Chapter 14: Date

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P.O.V. Third

King sighed as he placed his head on top of Weiss' watching her fill out a few papers in front of her. "This is what you're going to be doing when you inherent the company?" King asked as he moved his head onto her shoulder.

"Yes," Weiss said as she felt King wrap one of his arms around her waist.

"This seems like it'd be boring," King said looking at the female.

"It is," Weiss said as she pushed one of the papers in front of her to the side.

"Let's go out," King said gaining the female's attention.

"Wh-what brought this on all of a sudden?" Weiss asked turning to look at King her face slightly red.

"It's not really sudden, I've been wanting to take you on a proper date for a while so I've been thinking about what to do with you and I just finished planning it. So will you go out with me?" King asked looking at the female in front of him. Weiss with her face still red nodded and King smiled.

"Great," King said as he leaned forward and kissed Weiss on the forehead. When he did Weiss placed the pencil she had been using to write down and looked at the male in front of her. 

"So what do you have planned?" Weiss asked looking at the male in front of her. 

"I wanted to take you to a small shop before we went to the festival that Vale's having," King said looking at the white haired male in front of him. Weiss nodded hearing this and looked at the male in front of her. 

"Should I wear anything special?" Weiss asked looking at the white haired male in front of her. 

"I don't really mind to be honest but for what it's worth I do think you're pretty cute in a dress," King said looking at his sister and Weiss felt her face hear up. Weiss nodded hearing this and looked at the male. 

King then stood up and looked at Weiss for a moment. "I'll be back in a bit, I want to talk to Yang about something," King said as he walked out of the room. When he did Weiss sighed and heard a slight beeping and looked at her scroll to see Winter's face. 

Weiss smiled and answered the call looking at her sister as she did. "So little sister, I called to follow up on what you told me a week ago. Do you still have feelings for King?" Winter asked looking at her younger sibling. Weiss nodded hearing this with a slight smile and Winter looked at her a little confused. 

She seemed a lot more happy about the subject than she did before. "Did something happen?" Winter asked looking at the female. She was secretly hoping that something had happened, she seemed so much happier than usual and as much as Winter tried to hide the fact she was happy that her sister was smiling. 

"I went to the dance with King escorting me and I confessed to him," Weiss said with a smile, when she said this Winter smiled slightly knowing what her sister was about to say next but out of respect for the female let her finish. "When I did he returned my feelings and we kissed! I've never been so happy!" Weiss said excitedly and Winter looked at her sister both happy and nervous for the female. 

She knew that Weiss was happy but it was odd for her to see her so happy and excited. She almost seemed like an entirely new person. "I see, well that's good, I was hoping everything would work out between the two of you," Winter said looking at her sister with a slight smile. 

"So anything else to report on your current situation?" Winter asked looking at Weiss. 

"King's taking me out tonight but other than that nothing to interesting is happening," Weiss said looking at the female in front of her. When she said this Winter smiled and looked at her younger sister. 

"Are you sure that's it? You and King aren't doing anything inappropriate that you don't want me to know about are you?" Winter asked deciding to tease her sister like she did when they were kids. Weiss face turned red hearing this and she looked at the screen a little flustered. 

"Wh-what? NO! D-don't be r-ridiculous," Weiss said looking at the female. Winter chuckled slightly and Weiss looked at the screen in front of her. Weiss then smiled slightly and quickly let it fade as she looked at her sister deciding to return her tease to some extent. 

However as she began Weiss felt her face heat up slightly at what she was about to say. "B-but I'm sure if I asked he wouldn't be opposed to the idea," Weiss said looking at the screen with her face slightly red. Winter also found her face turning slightly red at Weiss' comment and looked at the female in front of her with a sigh. 

"Well just think the issue through before you actually do go through with it," Winter said as a male voice could be heard in the background. Winter sighed hearing this and looked up at her younger sibling. "Sorry Weiss but I must go again," Winter said as she once again ended their transmission. 

Weiss sighed hearing this and put her scroll away. She didn't need to think about whether she wanted to do it with King or not. She had already thought about that before she had even come to Beacon. She was just a little nervous about the subject was all, she knew King wasn't going to try anything until he knew she wanted to which meant she'd probably have to make the first move. 

Weiss then pushed these thoughts out of her head and went to her closet opening it and looked at a particular dress that she knew King liked. She pulled it out for a moment before biting her lip slightly. "I know he said he didn't care but we are going to a festival. I hope he likes it," Weiss said as she began to change into the dress. 

P.O.V. King

"And that's what I was thinking, so what do you think?" I asked looking at the blonde female in front of me. 

"Sounds romantic even if it is really clique," Yang said looking at me.

