Chapter 13: Dance

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P.O.V. Third

"So that's it?" King asked looking at the female in front of him. 

"Yeah," Weiss said as she looked at the male in front of her. King sighed hearing this and looked down at the vile in front of him. 

"I know he doesn't like spending money on his own products but unless he wants those memories to start returning he needs to start buying more repression dust," King said as he opened the vile and drank the liquid inside. When he did he threw the empty vile in the trash and looked at Weiss. 

"So anything planned for the day?" King asked looking at his sister. 

"I'm hoping Winter will respond to my message that I sent her. I have something important that I want to talk to her about and I'm hoping she'll send me a transmission," Weiss said as she looked at the male in front of her. 

"You sure that's a good idea? You know how Winter is, I'm not sure how she'll react to seeing the rest of your team . . . especially Ruby," King said looking at Weiss. 

"I know, that's why I'm hoping that she'll send it before they get back, however if she doesn't then I'll just have them hide out of sight while I talk to her," Weiss said looking at her brother. King nodded in understanding hearing this and stood up. When he did he stretched slightly and walked towards the door. 

"Well I'm going to go talk to Velvet if you need me her dorm number is E-5" King said as he opened the door. "Also," King said as he turned to look at the female. "If by chance you meet someone at the dance that you really like remember our rule. They have to get my approval and then you can kiss them," King said looking at the female in front of him. 

Weiss nodded hearing this and King walked out of the dorm shutting the door behind him. Weiss sighed hearing this and looked at the empty room. Now that King was gone that left Weiss sitting in her dorm alone. Her team had left to all do various different things, Ruby and Yang wanting to look for new music, and Blake wanting to find a new book to read, and King leaving just moments ago to talk to Velvet.

She then heard a slight beeping and turned to see that she was getting a transmission from Winter. Weiss quickly rose from her bed seeing this and walked over to the screen in front of her accepting the transmission. When she did she saw her sister on the screen and Weiss smiled and waved as she looked at the female in front of her. "Hello Winter," Weiss said offering her a kind smile.

"Hello Weiss," Winter said staring at her. "Now care to explain what's so important you needed to speak to me personally about it?" Winter asked looking at her younger sister. Weiss then sighed and looked at the monitor on front of her. She was glad that she was the only one in the room at the moment.

Now the only person that would hear what she had to say was her. "It's about something you and Whitley used to tease me about. You know how you used to say I have a crush on King," Weiss said looking at the female in front of her. Winter sighed hearing this and looked at her younger sister.

"Weiss if you wanted an apology you couldn't have picked a worse time. Ironwood's been giving me a lot of assignments lately and it's getting harder for me to have free time to myself,' Winter said looking at the female in front of her.

"N-No, it's not that," Weiss said looking at the female in front of her. Winter then looked at her sister waiting for and explanation and Weiss once again took a deep breath. "Well you were right, I-I think I'm in love with King," Weiss said looking at the female in front of her. Winter was shocked to hear this mainly due to the fact that she had just been teasing Weiss.

The two stayed quiet after Weiss said this and the two simply stared at each other through their own monitor. Winter then sighed and looked at the female in front of her. "Father won't be happy to hear this," Winter said looking at her sister. Weiss in turned nodded and looked at her sister.

"What should I do Winter? We have a dance coming up soon and I'm afraid someone will ask him. I-if that happens I'll loose him forever," Weiss said looking at her sister. Winter signed hearing this and looked at Weiss.

She knew this had to be hard for her. Knowing that she might lose the one she loves. "Winter! Hurry up, you are far from being done for the day!" Weiss heard a male voice say in the background of her monitor. Winter sighed hearing this and looked at her sister remembering something that had happened to her a while ago.

"Weiss as much as I'd like to stay I need to go so I'm going to offer you some advice that King gave me a while back. It's better to lose your pride to the one you love, rather than lose the one you love because of your pride. So do what you think is right," Winter said as she looked at her sister.

Weiss nodded when she said this and Winter looked at her sister. "Again sorry about this but I need to go," Winter said as she reached up and ended the transmission. Weiss looked at the screen for a few moments before she let out a sigh and ended the transmission on her side as well. Weiss then heard the door behind her open and she turned to see Ruby looking at her.

