the female in front of him. 

"Y-yeah," Ruby said looking at the male in front of her. "I already told Yang I was going to do this and she said she was okay with it as long as we didn't do . . . other stuff, and I don't really care if we don't get to do it again. I've never done anything like this before so I'm not sure what to expect but even if it is just for tonight I'd like to know what it feels like to be embraced," Ruby said looking at the male in front of her. Ruby then looked at the male with a nervous expression. "S-so can I?" Ruby asked looking at the male a little nervous. 

King sighed hearing this and raised his cover, he knew he was going to have Weiss to deal with in the morning but as long as he got to sleep tonight he didn't really mind that much. Ruby turned a little red seeing this and laid down beside the male. King then placed the cover over her and placed an arm around her like he did with Weiss and Velvet. 

"How's this?" King asked looking at the female in front of him. 

"Th-this is good," Ruby said a little embarrassed as she closed her eyes and began to sleep. King then repeated her action and closed his eyes and he like the others that were in the room began to fall asleep. 

A/N: Alright everyone I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'd also like to give a special thanks to Neoxpolxitan for letting me use their OC Kyle in this chapter. Now I hope your all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin and like Always I wish you all luck. 

Who does King go to the dance with? (This will decided the pairing for this story)

1. Ruby
2. Weiss
3. Blake
4. Yang
5. Nora
6. Pyrrha
7. Coco
8. Velvet
9. Emerald
10. Neo
11. Penny
12. Other (suggest who you want)

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