"Really? Do you think she'll like it?" I asked looking at Yang.

"Knowing Weiss, I think she'll love it. The real question is do you think you can handle that?" Yang asked looking at me. I smiled hearing this and looked and she looked at me a little confused. 

"I can handle it, I've been practicing with Ruby in my spare time," I said confidently as I looked at the blonde female in front of me. She sighed hearing this and looked at me. 

"Well sounds like you have everything under control so why do you need me?" She asked looking at me. 

"I wanted to make sure that it was a good idea. I didn't want to do it if it was just going to backfire," I said looking at her and she nodded. I then heard a slight beeping sound and looked down at my scroll. I sighed seeing the notification and looked up at Yang. 

"Thanks Yang," I said as I began to walk down the halls of Beacon. I then saw Ace walking towards me with a smile. 

"Here," Ace said offering me the briefcase I had given him earlier today. "I made sure nothing happened to it just like you said," Ace said looking at me and I smiled as I took it from him. 

"Thanks, I'll be sure to return the favor," I said looking at him. I then began to walk away into a small bathing room that was public for anyone that attended Beacon to use. I'm not sure why they have this when all the dorms have their own bathrooms in them. 

I then opened the briefcase and pulled out the small suit that was in it. Even if Weiss doesn't wear anything special I know she likes it when I dress up so I'm sure she'll like this. 

P.O.V. Third

When King finally finished changing he walked out of the bathing room and looked at himself. He was wearing white suit with a somewhat formal look and smiled as he began to walk towards the dorm he stayed in with the others. When he opened the door he saw Weiss wearing a chinese dress that she usually saved for very special occasions and King looked at her a little dumbfound. 

Weiss smiled seeing his expression and took a hold of her dress showing it off slightly. "Judging by the expression you're making I can assume you like it," Weiss said looking at the female in front of him. 

"Y-yeah," King said as he tossed his briefcase to the side and looked at his sister. "You look amazing," King said looking at her. When he said this Weiss smiled and looked at the male. 

"Save the flirts for when we're actually on our date," Weiss said looking at the male in front of her. When she said this King blushed slightly and nodded. The two then began to walk down the halls of Beacon with Weiss grabbing King's hand in the process. 

The two then walked out of Beacon and towards the town of Vale. As they did King turned his attention to the female and smiled. "You look really pretty today," King said looking at the female causing her to smile confidently. 

"Would you expect any less of me?" Weiss said with a smile and King smiled seeing this. He secretly liked this aspect of Weiss her confident and somewhat arrogant side. It's what he grew up with after all so her enjoyed it when she decided to show it. 

King then stopped in front of a building and looked at it. When he did Weiss looked at the building in front of them and then at male beside her. The building was small but Weiss thought the building was a bit odd. It had pink tinted windows and from what she could tell there were pink lights inside the building.

"This shop looks a bit odd," Weiss said looking at the small building in front of her. 

"Were you expecting something fancy?" King asked looking at the female beside her. 

"No, I just wasn't anticipating all the pink," The female said looking at King as she once again grabbed his hand and moved closer to him. King smiled feeling this and the two walked into the building that had just as much pink as the outside of the windows. 

King then sat down and Weiss took the seat across from him. Within a few minutes of sitting the two had a drink with two straws that had been curved to form a heart placed in front of him. Weiss turned a little red seeing this and King smiled. "Welcome to the deep heart, the place where couples meet," King said with a smile as he stared at Weiss.

When he said this the females face turned a little red and King smiled. "You know you're really cute when you blush," King said looking at Weiss. 

"Sh-shut up," Weiss said embarrassed as she looked at the drink in front of them. "What is this?" Weiss asked looking at the pink drink in front of her. 

"Yang recommended it, it's something called a strawberry sunrise," King said looking at the drink. King looked at it before taking a drink a looked at Weiss. "It's not bad," King said looking at the female. Weiss nodded hearing this and began to drink some of it through the other straw. 

Weiss seemed a little unsure of the drink but sighed and looked at King. "So this is the shop you wanted to take me to?" Weiss asked looking at the male in front of her. King nodded when she asked this and Weiss sighed. 

"The place where couples meet huh?" Weiss said as she took another drink from the cup that had been placed in front of them. "I hope you have more planned for tonight than just this," Weiss said looking at the male with a slight smile. 

King smiled hearing this and nodded slightly. "Of course, the festival is the main reason we're here. I thought meeting at such at place others considered romantic would be a good way to spend time while we waited for it to begin," King said looking at the female in front of him. 

Weiss sighed hearing this and looked at the male in front of her. It was obvious to her what he was trying to do, he had never been on an actual date before so he was going out of his way to make sure this one was "perfect", he really couldn't tell that the fact he wanted to take her out already made Weiss happy. 