"Come on Weiss if you don't get dressed now we'll probably be late for the dance," Ruby said looking at the white haired female in front of her. Weiss sighed hearing this and stood up walking over to her bed and preparing the dress that she had bought. Weiss then began to change and when she was finished she turned to Ruby and looked at her. 

"So how do I look?" Weiss asked looking at the female in front of her. 

"You look great! Now come on you might even get someone to ask you to dance with them," Ruby said looking at the female in front of her. Weiss sighed hearing this and began to follow the female as she walked out of the room. Weiss knew that she was going to be asked to dance, however she didn't care for who she knew was going to ask her. Jaune, and possibly Kyle while both seemed persistent she thought that Jaune was more so than Kyle.

As Weiss approached the door that lead to the dance she could hear some music playing and when she opened the door she saw several people already dancing. Weiss smiled slightly as she walked into the room and looked around. She saw several people that she recognized as well as a few that she didn't. However the absence of a certain male made her worry slightly. 

She then began to walk around the room searching for King and however this effort was in vain as she saw no signs of King. She then heard a few footsteps approaching her and turned with a smile hoping to see King. However to her disappointment she saw Jaune holding a rose with a smile. He held it out and scratched the back of his head rather sheepishly as he looked at the female in front of him. "Would you like to dance?" Jaune asked looking at the white haired female in front of him. 

"No," Weiss said bluntly as she walked away and once again began to look for the male that she called her brother. As she was searching she saw both Blake and Yang talking to each other and approached the two. "Blake, Yang," Weiss said gaining the attention of the two in front of her. "Have either of you seen King?" Weiss asked looking at the two in front of her. 

"No," Blake said looking at the female in front of her and Weiss quickly turned to Yang waiting for her answer. 

"I saw him before I came here, it looked like he was going to our dorm. I'm guessing he didn't have anyone to go with and decided to stay in," Yang said looking at the white haired female in front of him. Weiss was a bit confused to hear this but nodded nonetheless. "Thank you," Weiss said as she walked away and began to walk to her dorm that she shared with the four others. 

'King didn't have anyone to go with?' Weiss mentally questioned as she left the room and began back towards her dorm. 'That doesn't make any sense, I've seen him spending a lot of time with Velvet I thought for sure he'd ask her or that she'd ask him," Weiss thought to herself as she continued down the halls of Beacon. 

'Or maybe he did ask her and she said no,' Weiss thought to herself as she turned down a hall and saw the door that lead to her dorm. 'If that's the case then he might be feeling a little depressed,' Weiss thought to herself as she stopped in front of the door. 'If that's the case then this might be my chance!' Weiss thought to herself. 

'I know I shouldn't think about taking advantage of him at a time like this but, this might be my only opportunity to win him over. I have to use it!' Weiss thought to herself as she opened the door in front of her. 

When she did she was a little surprised to see King fully dressed about to walk out of the room. He was wearing the suit she had got him and blushed slightly seeing him in it. She liked the way King looked normally but with him wearing normal attire  "W-what are you doing?" Weiss asked looking at the male in front of her.

"I was going to go to the dance to see how you were doing," King said looking at the female in front of him.

"You were going to see me?" Weiss asked looking at the male in front of her.

"Yeah, I thought I'd keep Kyle and Jaune from asking you to dance with them," King said looking at the white haired female in front of him. Weiss smiled hearing this and sighed as she looked at the male in front of her. "You know you look very beautiful in your dress," King said looking at the female in front of him causing the females face to turn red.

"Thank you, and you look nice I'm your suit," Weiss said deciding to return his compliment.

"Thanks," King said as he looked at what he was wearing. "I can see you really put thought into picking this out but you really have to get a suit with a cape," King said as he held up the extra piece of clothing that was handing from his back.

"I like the cape, I think it gives you a dashing prince appeal," Weiss said looking at King, when she said this King sighed and looked at the female. "Well since you're already dressed for it would you like to accompany me to the dance?" Weiss asked looking at the male in front of her.

King chuckled slightly hearing this and looked at Weiss."Sure," King said as he looked at the female in front of him. The two then began to walk down the halls. As they were walking Weiss suddenly got close to King and linked arms with him. King looked at his female counterpart to see that she was clinging to his arm slightly seeing this felt his face hear up slightly as he continued to walk beside her.

Weiss was happy to see that King wasn't questioning what she was doing and continued to walk down the hall with him. The two eventually once again made their way to the dance and when they did walked into the room. Weiss separated from the male noticing that few people were beginning to stare at her. The two then walked over to a location that didn't have as many people and watched as several people danced with each other. 

Several minutes passed before Weiss thought back to what her sister had said earlier that day. Weiss then bit her lips a little nervous and looked at the male beside her. "Would you like to dance?" Weiss asked looking at King. When she said this King's face turned a little red and extended his hand. Weiss smiled seeing this and took his hand as the two walked onto the dance floor. 

Knowing that Jacques had ordered King to become familiar with just as many dancing styles as Weiss the female grabbed one of King's hands and moved closer to him. King blushed seeing that Weiss wanted to use this particular dancing style and looked at her. "Weiss are sure?" King asked looking at her and Weiss nodded her face turning a slight shade of red. 

King then hesitantly placed his other free hand behind the female just below her waist being sure not let his hands trail to far down knowing that this was still his sister. The two then began to slowly turn and dance with each other and unknown to the two a certain blonde and black haired member of their team had began to watch the two. 

"Told you," Blake said looking at the two in front of her. Yang sighed hearing this and reached into her pocket pulling out a small lien card. 

"How'd you know?" Yang asked looking at the female in front of her. 

"I've seen a few similar situations like this in a few of my books," Blake said as she looked at the two in front of her. As the two continued to dance King felt himself start to slowly relax, slowly forgetting the fact that he was dancing with Weiss. However this tended to be much harder for the female in front of him. 

Weiss looked up at the male in front of her. She tried to stay calm but she could feel her heart pounding and feel just how nervous she was. She then saw King looked down at her with a tender and caring look in his eyes and he began to slowly lean down towards her. When he did Weiss felt her face heat up and looked at the male.

Knowing that his may be her only chance Weiss took a deep breath and began to lean towards King as well. Their lips then slowly met and Weiss slowly relaxed into the kiss. However particularly through the kiss, King realized what he was doing, he remembered just who he was kissing and quickly broke the kiss with an extremely red face. 

Weiss looked at him a little confused as to why he broke the kiss and King looked at her with a red face before he ran away. Weiss looked at him as he did and sighed, she knew that there was the chance that this would happen. Him rejecting her feelings but she didn't think he'd run away as he just did. Weiss felt her heart break as she saw King exit room and walk onto a balcony. 

Weiss felt a few tears build up in her eyes seeing this and wiped them as she walked towards King. She didn't want him to see her like this, if he didn't return her feelings then there was nothing she could do to fix that. Weiss then walked onto the balcony and saw King staring at the sky. Weiss then walked up to him and King turned to see who was walking towards him and saw that it was none other than the female he had just kissed. 

The two stood beside each other quietly neither one saying anything until King decided to break the silence. "Sorry about that," King said as he looked at the female. When he said this Weiss looked at him. She was about to speak however King was able to beat her to it. "Please don't tell Jacques, I can only imagine how he'd react to the situation. I shouldn't have kissed you like that I'm sorry," King said looking at his white haired counterpart. 

Weiss bit her lips as she looked up at the sky as she continued to listen to him. "I know that you probably didn't imagine that happening and I can't imagine how embarrassed you must have been to have been forced to kiss your own brother in front of so many people," King said looking at the female. When he said this Weiss suddenly realized just why he had ended the kiss. It was because in the middle of the kiss he went from seeing her as his potential lover to his sister.

King then turned to look at the female gaining her attention and he looked at her. "If you don't want to dance with me anymore I understand. However if you want to continue then I promise I won't try anything again," King said as he offered his hand to the female, however he expected her to slap his hand and walk away. Weiss then sighed and looked at the male once again thinking about what her sister had said earlier that day. 