King then reached forward and touched Wiess' hand. When he did the female looked at him a little flustered and King smiled. "I know this isn't much but I'm really enjoying this," King said looking at the female in front of him. When he said this Weiss nodded and continued to drink the pink liquid in front of them. 

After a few minutes had passed King noticed that several lights started to light up the streets of Vale. King then stood up seeing this and offered a hand to Weiss helping her up as the two left the building. When the two walked onto the streets they saw several small stands that were open selling several different foods and trinkets. 

Several small floating lanterns were also floating around the streets and the two began to walk down the streets. The two stopped at several small stands typically to buy different forms of sweets however there was one item that stuck out to Weiss. 

Weiss smiled slightly as she looked at the small necklace that was on sell. It was a necklace that was in the shape of a snowflake with a heart in the certain. Weiss looked at the necklace for a moment before King walked over to her. "Something wrong?" King asked looking at Weiss. 

When he asked this he of course noticed where the female was staring and looked at the piece of jewelry. "N-no, it's nothing," Weiss said looking at the male in front of him. King nodded hearing this and the two walked down the streets. 

King then heard some loud booming from above him and the two looked up to see several fireworks. King smiled seeing this and looked at Weiss. "They're starting, follow me I have something I want to show you," King said with a smile as he grabbed the female's hand. 

When he did Weiss began to walk behind the male as he continued towards one of the several small parks that Vale had. The two then walked up a large hill and King smiled as he turned to Weiss. When he did Weiss sighed and looked at him. 

They could still see the fireworks but they weren't as visible as they had been. "I'll admit that this spot is a little romantic but we can't really see the fireworks from here," Weiss said looking at the male in front of her and King turned to her with a smile. 

"Yeah but there's a reason I chose this spot," King said with a smile as they watched the fireworks continue to light up the sky. King then reached out and the lights began to move around arranging a few words. "I Love you," Was now written in the sky with all the colors that had been displayed. 

Weiss smiled and turned to King to see him holding a small box with a familiar necklace in it. A small necklace with a snowflake design and heart shaped center.  Weiss blushed seeing this and King smiled. "This is the one you were looking at right?" King asked looking at the female. Weiss once again blushed seeing this and before King could say anything Weiss hugged the male in front of her. 

King was a little shocked to see this he of course liked Weiss when she was confident and arrogant but this warm and caring side of her was nice too. King then smiled and Weiss moved back letting him place the necklace around her neck. 

"I love you Weiss," King said looking at the female in front of him. Weiss once again blushed hearing this and looked at the male in front of her. She still wasn't used to hearing King say those words so they were still somewhat embarrassing for her. 

"I-I love you two," Weiss said looking at the male in front of her. Weiss then once again reached forward to hug the male and when she did she felt her face hear up slightly feeling King return her hug and Weiss nuzzled into King's chest slightly. 

The two stayed like that for a while until Weiss finally broke the hug and looked at the male in front of her. "It's getting late, we should go home now," Weiss said looking at the male in front of her. King nodded hearing this and the two began to walk back to Beacon. 

When they arrived at their dorm King opened the door for Weiss and the female walked into the room. When they did they saw the others of their team were already asleep. King sighed seeing this and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Sleep well," King said as he walked over to his bed however before he could he felt a hand grab his wrist and pull on him. 

When King looked up he saw Weiss pulling him towards her bed. "You're sleeping with me from now on," She said looking at King. When she said this King felt his face heat up slightly and looked at his sister. 

"W-Weiss are you sure? I mean if we sleep in the same bed others might think-" King began only for Weiss to turn and cut him off. 

"It wasn't weird before because we were siblings and it's not weird now because we're lovers," Weiss said as she sat down on her bed and looked at King still holding his wrist. "So just shut up and go to sleep," Weiss said as she looked at the male beside her. 

King sighed hearing this with a slight smile and he sat beside her and the two began to lay down. Weiss then kissed King on his lips and King looks at her and Weiss smiled as she closed her eyes. King then draped the cover over both of them and he kissed Weiss' forehead. 

He then placed an arm around her and pulled her closer to him with a smile. "I love you Weiss," King said as he began to slowly fall asleep. Weiss moved closer to King hearing this her face a slight shade of red. 

"I love you too," Weiss said shyly as she closed her eyes and fell asleep next to King. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Sorry for the long wait but it's a little difficult to expand a romantic idea over a chapter that's 4k+ words long. Now I hope you are all ready because the next vote of the series is about to begin and like always I wish you all luck.

What happens in the next chapter?

1. King helps Ace
2. King talks to Jacques
3. Lemon
4. King goes to the beach
5. Other (suggest what you want)

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