"It's fine King I'm not mad and I'm not going to tell my father. I understand why you did it however-" Weiss said looking at the male in front of her. She then took a deep breath preparing herself for what she was about to say and looked at the male.

"If you're going to kiss me then kiss me properly!" Weiss said looking at the male in front of her, when she said this her face turned a deep shade of red and she waited for King's response. King was shocked to hear this and sighed as he looked at the female in front of him. King then leaned down slightly and gently kissed Weiss' forehead. When he did Weiss looked up at him a little confused and disappointed. 

"That's it? You're not going to keep going?" Weiss asked looking at the male in front of her. When she asked this King's face turned a littler red and looked at the female in front of him. 

"Weiss like I said it was just-" King began only for Weiss to cut him off. 

"Don't lie to me!" Weiss said looking at him causing King to look at her slightly surprised. "You can say whatever you want but I saw the truth in your eyes in there. The way you looked at me, you didn't see me as your sister for those few seconds but you saw me as someone more. It's true that you want me right?" Weiss asked looking at the male in front of her. 

When she said this King's face once again turned red and looked at the female in front of him. "Wh-what? Weiss do you even realize what you're saying? Weiss we're siblings we can't-," King began looking at the female in front of her only to get cut off. 

"Don't give me that!" Weiss said looking at the male in front of her. "We're not blood related so technically we can kiss without it being perverse. I'm just saying what we both know," Weiss said looking at the male in front of her. Weiss' face then turned a slight shade of red and turned away slightly nervous. "Th-that's why . . . If I said I loved you . . . that I hope you'd also say," Weiss said as she once again turned to the male. 

King felt his face heat up hearing this and looked at the female in front of him. What she was saying was true they weren't technically related. King had been afraid to move past the boundary of wanting to be more than friends with Weiss because he was afraid of what she as well as what Jacques would think if he did. "Weiss," King said gaining the females attention. 

"I love you," King said looking at the female in front of him. When he said this a smile spread across Weiss' face when he said this and she looked at him. 

"Y-you're not joking right?" Weiss asked looking at him hoping this wasn't some cruel joke he was just trying to play. King nodded when she said this and Weiss once again smiled. "I-I love you too!" Weiss said as she moved forward and hugged King. She had dreamed of this moment for so long and now here it was. 

She had managed to tell King how she felt as well as have him return her feelings. "Th-then you want to continue where we left off?" Weiss asked looking at the male in front of her. King's face heated up slightly hearing this and he nodded as he gently cupped the females chin. When he did Weiss noticed that King had once again gained the same look in his eyes as before. The same caring and tender look he had given her just before he kissed her. 

"I-I don't think I have to tell you this but that was my first kiss, so don't complain if I'm not that good at kissing yet," Weiss said looking at the male in front of her. King chuckled slightly hearing this and once again leaned towards her closing his eyes. Weiss then once again repeated his action and their lips once again met. Weiss then like before let her hands slowly move around King's shoulders and this time King moved his hands to her waist deepening their kiss. 

When the two finally separated Weiss looked at him. "So how was that?" King asked looking at the female in front of him. When he said this the female once again hugged him nuzzling into him slightly as if she was trying to bury herself. 

"That's better," Weiss said with a smile.

"Weiss forgive me for this but I'm a little confused about where we stand," King said as he placed his hand on the back of the female's head and slowly began to stroke her. Weiss felt her face hear up when King said this and mentally sighed. He was really going to make her say it. Weiss then looked at the male and her face turned a few shades darker. 

"K-King I . . . I want you to be my boyfriend," Weiss said looking at the male in front of her. King smiled hearing this and nodded. 

"I'd like that," King said as he once again kissed her forehead. "So do you want to go back in? It's a little cold out here?" King asked looking at the female once again offering her his hand. When he said this Weiss nodded and took his hand as the two walked back into the building. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and just a reminder that I do still take OC's for this story. I also hope you are all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin, so I wish you all luck.

What would you like to see in the next chapter?

1. King has a beach day
2. King helps Ace
3. King takes Weiss out
4. Lemon
5. Other

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